xBase is a programming language created in 1986.
#443on PLDB | 39Years Old | 3kRepos |
xBase is the generic term for all programming languages that derive from the original dBASE (Ashton-Tate) programming language and database formats. These are sometimes informally known as dBASE "clones". While there was a non-commercial predecessor to the Ashton-Tate product (Vulcan written by Wayne Ratliff), most clones are based on Ashton-Tate's 1986 dBASE III+ release — scripts written in the dBASE III+ dialect are most likely to run on all the clones.. Read more on Wikipedia...
do while .t.
? 'Hello World'
#ifndef __HARBOUR__
#ifndef __XPP__
#ifndef __CLIP__
#ifndef FlagShip
#define __CLIPPER__
/* File create flags */
#define FC_NORMAL 0 /* No file attributes are set */
#define FC_READONLY 1
#define FC_HIDDEN 2
#define FC_SYSTEM 4
// New-style comment
#command SET DELETED <x:ON,OFF,&> => Set( _SET_DELETED, <(x)> )
#command SET DELETED (<x>) => Set( _SET_DELETED, <x> )
#command @ <row>, <col> SAY <exp> [PICTURE <pic>] [COLOR <clr>] => ;
DevPos( <row>, <col> ) ; DevOutPict( <exp>, <pic> [, <clr>] )
#command ENDIF <*x*> => endif
#ifdef __CLIPPER__
#xtranslate hb_MemoWrit( [<x,...>] ) => MemoWrit( <x> )
#xtranslate hb_dbExists( <t> ) => File( <t> )
#xtranslate hb_dbPack() => __dbPack()
#xtranslate hb_default( @<v>, <x> ) => iif( StrTran( ValType( <v> ), "M", "C" ) == StrTran( ValType( <x> ), "M", "C" ),, <v> := <x>, )
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | 'Hello world' | ' |
MultiLine Comments | ✓ | /* A comment */ | /* */ |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |