holyc is a programming language created in 2005 by Terry A. Davis.
#2027on PLDB | 20Years Old | 137Repos |
HolyC is a variation of C developed by Terry A. Davis. HolyC is the official programming language for The Temple Operating System (TempleOS).
U0 Main()
I16 i1;
I32 j1;
j1=i1=0x12345678; //Resulting i1 is 0x5678 but j1 is 0x12345678
I64 i2=0x8000000000000000;
Print("%X\n",i2>>1); //Res is 0xC000000000000000 as expected
U64 u3=0x8000000000000000;
Print("%X\n",u3>>1); //Res is 0x4000000000000000 as expected
I32 i4=0x80000000; //const is loaded into a 64-bit reg var.
Print("%X\n",i4>>1); //Res is 0x40000000
I32 i5=-0x80000000;
Print("%X\n",i5>>1); //Res is 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | ||
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |