BibTeX is an application created in 1985.
#678on PLDB | 40Years Old |
BibTeX is reference management software for formatting lists of references. The BibTeX tool is typically used together with the LaTeX document preparation system. Within the typesetting system, its name is styled as B I B T E X {\displaystyle {\mathrm {B{\scriptstyle {IB}}\!T\!_{\displaystyle E}\!X} }} . Read more on Wikipedia...
author = {Gousios, Georgios},
title = {The GHTorrent dataset and tool suite},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software
series = {MSR '13},
year = {2013},
isbn = {978-1-4673-2936-1},
location = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
pages = {233--236},
numpages = {4},
url = {},
acmid = {2487132},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
%Hello world in BibTex
"Hello World!" write$ newline$
author = "Milton {Abramowitz} and Irene A. {Stegun}",
title = "Handbook of Mathematical Functions with
Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables",
publisher = "Dover",
year = 1964,
address = "New York City",
edition = "ninth Dover printing, tenth GPO printing"