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List of File Extensions

Here is the list of 1,761 unique file extensions across 808 languages in PLDB.

name extensions numberOfExtensions
JavaScript _js bones cjs es6 jake jakefile js jsb jscad jsfl jsm jss mjs njs pac sjs ssjs xsjs xsjslib es frag gs javascript jslib jspre jsx 26
C c cats ec idc pgc h x[bp]m Mono 8
Python py pyc pyd pyo buck build.bazel gclient gyp gypi lmi py3 pyde pyi pyp pyt pyw sconscript sconstruct snakefile tac workspace wscript wsgi xpy cgi fcgi rpy smk spec jy sage sc SConstruct SConscript bzl BUCK BUILD BUILD.bazel WORKSPACE 39
Java java jav 2
C++ C c++ c++m cc ccm CPP cpp cppm cxx cxxm h++ inl ipp ixx pcc tcc tpp cp h hh hpp hxx inc ino re H 26
HTML htm html html.hl xht hta htmlhl inc xhtml xslt 9
CSS css 1
Perl pl pm t pod ack al cpanfile perl ph plh plx psgi rexfile p6 cgi fcgi 17
Ruby rb appraisals berksfile brewfile builder buildfile capfile dangerfile deliverfile eye fastfile gemfile gemfile.lock gemspec god guardfile irbrc jarfile jbuilder mavenfile mspec podfile podspec pryrc puppetfile rabl rake rbuild rbw rbx ru snapfile thor thorfile vagrantfile watchr fcgi pluginspec prawn rbi ruby spec Rakefile duby Gemfile Vagrantfile 46
PHP php phtml php3 php4 php5 php7 phps aw ctp phakefile php_cs php_cs.dist phpt fcgi inc php[345] 16
XML adml admx ant app.config axml builds ccproj ccxml classpath clixml cproject cscfg csdef csl ct depproj ditamap ditaval dll.config dotsettings filters fsproj gmx grxml iml ivy jelly jsproj kml launch mdpolicy mjml natvis ndproj nproj nuget.config nuspec odd osm packages.config pkgproj plist proj project props ps1xml psc1 pt rdf resx rss scxml settings.stylecop sfproj shproj srdf storyboard sttheme sublime-snippet targets tmcommand tml tmlanguage tmpreferences tmsnippet tmtheme urdf ux vcxproj vsixmanifest vssettings vstemplate vxml web.config web.debug.config web.release.config wsf x3d xacro xib xlf xliff XML xml xml.dist xproj xspec xul zcml axaml csproj dita dllconfig fxml glade gml gst hzp mm mod mxml ncl pluginspec qhelp res rs sch ts tsx ui vbproj wixproj workflow wsdl wxi wxl wxs xaml xmi xmldist xmp xsd xsl xslt 124
JSON arcconfig avsc composer.lock geojson gltf har htmlhintrc json json-tmlanguage jsonl mcmeta tern-config tern-project tfstate tfstate.backup topojson watchmanconfig webapp webmanifest yyp 4DForm 4DProject ice JSON-tmLanguage tfstatebackup yy Pipfile.lock 28
Go go 蕰鈼斚栤棓蕯 2
TypeScript ts tsx mts cts 4
SQL cql mysql psql SQL sql tab udf viw ddl inc prc 11
C# cs cake csx linq 4
R r R RData rds rda expr-dist rd rprofile rsx 9
Bash sh bash bats cgi command env fcgi ksh shin tmux tool zsh zsh-theme ebuild eclass exheres-0 exlib .bashrc bashrc .bash_* bash_* zshrc .zshrc .kshrc kshrc PKGBUILD 26
PowerShell ps1 psd1 psm1 3
