NewLisp is an open source programming language created in 1991 by Lutz Mueller.
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newLISP is an open source scripting language in the Lisp family of programming languages developed by Lutz Mueller and released under the GNU General Public License.. Read more on Wikipedia...
(print "Hello World\n")
#!/usr/bin/env newlisp
(constant 'NUM 8)
(define (intersects? q1 q2)
(= (q1 0) (q2 0))
(= (q1 1) (q2 1))
(= (abs (- (q1 0) (q2 0))) (abs (- (q1 1) (q2 1))))))
(define (variant? alist)
(set 'logic nil)
((= (length alist) 1) true)
((> (length alist) 1)
(while (> (length alist) 1)
(set 'q (pop alist -1))
(dolist (el alist)
(list q (inc (length alist)))
(list el (+ 1 $idx)))
logic -1)))
(not (apply or logic)))))
(define (fork-by-line alist)
(let (res '())
(dolist (i (sequence 1 NUM))
(set 'tmp alist)
(push i tmp -1)
(setf res (push tmp res -1)))
(define (find-variants num)
(let (res '())
((< num 1)
(begin (println "num < 1") (exit)))
((= num 1)
(dolist (i (sequence 1 NUM)) (push (list i) res -1)))
((> num 1)
(dolist (v (find-variants (dec num)))
(set 'passed (filter variant? (fork-by-line v)))
(if (not (empty? passed)) (extend res passed)))))
(set 'solutions (find-variants NUM))
(println (length solutions))
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Line Comments | ✓ | ||
Print() Debugging | ✓ | ||
Comments | ✓ | ||
Semantic Indentation | X |