Markdown is an open source text markup language created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz.
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Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: text markup language
- There are at least 1,023 Markdown repos on GitHub
- Early development of Markdown happened in
- atx influenced the design of Markdown
- Markdown compiles to HTML
- Markdown is written in Perl
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 8 users using Markdown in 8 repos on GitHub
- There are 2,463 members in the Markdown subreddit
- CodeMirror package for syntax highlighting Markdown
- Monaco package for syntax highlighting Markdown
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Markdown
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Markdown
- See also: (18 related languages) HTML, Textile, reStructuredText, Perl, Pandoc, MIME, PHP, Python, Ruby, Drupal, MediaWiki, RStudio, R, C, APL, AsciiDoc, Org Mode, Txt2tags
- 1078 PLDB concepts link to Markdown: 05AB1E, 11ty, Aardvark, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, acorn-lang, ActivityPub, Ad-hoc, adamant, Adept, Aheui, AIL, AIML, Ait, Aith, AL, a Lisp Environment, Alma, Alpaca, Alumina, Amber, ana, Ante, Apache Hbase, API Blueprint, april, aretext, Argdown, Ark, ArkScript, Arquero, arret, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AsciiMath, ASDF, AssemblyScript, Astatine, asterius-compiler, astro, atomspace, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, Avail, AviSynth, awl, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Bash, Basis Codec, Battlestar, baysick, Bazel, BeBasic, bee, beef-lang, Bend, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bio, Bitsy, Bizubee, BlackCoffee, Blacklight, BlazeX, Blech, blockml, Bloom, Blossom, Blox, blur-markup-language, blz, bog, Boomerang Decompiler, Borgo, bosque, Bounce, bpkg-pm, BQN, Brain-Flak, Breccia, Broccoli, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucklescript, buzz, Bython, C2, C3, Cairo, Calc4, Calcit, Cali-Lang, Calypso, candor, Candy, Cane, Cap'n Proto, capybara, Caramel, Carbon, carp, carth, cat, Catala, categorical-query-language, CCL, Cell, Céu, Ceylon, chaiscript, Charcoal, chatterbot, checked-c, chevrotain, chibicc, Chika, chisel, chrysaLisp, CIR, circle-lang, Ć, Civet, clarity, Claro, clash, clay, Click, clike, cloc, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, co-dfns, co2, Coco, Coconut, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, Cognate, CokeScript, ColaScript, comby, CWL, commonmark, Conan, Conceptual, Concise Encoding, ConCurr, Cone,, Coq, cor, corescript, Cortex, cosh, Cotton, CouchDB, Cranelift, Crema, crmsh, Croc, crush, Cryptol, Crystal, CSON, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, CSVw, Cue, cuneiform, Curly, curv, Cwerg, Cyber, cytosol, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, Dale, daonode, Dasel, dat-protocol, datafun, datascript, DDP, dedukti, Deno, Dern, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Dixy, Djot, dllup, Dogescript, DOML, dplyr, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, dreamlisp, Drupal, dub-pm, dyvil, Earl Grey, Easybuild, eC, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, edgedb, edgelisp, Đ, Edina, EDN, eff, Egison, Eiffel, EJS, elegance, ELENA, ELFE, Elixir, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, elymas, Em, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, emerald-lang, emesh, Emojicode, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, eskew, Esoteric Reaction, Euphoria, Eve, exkited, expresso, EYG, F Prime, FaCT, Factor, Fancy, Farcaster, Fardlang, fay, fe, Felix, femtolisp, Fennel, Fern, ferret, fetlang, FFmpeg, firrtl, fish, fjs, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, FLEX, Flix, FloScript, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, flua, Flutter, FLUX, fo, Fold, forest-lang, fork-lang, Forsp, ForthScript, fp, Functional PHP Preprocessor, Foundation Query Language, Frank, Frege, Frost, fructure-editor, Frundis, F*, funl, Futhark, FutureScript, Fuzuli, g-fu, G-Portugol, GamerLanguage, GAP, GN, gentee, GETlang, gfoo, Gforth, ggplot2, GHC, gintonic, Git, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, GLMS, gluon, glush, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, GraphIt, gravity, Gren, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, gura, Gwion, h, Hackett, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamdown, HAML, hamler, Hare, harlan, hashlink, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, HCL, Hera, Heron, hexagony, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, Hina, hivemind, Hjson, hobbes, Hodor, Homa, Homebrew, Hook, hoot-smalltalk, Horse64, Hot Cocoa Lisp, H++, hr-code, hrqr, HTL, htmx, httplang, huginn, HUGO, HuJSON, humanhash-hash-function, hurl, Hush, HuwCode, HVM2, Hy, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, HyPhy, I, Ibis, icarus, IcedCoffeeScript, Idio, Idris, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, ink-lang, ink, inko, Insitux, invokator, Iode, IPFS, ircis, Iterm2, ivy, Invisible XML, J, Jakt, JAL compiler, Jammy, Janet, Jank, jaqt, jasmine, jasper, Java, jayfor, Jazz, JCOF, Jedi, jedlang, jeebox, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jelly, Jemplate, Jesth, Jet, JFlex, Jingo, Jinja, jinx, Jison Lex, Jison, Jisp, JLang, jonprl, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, json-graph-format, JSON Graph Spec, JSON lambda, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, JSON-stat, json->url, JSON with Comments, JSON5, JSON