Rust rs rlib rsin 4
Swift swift 1
Scala scala sc kojo sbt 4
Lua lua nse p8 pd_lua rbxs wlua fcgi rockspec 8
MATLAB m matlab 2
Haskell hs lhs hsc hs-boot 4
Kotlin kt kts ktm 3
Clojure clj cljs cljc edn boot cl2 cljs.hl cljscm cljx hic riemann.config bb cljshl 13
Elixir ex exs eex 3
CoffeeScript coffee litcoffee _coffee cakefile cjsx iced cake 7
Objective-C h m mm C 4
SAS sas SAS 2
Julia jl 1
Lisp asd el lisp lsp cl jl 6
Prolog pl pro P prolog yap p6 ecl 7
Erlang erl hrl app.src emakefile rebar.config rebar.config.lock rebar.lock xrl yrl appsrc es escript 12
Mathematica cdf ma mathematica mt nbp wl wlt m nb 9
Dart dart 1
CUDA cu cuh 2
COBOL cbl cob cpy CBL ccp COB cobol CPY 8
Markdown markdown md mdown mdwn mdx mkd mkdn mkdown ronn workbook livemd scd 13
Visual Basic BAS bas ctl dsr frm FRX frx VBHTML vbhtml vbp vbw cls 12
Ada adb ads ada pad 4
Pascal pp pas inc dpr lpr p pascal dfm 8
YAML clang-format clang-tidy gemrc glide.lock mir reek rviz sublime-syntax syntax yaml yaml-tmlanguage yml yml.mysql yamlsed ymlmysql 15
Solidity sol 1
Nim nim nim.cfg nimble nimrod nims nimcfg 6
TOML toml Pipfile poetry.lock 3
Racket rkt rktl rktd scrbl plt ss scm 7
Crystal cr 1
Fortran f for f90 f95 f03 f08 f15 f77 fpp F03 F90 11
Zig zig 1
D d di 2
Reason re rei 2
Elm elm 1
Scheme scm ss sc sch sld sps sls 7
WebAssembly wasm wast wat 3
Haxe hx hxml hxsl 3
GraphQL gql graphql graphqls 3
Groovy groovy gant grt gtpl gvy jenkinsfile gradle 7
awk auk awk gawk mawk nawk 5
Tex aux bbx bib bst cbx dtx ins lbx ltx mkii mkiv mkvi sty tex cls toc 16
Pug jade pug 2
F# fs fsi fsx fsscript 4
Coq v coq 2
OCaml ml mli eliom eliomi ml4 mll mly 7
Chapel chpl 1
LLVM IR ll 1
Smalltalk st cs 2
ClojureScript cljs 1
HAML haml haml.deface hamldeface 3
SVG SVG svg 2
HCL hcl nomad tf tfvars workflow 5
PureScript purs 1
VHDL VHD vhd VHDL vhdl vhf vhi vho vhs vht vhw 10
Forth 4th e4 f83 fb forth fpm fr frt ft fth rx fs f for 14
Idris idr lidr 2
Liquid liquid 1
Protocol Buffers proto 1
Ini buildozer.spec editorconfig ini lektorproject prefs cfg dof pro properties url inf .editorconfig service socket device mount automount swap target path timer slice scope 23
CMake cmake CMakeLists.txt cmakein 4
Visual Basic .NET vb VB vbproj vbhtml 4
Make am Gnumakefile gnumakefile Makefile makefile mk mak d make mkfile Makefile.* GNUmakefile 12
JSON5 json5 1
APL apl apla aplc aplf apli apln aplo dyalog dyapp mipage 10
Yacc y yacc yy 3
Gradle gradle gradle.kts 2
Brainfuck b bf 2
Assembly language a51 asm nasm S s i inc nas 8
Embedded Crystal ecr 1
OpenCL cl opencl 2
Scratch scratch sb sprite sb2 sprite2 5
Slim slim 1
J ijs 1
Red red reds 2
fish fish load 2
Arduino Programming Language ino 1
odin odin 1
Bazel BUILD 1
HTTP http 1
MediaWiki mediawiki wiki 2
Lean hlean lean 2
sed sed [gs]sed 2
ANTLR g g4 2
