Wavefront Object is an application created in 1988.
#1460on PLDB | 37Years Old | 331kRepos |
OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors. The OBJ file format is a simple data-format that represents 3D geometry alone — namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices. Read more on Wikipedia...
cstype bmatrix
deg 3 3
step 3 3
bmat u 1 -3 3 -1 \
0 3 -6 3 \
0 0 3 -3 \
0 0 0 1
bmat v 1 -3 -3 2 \
2 2 2 3 \
0 0 0 -2 \
0 0 0 2
# Special point and space curve data
vp 0.500
vp 0.700
vp 1.100
vp 0.200 0.950
v 0.300 1.500 0.100
v 0.000 0.000 0.000
v 1.000 1.000 0.000
v 2.000 1.000 0.000
v 3.000 0.000 0.000
cstype bezier
deg 3
curv 0.2 0.9 -4 -3 -2 -1
sp 1
parm u 0.00 1.00
# Trimming curve
vp -0.675 1.850 3.000
vp 0.915 1.930
vp 2.485 0.470 2.000
vp 2.485 -1.030
vp 1.605 -1.890 10.700
vp -0.745 -0.654 0.500
cstype rat bezier
curv2 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -6
parm u 0.00 1.00 2.00
sp 2 3
# Surface
v -1.350 -1.030 0.000
v 0.130 -1.030 0.432 7.600
v 1.480 -1.030 0.000 2.300
v -1.460 0.060 0.201
v 0.120 0.060 0.915 0.500
v 1.380 0.060 0.454 1.500
v -1.480 1.030 0.000 2.300
v 0.120 1.030 0.394 6.100
v 1.170 1.030 0.000 3.300
cstype rat bspline
deg 2 2
surf -1.0 2.5 -2.0 2.0 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
parm u -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
parm v -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
trim 0.0 2.0 1 2.2 2.2 3
sp 4
con 1 2.0 2.0 1 2 4.0 3.0 1
Pr/map_Pr # roughness
Pm/map_Pm # metallic
Ps/map_Ps # sheen
Pc # clearcoat thickness
Pcr # clearcoat roughness
Ke/map_Ke # emissive
aniso # anisotropy
anisor # anisotropy rotation
norm # normal map, same format as "bump" parameter