Gnuplot is an open source programming language created in 1986.
#465on PLDB | 39Years Old | 2kRepos |
gnuplot is a command-line program that can generate two- and three-dimensional plots of functions, data, and data fits. It is frequently used for publication-quality graphics as well as in education. The program runs on all major computers and operating systems (Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, macOS, and others). Read more on Wikipedia...
print "Hello, world!"
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal png
set output 'rates100.png'
set xlabel "A2A price"
set ylabel "Response Rate"
#set xr [0:5]
#set yr [0:6]
plot 'rates100.dat' pt 7 notitle
set title "Some Math Functions"
set xrange [-10:10]
set yrange [-2:2]
set zeroaxis
plot (x/4)**2, sin(x), 1/x
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Print() Debugging | ✓ |