Nit is an open source programming language created in 2008 by Jean Privat.
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Nit language
- Tags: programming language
- Nit is developed on GitHub and has 237 stars
- There are at least 29 Nit repos on GitHub
- Early development of Nit happened in
- Nit is written in Rescript, C, Ini, Markdown, Make, HTML, Bourne shell, XML, SVG, Java, JavaScript, CSS, Dockerfile, Vim script, Diff, YAML, Perl, Tex, Brainfuck, Python, Ruby, Bash, Go, Less, Haskell, R, Pug, JSON
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 26 users using Nit in 26 repos on GitHub
- Explore Nit snippets on Rosetta Code
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Nit
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Nit
- was registered in 2008
- Read more about Nit on the web: 1.