Make is an open source programming language created in 1976 by Stuart Feldman.
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A makefile is a file containing a set of directives used with the make build automation tool.. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: programming language, application
- There are at least 247,622 Make repos on GitHub
- Early development of Make happened in Bell Labs
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 153k users using Make in 251k repos on GitHub
- Explore Make snippets on Rosetta Code
- Make on HOPL
- Make Ubuntu package
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Make
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Make
- Make appears in the Quine Relay project
- See also: (1 related languages) C
- Read more about Make on Semantic Scholar: 1.
- 473 PLDB concepts link to Make: Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, acorn-lang, Ad-hoc, Aheui, AIL, Aith, a Lisp Environment, Alpaca, Alumina, ana, Apache Hbase, aplette, aretext, Ark, Apache Arrow, ASDF, Astatine, astroml, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, AviSynth, awl, bamboo, Bash, Battlestar, Bazel, beef-lang, Berkeley DB, Berry, Bio, BlazeX, BlitzMax, Blox, bpkg-pm, Broccoli, Bucklescript, Bython, C3, candor, Candy, Cane, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, carth, Catala, Céu, Ceylon, Chapel, checked-c, chibicc, CHICKEN, chisel, chrysaLisp, Ciel, CIR, Ć, cityhash-hash-function, clash, clay, Click, clike, cloc, Coconut, Cognate, comby, CWL, commonmark, Coq, cosh, CouchDB, Crema, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, curv, Cwerg, cytosol, Dafny, Dasm, datafun, DDP, dedukti, Dern, dex, dexvis, dgraph, Differential Datalog, Djot, DragonBASIC, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, edgedb, eff, Egison, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, ELFE, Elixir, Elpi, Elvish, elymas, EmberScript, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, FaCT, Factor, Felix, femtolisp, Fennel, ferret, FFmpeg, Filebench WML, firrtl, fish, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, FLEX, Flow, Flow9, flua, forest-lang, fork-lang, Frank, Frege, F*, funl, Futhark, G-Portugol, GAP, GN, gentee, Gforth, GHC, Git, Gleam, Go, GraphIt, gravity, groff, Gwion, hacspec, hakaru, HAL Format, Halide, hamler, Hare, harlan, hashlink, haste, Haxe, Hazel, HCL, Hera, HHVM, highlight.js, Hina, hobbes, Homa, Horse64, HTSQL, huginn, Hush, HuwCode, icarus, Idio, Idris, Impala, Incipit, ink-lang, inko, IPL, invokator, Iode, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, JAL compiler, Janet, Java, jayfor, JCOF, Jeeves, Jelly, Jemplate, JFlex, Jinja, Jison, jonprl, jq, JSON Schema, Jsonnet, jsparagus, juicy, Julia, juvix, k-framework, Kakoune, Kalyn, Kamby, KaTeX, Kefir, kitten, ko, kona, ktye/k, Kubernetes, kuc, kumir, Kuroko, latino, ldpl, lem-editor, Lemon, leo-editor, lever, lift, Ligo, Lil, LinearML, Links, Linux, lispyscript, LiteScript, little, lmdb, lobster, LuaJIT, Luna, Luna, m3db, Magit, mal, Manim, manool, mathics, Matplotlib, Metalang99, MewMew, mgmt, ΜC++, micro-editor, microl, MicroPython, mimium, Mindsdb, Minilang, MiniZinc, mirth, mlpolyr, MLscript, mochi, MongoDB, MonkeyX, monte, MoonScript, Mudlle, multiaddr, mycroft, myia, mys, mythryl, NCAR Command Language, nesC, NestedText, never, newclay, NewLisp, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, nianiolang, Nit, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, Note, Noweb, Not Quite C, Numba, Nymph, ObjectScript, Obsidian, oden, odin, oil, Open Location Code, onnx, ooc, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, Open Shading Language, OpenComal, OpenCV, orca-pl, orca, Oxyl, P*, PCRE, Perl, PgBouncer, PHP, pipelines, PkgConfig, Please Build, PogoScript, pointless, GNU Poke, polyglot-compiler, Pony, popr, PostgreSQL, Potion, POV-Ray SDL, preforth, Pre-Scheme, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qore, quaint-lang, QuickJS, quicklisp-pm, Quint, Racket, Ragel, ramen, RapidBatch, Rapira, raptorjit, Reason, Recfiles, Redis, redprl, reforth, remix, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, Riff, Rita, RobotFramework, RocksDB, rosie, roy, Ruby, Rust, SATySFi, Savi, Scikit-learn, SciPy, sentient, Seq, setlx, Shen, shill, shml, sile, Simit, Simple Binary Encoding, Simplicity, skip, Slash, Slony, Smali, SmallBASIC, SMC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowball, solid, Solidity, Sophie, Space, Spatial, SpiderBasic, sporth, Sqlalchemy, SQLite, Squire, Squirrel, stacklang, Stencil, stoneknifeforth, Streem, Subleq, Sugar, SurrealDB, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, t-lang, Taichi, tamgu, tao3d, TensorFlow, Terra, TestML, Textile, tiledb, Tiny C Compiler, Typed Lua, Toi, tornado, Toy, tridash, Triton, truck, tuplemarkup, twtxt, txtzyme, U, UCG, UCL, ultralisp-pm, Uno, UrWeb, V, V8, Vale, Vcpkg, Veryl, Virgil, VLC, Volt, VSXu, vyper, Wart, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wax, 文言文編程語言, Wing, winxed, WiredTiger, wisp, woe, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xarray, Xgboost, XGBoost, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, xsv-app, Ecstasy, YARA, YASnippet, yeti, Yggdrasil, Zephir, zl