snakemake is a programming language created in 2012.
#3233on PLDB | 13Years Old |
A workflow is defined in a ‘Snakefile’ through a domain-specific language that is close to standard Python syntax. It consists of rules that denote how to create output files from input files. The workflow is implied by dependencies between the rules that arise from one rule needing an output file of another as an input file.
SAMPLES = "100 101 102 103".split()
REF = "hg19.fa"
rule all:
 input: "{sample}.coverage.pdf".format(sample = sample)
    for sample in SAMPLES
rule fastq_to_sai:
  input: ref = REF, reads = "{sample}.{group}.fastq"
  output: temp("{sample}.{group}.sai")
  shell: "bwa aln {input.ref} {input.reads} > {output}"
rule sai_to_bam:
  input: REF, "{sample}.1.sai", "{sample}.2.sai",
     "{sample}.1.fastq", "{sample}.2.fastq"
  output: protected("{sample}.bam")
  shell: "bwa sampe {input} | samtools view -Sbh - > {output}"
rule remove_duplicates:
  input: "{sample}.bam"
  output: "{sample}.nodup.bam"
  shell: "samtools rmdup {input} {output}"
rule plot_coverage_histogram:
  input: "{sample}.nodup.bam"
  output: hist = "{sample}.coverage.pdf"
    from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, savefig
      shell("samtools mpileup {input} | cut -f4",
      iterable = True))))