Tcl tcl tbc adp tclin tm rvt 6
IDL dlm idl pro 3
Delphi pas dpr 2
RobotFramework robot resource 2
Stata ado DO do doh ihlp mata matah sthlp 8
F* fst fsti 2
SaltStack sls 1
Standard ML sml fun sig ml 4
V v 1
ABAP abap ABAP 2
Z shell .ZSH zsh 2
ActionScript as 1
Dhall dhall 1
Sass sass scss 2
EJS ejs ect ejst jst 4
Verilog v veo 2
PostCSS pcss postcss 2
Pony pony 1
Fennel fnl 1
starlark bazel bzl star 3
Ballerina bal 1
BASIC bas 1
FLUX fx flux 2
AutoHotkey ahk ahkl 2
Puppet pp 1
Hy hy 1
Squirrel nut 1
PostScript ps eps epsi pfa 4
Factor factor 1
LabVIEW G lvproj lvclass lvlib 3
Less less 1
Cython pxd pxi pyx 3
Manim .py 1
ColdFusion cfm cfml 2
Wren wren 1
Vue vue 1
XQuery xq xql xqm xqy xquery 5
Common Lisp lisp lsp l cl fasl asd ny podsl sexp 9
mustache mustache 1
Eiffel e 1
Smali smali 1
MUMPS mps m mumps 3
Korn shell ksh 1
RAML raml 1
PEG.js pegjs 1
Cap'n Proto capnp 1
MoonScript moon 1
DOT dot gv 2
EDN edn 1
ASP asa ashx asp axd asax ascx asmx aspx 8
API Blueprint apib 1
NetLogo nlogo nls nlogo3d 3
Lex l lex 2
Zephir zep 1
JSON-LD jsonld 1
VBScript vbs vbe wsf wsc VBS 5
Jsonnet jsonnet libsonnet 2
Frege fr 1
Janet janet 1
Vala vala vapi 2
Pig Latin pig 1
M4 ac m4 mc 3
reStructuredText rest rest.txt rst rst.txt resttxt rsttxt 6
Jinja j2 jinja jinja2 3
jq jq 1
PL/SQL pls bdy ddl fnc pck pkb pks plb plsql prc spc sql tpb tps trg vw 16
C3 c3 c3i 2
Nginx nginx nginxconf vhost nginx.conf 4
Batchfile bat cmd 2
Koka kk kki 2
GNU Octave m 1
QML qbs qml 2
PRQL prql 1
Opa opa 1
Qt ui 1
Terra t 1
Nearley ne nearley 2
gleam gleam 1
Bicep bicep 1
Ninja ninja 1
Imba imba 1
Literate CoffeeScript litcoffee coffeemd 2
Thrift thrift 1
YARA yar yara 2
CSON cson 1
Processing pde 1
Dafny dfy 1
SPARQL sparql rq 2
Agda agda lagda 2
Bourne shell sh 1
mlir mlir 1
Mojo mojo mojom 2
Nextflow nf 1
Futhark fut 1
Diff diff patch 2
VBA bas cls frm frx vba 5
Jison jison 1
PL/I pl1 1
RMarkdown rmd qmd 2
Emacs Lisp el emacs emacsdesktop elc 4
Marko marko 1
Wolfram Language nb m wl 3
Hack hack hh hhi php 4
AMPL ampl mod run dat 4
POV-Ray SDL pov inc 2
Regular Expressions regexp regex 2
Svelte svelte 1
Ceylon ceylon ceyloncite web 3
Applescript scpt scptd AppleScript applescript 4
Expect exp 1
QBasic BAS bas 2
SystemVerilog sv svh vh header file 5
DTrace d 1
NumPy numpy numpyw numsc 3
beef-lang bf 1
Modula-2 mod m2 def MOD DEF mi md 7
Rexx cmd exec rexx rex pprx rx arexx 7
YASnippet yasnippet 1
OWL owl 1
GAP g gap gd gi tst 5
PowerBuilder pbt sra srf srm srs sru srw 7
kaitai ksy 1
ECL ecl eclxml 2
Dogescript djs 1
Scilab sci sce tst 3
Click click 1
Cryptol cry 1
GLSL comp fp frag frg fsh fshader geo geom glsl glslv gshader tesc tese vert vrx vsh vshader fs glslf gs rchit rmiss shader 23
Slope slo 1
HLSL cg cginc fxh hlsl hlsli shader fx 7
JSP jsp jspf 2
JAI jai 1
AutoIt au3 1