Canvas, Jsonnet, jsparagus, juicy, Jule, Julia, juniper, juvix, k-framework, kai, kaitai, Kakoune, Kal, Kalyn, Kamby, Kami, KamilaLisp, KAML, kasaya, KaTeX, KavaScript, KDL, Kefir, kei, keli, Keras, kerf, KGL, Khepri, Khi, kima, kitlang, kitten, Knight, ko, koara, kode, Koka, kona, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kuc, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, l2, Ladybird, lambcalc, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, latte-js, Latte, Lawvere, Lax, JSON Lines, ldpl, Lean, Leazy, lem-editor, Lemon, leo-editor, Lesma, LevelDB, lever, lezer, lift, Ligo, Lil, lila-lang, Lily, Link, Links, Linotte, Liquid, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, little, Livr, lobster, loci, Lodash, Logica, Language Server Index Format, Lucid, Luna, Luna, Lux, LWJGL, m3db, Macchiato, mages, Magit, mai, mal, Mangle, manhood, Manim, manool, maraca-lang, Margin, Marko, MarkovJunior, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, mdq, MDX, MeanscriptCLI, Mech, Megaparsec, Melody, mermaid, Mesh Spreadsheet, Metalang99, Mewl, MewMew, mgmt, micro-editor, micro-mitten, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, mimium, mimix-stream-language, Mindsdb, minikanren, Minilang, MiniZinc, Mirah, mirth, mlatu, mlpolyr, MLscript, mochajs, mochi, Moirai, Mojo, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, Monkey, monte, MoonBit, MoonScript, mountain, moya, Mu, MUDDL, Muldis, multiaddr, multibase, multicodec, mun-lang, muon, Mushroom, mustache, mycroft, myia, mys, Nadesiko, NCAR Command Language, Nearley, neeilang, Neko, nesC, NetLogo, Neut, neutron, never, NewLisp, NeXML format, Nextflow, NGS, nianiolang, NilScript, Nim, Ninja, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, Nomad, nomnoml, noms-db, noon, Nostr, Note, noulith, npm, Not Quite C, nulan, Numba, Nushell, Nuua, nydp, Nymph, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Obsidian, Octune, oden, odin, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Open Location Code, Om, Omgrofl, onnx, ooc, oopsilon, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, OpenCV, OpenRC runscript, Openverse, orange, orca-pl, orca, owen-lang, P*, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, parboiled, parboiled2, parenthetic, Parsers, Particles, partiql, passambler, Passerine, pasukon, Pawn, PAWN, PCrap, PCRE, PearScript, Pegasus, pegdown, PEG.js, Penrose, Perl, PgBouncer, Pharen, Phel, PHP, pie-lang, pikelet, pinto, Pipefish, pipelines, Pkl, Plaid, plam, plang, Please Build, Plot, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, pointless, polyglot-compiler, polymath, Pomsky, Pony, popr, Porffor, PostCSS, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, PowerShell, preforth, Pre-Scheme, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, PSVG, psyche-c, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, QOIR, Qore, quaint-lang, Quaint, Quint, r3, r4, Racket, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, RAML, rant, RapidBatch, Rapira, raptorjit, React Native, Readable, Reason, Rebeca Modeling Language, Recursive teXt, Red, Redis, redprl, reflex-framework, reforth, Reia, rel-lang, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, rhine, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, RigC, rio, Ripple, Rita, RMarkdown, Roc, rocket, RocksDB, rockstar-rkt, Rockstar, Ron, rosie, Roslyn compiler, Rouge, roy, RoyalScript, rpscript, ru, Ruby, runiq, Rust, RustScript, Rye, SandDance, SATySFi, Savi, Scala.js, Scheme 2-D, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scoop, score, scribble, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, SDMS, Seif, semicolon, Semantic Versioning, sentient, Seq, Serious, setlx, Shen, shiv, shml, Sibilant, sile, silk, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, Simplicity, Sixten, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slash, Slashdown, Slick, Slideshow, Slim Framework, Slim, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Smile data interchange format, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, Snowman, Solid, solid, Solidity, son, Sophia, Sophie, souper, SourcePawn, Space, Spatial, spider, SpiderBasic, spiral, sporth, spry, SQHTML, Sqlalchemy, SQLite, SQRL, squiggle, Squire, SRL, Secure Scuttlebutt, stacklang, Star, starlark, starpial, Statsplorer, Stencil, STON, stoneknifeforth, Storymatic, strat, Streem, stringbean, Subleq, SugarSS, sugartex, Superjson, SurrealDB, SUSN, Svelte, svgbob, Swallow, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, swizzle, SymPy, t-lang, t2b, tablam, Tabloid, Taichi, Taijilang, tamgu, tampio, tangledown, Tao, tao3d, Tawa, taxa, tbox-lib, tea, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textadept, TextFrame, texti, Textile, thjson, tht, tibet, tidyverse, tiledb, Timpani, titan, Typed Lua, Tag Line Commands, tldr, tldraw, TMTP, ToffeeScript, Toi, toki sona, TOML, ToonTalk, Topaz, topshell, tornado, Tosh, Touch, Toy, TAO, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, truck, Truth, tsar, tsquery, tuplemarkup, Twine, twtxt, txtzyme, Typecast.js, typecobol, TypeScript, Typst, U, UCG, UCL, Uiua, ulisp, ultralisp-pm, Uno, unseemly, UrWeb, V, V, V8, Vale, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, verona, Veryl, video, Vigil, Vimwiki, Violent ES, Virgil, visdown, VLC, Volt, VSXu, Vue, vyper, Vyxal, wah, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, wats, Wax, WDL, Web3.js, weebasic, 文言文編程語言, whack, Whiley, Wing, winxed, WiredTiger, wisp, WLambda, woe, Wonkey, Workfl, Worst, Wren, Wu, Wyvern, [x]it!, Xarray, Xgboost, XGBoost, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, Xtext, xxl, y-lang, Yakou Lang, YAMP, YANG, YARA, Yet Another Scripting Language, YASnippet, YAWL, YESS, Yggdrasil, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z, Z-flat, z2, zenscript, Zephir, Zig, zlang, zolang, Zot, zz