Shen is a programming language created in 2011 by Mark Tarver.
#468on PLDB | 14Years Old | 50Repos |
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Shen language kernel sources for porters
(pr "Hello World")
\\ Hello world in Shen
(0-) (pr "hello world")
(load "grammar.shen")
JSON Lexer
1. Read a stream of characters
2. Whitespace characters not in strings should be discarded.
3. Whitespace characters in strings should be preserved
4. Strings can contain escaped double quotes. e.g. "\""
(define whitespacep
\* e.g. ASCII 32 == #\Space. *\
\* All the others are whitespace characters from an ASCII table. *\
Char -> (member Char ["c#9;" "c#10;" "c#11;" "c#12;" "c#13;" "c#32;"]))
(define replace-whitespace
"" -> ""
(@s Whitespace Suffix) -> (@s "" (replace-whitespace Suffix)) where (whitespacep Whitespace)
(@s Prefix Suffix) -> (@s Prefix (replace-whitespace Suffix)))
(define fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote
[] -> []
["\" "c#34;" | Chars] -> ["\" "c#34;" | (fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote Chars)]
["c#34;" | Chars] -> []
[Char | Chars] -> [Char | (fetch-until-unescaped-doublequote Chars)])
\* (define strip-whitespace-chars *\
\* [] -> [] *\
\* ["c#34;" | Chars] -> ["c#34;" | ( *\
\* [WhitespaceChar | Chars] -> (strip-whitespace-chars Chars) where (whitespace? WhitespaceChar) *\
\* [Char | Chars] -> [Char | (strip-whitespace-chars Chars)]) *\
(define tokenise
JSONString ->
(let CharList (explode JSONString)
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | ||
MultiLine Comments | ✓ | ||
Line Comments | ✓ | ||
Integers | ✓ | ||
Floats | ✓ | ||
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | pr |