x86 Assembly s ms 2
K k 1
Twig twig 1
Turtle ttl 1
Clean icl dcl abc sapl 4
Golo golo 1
wisp wisp 1
YANG yang 1
Transact-SQL sql 1
eC ec eh 2
WDL wdl 1
AGC agc 1
Bison bison 1
AviSynth .avs 1
Sage sage sagews 2
Nemerle n 1
Boo boo 1
Felix flx flxh 2
Mercury m moo 2
CWL cwl 1
Ring ring rh rform 3
Mirah druby duby mirah 3
Q q 1
AspectJ aj 1
SuperCollider sc scd 2
nomnoml nomnoml 1
chaiscript chai 1
Dylan dylan dyl intr lid 4
Smarty smarty tpl 2
Xojo xojo_code xojo_menu xojo_report xojo_script xojo_toolbar xojo_window 6
Scroll scroll 1
Mu mu 1
CodeQL ql qll 2
Modula-3 i3 ig m3 mg 4
SCSS sass scss 2
ooc ooc 1
REBOL r reb r2 r3 rebol 5
TLA tla 1
SugarSS sss 1
Oz oz 1
Meson meson_options.txt 2
Raku pm6 raku rakumod 6pl 6pm nqp p6 p6l p6m pl pl6 pm t 13
Nit nit 1
Ioke ik 1
Gosu gs gsp gst gsx vark 5
JCL jcl 1
xBase prg prw ch 3
Maxima mac max 2
Self self 1
Modelica mo 1
EBNF ebnf 1
Closure Templates soy 1
Gnuplot gp gnu gnuplot p plot plt 6
B b 1
Shen shen 1
ATS dats hats sats 3
Vim script vim vba vimrc vmb .vimrc .exrc .gvimrc _vimrc _exrc _gvimrc gvimrc 11
Djot dj 1
Fancy fy fancypack 2
Dale dt 1
Veryl veryl 1
LiveScript ls _ls 2
Xtend xtend 1
Io io 1
CLIPS clp 1
Latte latte 1
JFlex flex jflex 2
Isabelle ROOT thy 2
Fantom fan 1
Xtext xtext 1
Pike pike pmod 2
vdscript 1
LFE lfe hrl 2
NSIS nsi nsh 2
groff [1-9] man 1p 3pm 4
Arc arc 1
Stylus styl 1
NCAR Command Language ncl 1
Befunge befunge 1
Metal metal 1
IcedCoffeeScript coffee 1
NewLisp nl lisp lsp kif 4
Object Pascal p pp pas 3
G-code g cnc gco gcode mpt mpf nc 7
Org org 1
X10 x10 1 coffee 1
SourcePawn sp inc 2
Inform ni i7x 2
BlackCoffee coffee 1
PAWN pwn inc 2
PL/pgSQL pgsql sql 2
OpenSCAD scad 1
Logtalk lgt logtalk 2
FlatBuffers fbs 1
Turing t tu 2
Lasso lasso LassoApp las lasso8 lasso9 lasso[89] 6
Icon icon ICON 2
Dockerfile Dockerfile dockerfile 2
BlitzMax bmx 1
Textile textile 1
LilyPond ly ily 2
Whiley whiley 1
Csound csd sco orc udo 4
clay clay 1
E e 1
P4 p4 1
PureBasic pb pbi 2
Papyrus psc 1
Nix nix 1
Java Properties properties 1
Objective C++ mm hh 2
Uiua ua 1
FoxPRO PRG prg 2
Filebench WML f 1
UrWeb ur urs 2
JSON with Comments jsonc code-snippets sublime-build sublime-commands sublime-completions sublime-keymap sublime-macro sublime-menu sublime-mousemap sublime-project sublime-settings sublime-theme sublime-workspace sublime_metrics sublime_session 15
JScript js jse wsf wsc 4
Angelscript as angelscript 2
DTD dtd 1
S S R .Rhistory .Rprofile .Renviron 5
IGOR Pro ipf 1
Stan stan 1
AsciiDoc adoc asciidoc asc 3
Cobra cobra 1
Easybuild eb 1
Limbo b m 2
Ch ck 1
GDScript gd 1
Rascal rsc 1
Monkey monkey monkey2 2
Gherkin feature story 2
basic calculator bc 1
Logos x xm xi xmi 4
OpenEdge ABL p cls w 3
Euphoria e ex exw edb 4
Egison egi 1
Semantic Patch Language cocci 1
GDB gdb gdbinit 2
XSLT XSL xsl XSLT xslt xpl 5
Earl Grey eg 1
SNOBOL snobol 1
BlitzBasic bb decls 2
BNF bnf 1
Objective-J j sj 2
nesC nc 1
spider spider 1
EmberScript em emberscript 2
Classroom Object Oriented Language cl 1
BibTeX bib bibtex 2
Snowball sbl 1
Harbour hb prg ch hbp 4
ERB ERB erb erbdeface rhtml 4
Ragel rl 1
Ligo religo 1
Alloy als 1
KiCad Legacy Layout sch lib brd kicad_pcb kicad_wks kicad_mod 6
Volt volt 1
Max maxpat maxhelp maxproj mxt pat 5
CIL cil 1
Handlebars handlebars hbs 2
Pan pan tpl 2
Apex cls 1
CFML cfm cfc 2
Pure Data pd 1
Ren'Py rpy 1
MQL5 mq5 mqh mq4 3
Mask mask 1
Croc croc 1
Slash sl sla 2
Clarion clw 1
Cypher Query Language cyp cypher 2
Lux lux 1
Falcon ftd fal fam 3
JSLT jslt 1
PicoLisp l 1
OX ox oxh oxo 3
Gettext Catalog po pot 2
Velocity vm fhtml 2
Genie gs 1
C shell csh tcsh 2
muPad mu 1
Tea tea 1
PL/M lit plm 2
Seed7 sd7 s7i 2
Kal kal 1
ToffeeScript toffee 1
GraphIt gt 1 coffee 1
buzz buzz 1
JSX jsx 1
Netwide Assembler asm ASM 2
XAML xaml 1
Augmented Backus-Naur Form abnf 1
FreeBASIC bi bas 2
ASN.1 asn asn1 2
Mako mako mao 2
Linden Scripting Language lsl lslp 2
astro astro 1
Opal opal 1
Curry curry 1
Oxygene oxygene 1
Gentoo Ebuild ebuild 1
TAP tap 1
Uno uno 1
DM dm dmf 2
NestedText nt 1
PogoScript pogo 1
Vyxal vy vyxal 2
NetLinx axserb axierb axs axi 4
Nu nu 1
MAXScript ms mcr 2
Jule .jule 1
Basis Codec basis 1
Eclipse Command Language ecl 1
Bro bro 1
FloScript flo 1
Jasmin j 1
CSV csv 1
Jison Lex jisonlex 1
Bluespec bsv 1
Carbon carbon 1
HyPhy bf 1
Game Maker Language gml 1
BitBake bb 1
Coco co 1
Z zz 1
crmsh crmsh pcmk 2
Spin spin 1
GN gn gni 2
Unicon icn 1
Cirru cirru 1
Cycript cy 1
SMT smt2 smt 2
EML eml mbox 2
Redcode cw 1
monte mt 1
PIC pic chem 2
Sibilant sibilant 1
vyper vy 1
Jolie ol iol 2
Caffeine coffee 1
Slice ice 1
Functional PHP Preprocessor fpp 1
JSONiq jq 1
Asymptote asy 1
FreeMarker ftl 1
Blade blade blade.php bladephp 3
JSON Lines ldj jsonl 2
HiveQL q hql 2
LoomScript ls 1
Nymph n 1
tcsh tcsh csh 2
Rouge rg 1
GAMS gms 1
MiniD minid 1
Sieve mail filtering language sieve siv 2
WebIDL webidl 1
ROFF roff 1 1in 1m 1x 2 3 3in 3m 3p 3pm 3qt 3x 4 5 6 7 8 9 l man mdoc me ms n nr rno tmac 28
Grace grace 1
Qore q qm qtest 3
STON ston 1
Pep8 pep 1
Ezhil n 1
1C Enterprise Script bsl os 2
CartoCSS mss 1
Eagle sch brd 2
GorillaScript gs 1
XS xs 1
pointless ptls 1
Gren gren 1
QMake pro pri 2
EEX eex htmlheex htmlleex 3
Grammatical Framework gf 1
video .rkt 1
LookML lookml modellkml viewlkml 3
PEG peg 1
Nadesiko nako nako3 2
Yorick i 1
RenderScript rs rsh 2
SRecode Template srt 1
Type Language tl 1
Hare ha 1
LinearML lml 1
Smiles smi 1
CWEB w 1
Umka um 1
Brightscript brs 1
Adventure Game Studio Script asc ash 2
Kit kit 1
UPC upc 1
Savi savi 1
KRL krl 1
Hierarchical Data Format hdf h4 hdf4 he2 h5 hdf5 he5 7
Edje Data Collection edc 1
GCC Machine Description md 1
ShaderLab shader 1
MOO moo 1
Jupyter Notebook ipynb 1
Charity ch 1
GNU Assembler s S 2
Creole creole 1
Pharen phn 1
Inno Setup iss isl 2
ApacheConf apacheconf vhost .htaccess apache.conf apache2.conf 5
plam plam 1
HXML hxml 1
RHTML rhtml 1
Slideshow .rkt 1
Aheui aheui 1
FOCUS focexec 1
SpiderBasic pb 1
ObjectScript cls 1
Dasm dasm16 dasm 2
Elpi elpi 1
Pod pod 1
FAUST dsp 1
Uniform eXchange Format uxf, ux* 2
Recfiles rec 1
QOIR qoir 1
Jisp jisp 1
Xgboost model 1
Glyph glf 1
XPages xsp-config xspmetadata 2
ugBASIC .bas 1
Object Rexx rxs rex 2
OpenVera vr 1
Spline Font Database sfd 1
SQF sqf hqf 2
juniper junos 1
JS++ jspp 1
Gerber Image gbr cmp gbl gbo gbp gbs gko gml gpb gpt gtl gto gtp gts ncl sol 16
MXML mxml 1
SMC sm 1
Parrot parrot 1
RDoc rdoc 1
Frank fk 1
zenscript zs 1
clarity clar 1
XProc xpl xproc 2
Speedie spd scproj 2
parasail .psi .psl psi psl 4
Augeas aug 1
Scala Markup Language scaml 1
Blender blend 1
Snap! ypr ysp xml 3
Candy candy 1
winxed winxed 1
DataWeave dwl 1
desktop desktop desktopin service 3
Literate Haskell lhs 1
OpenType Feature File fea 1
RUNOFF rnh rno 2
Rescript res resi 2
Simple Actor Language System and Architecture salsa 1
Umple ump 1
SQLPL sql db2 2
Easytrieve ezt mac 2
MXF mxf 1
Wavefront Object obj 1
Rita rita 1
Newspeak ns2 1
Fj枚lnir fjo fjv sma ein 4
TAL tal 1
Omgrofl omgrofl 1
TXL txl 1
Darcs Advanced Revision Control System darcspatch dpatch 2
UCG ucg 1
Kaffeine k 1
DNS Zone zone arpa 2
Miva mv mvc mvt 3
Pawn pwn inc sma p 4
ObjDump objdump 1
Crap crap c hh so 4
Boron b sb 2
Groovy Server Pages gsp 1
NL nl 1
Multi-User Forth muf m 2
M4Sugar m4 1
Varnish Configuration Language vcl 1
Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format bdf 1
XC xc 1
SIL sil 1
Sugar sjs 1
Cadence SKILL il 1
Urbiscript u 1
Graph Modeling Language gml 1
Kuin kn 1
Q# qs 1
XSD XSD xsd 2
UnrealScript uc 1
GIF gif 1
Ham ham 1
NWScript nss 1
PIR pir 1
Subleq sq 1
Hot Cocoa Lisp hcl 1
Promela pml 1
CSpydr csp 1
RigC rigc 1
Ren ren 1
DIGITAL Command Language com 1
Horse64 h64 1
Bizubee jsl 1
Property list plist 1
nimrod nim nimrod 2
CoNLL-U conllu conll 2
FIGlet Font flf 1
RPM Spec spec 1
Velocity Template Language vm vtl 2
IPL ipl 1
AmbientTalk at 1
Shapefile shp shx dbf 3
beads-lang beads 1
TSV tsv 1
ATLAS Transformation Language atl 1
Boogie bpl 1
epsilon eol 1
PromQL promql 1
Spice spice 1
Zimpl zimpl zmpl zpl 3
formality fm 1
Programming Language for Business rl ps cb 3
Genshi kid 1
XML Metadata Interchange XMI xmi 2
Storymatic coffee 1
Macchiato at 1
Tree and Tabular Combined Notation ttcn ttcn2 ttcn3 ttcnpp 4
ten ten 1
hoon hoon 1
RTF rtf 1
boa boa 1
mint mint 1
RQL rql 1
SARL sarl 1
stella ste 1
verifpal vp 1
holyc HC hc 2
plantuml iuml plantuml pu puml wsd 5
Adobe Font Metrics afm 1
SubRip Text srt 1
Wavefront Material mtl 1
World of Warcraft Addon Data toc 1
plink-ped-format ped 1
Breccia brec 1
Kami km 1
Link link 1
Plain text txt 1
bag-format bag 1
Nasal nas 1
Typst typ 1
CBOR data definition language cddl 1
Finite State Language fsl jssm 2
Module Management System mms mmk 2
Soy soy 1
X BitMap xbm 1
X PixMap xpm pm 2
Z-flat zf 1
CheetahTemplate tmpl spt 2
ASP.NET asax ascx asmx aspx master sitemap webinfo ashx axd 9
XHTML xhtml 1
TI-89 series 89p 1
ca65 Assembly s 1
GAML gaml 1
Literate Agda lagda 1
rbs rbs 1
BARE bare 1
Freefem edp 1
Mscgen msc 1
Marine Trading Markup Language mtml 1
plink-bed-format bed 1
plink-map-format map 1
Procfile Procfile 1
FXML fxml 1
Parrot Assembly pasm 1
Moose64 m64 1
SubX subx 1
Zeek zeek bro 2
Linux Kernel Module ko mod 2
D++ dpp dpl 2
mpl mpl 1
PacmanConf pacman.conf 1
Pickle pkl 1
PkgConfig pc 1
plink-bim-format bim 1
plink-fam-format fam 1
skew sk 1
USD usd usda 2
Windows Registry Entries reg 1
WebP webp 1
Razor cshtml razor 2
Fortran 90 F90 f90 2
4th Dimension 4dm 1
Linker Script ld lds x 3
Myghty myt autodelegate 2
RAISE Specification Language rsl 1
SquidConf squid.conf 1
Sweave rnw 1
Zip file format zip 1
Todotxt todo.txt todotxt 2
Autoconf ac 1
Hera hera 1
Devicetree dts dtsi 2
Extempore xtm 1
git-config gitconfig 1
OMG IDL idl pidl 2
pyke fb krb kqb 3
Smithy smithy 1
Typoscript typoscript 1
TASM asm ASM tasm 3
Parasolid x_t x_b 2
ColdFusion Components cfc 1
TypeScript Type Declarations d.ts 1
Genero Business Development Language 4gl 1
phylip phy ph 2
Pluk .pluk 1
REALBasic (now Xojo) rbbas rbfrm rbmnu rbres rbtbar rbuistate 6
DIET dt 1
Sublime Syntax sublime-syntax 1
TextMate Language tmLanguage 1
Arturo art 1
GSQL gsql 1
JMESPath jp 1
JSGF jsgf 1
juttle juttle 1
srv srv 1
Wolfram Data Framework wdf wdf.nb wdf.json 3
FORTRAN 77 F F77 f77 FOR FTN ftn pfo f for 9
CCS ccs 1
DUEL duel jbst 2
ICML icml 1
IRC chat logs irclog weechatlog 2
Lighttpd configuration file lighttpd.conf 1
Molfile mol 1
ProVerif pv 1
Public Key File asc pub 2
rds-format rds 1
ROS Message msg 1
snakemake rules smk 2
Statement List stl 1
EPUB epub 1
Unity3D Asset anim asset mask mat meta prefab unity 7
X PixMap xpm pm 2
ASCII Armor asc pem id_dsa id_ecdsa id_ecdsa_sk id_ed25519 id_ed25519_sk id_rsa 8
C Header Files h 1
cimfast cel 1
Formatted Table for eamfs 2
npy npy 1
rdata-format Rdata rdata rda RData 4
TI Program 8xp 8xk 8xktxt 8xptxt 4
WebAssembly Text Format wast 1
SmartGameFormat sgf 1
SNBT snbt 1
tiddler tid 1
Sun Raster sun ras 2
TOM object-oriented t 1
A51 Assembly a51 1
Filterscript fs 1
WebGPU Shading Language wgsl 1
Xmind Format xmind 1
Zork Implementation Language zil mud 2
WebM webm 1
teal teal 1
MP3 mp3 1
MP4 mp4 1
arrow arw 1
dalvik-bytecode dex 1

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