HTML is an open source text markup language created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.
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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render them into multimedia web pages. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: text markup language
- There are at least 12,648,584 HTML repos on GitHub
- Early development of HTML happened in CERN
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 492k users using HTML in 778k repos on GitHub
- Check out the 2,347 HTML meetup groups on
- There are 40,286 members in the HTML subreddit
- In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey HTML programmers reported a median salary of $52,980. 55% of respondents reported using HTML. 46,259 programmers reported using HTML, and 29,353 said they wanted to use it
- ANTLR grammar for HTML
- HTML LSP implementation
- Monaco package for syntax highlighting HTML
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for HTML
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for HTML
- has 14,472 matches for "html developer".
- See also: (11 related languages) SGML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL, DTD, RFC, XML, Unicode, UTF-8, HTTP, FAT
- 506 PLDB concepts link to HTML: 11ty, Armed Bear Common Lisp, abs, Ace Editor, ActivityPub, Alma, Apache Hbase, aretext, Argdown, Apache Arrow, AsciiDots, AsciiMath, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, astroml, Avail, AviSynth, awl, Ballerina, Bash, Basis Codec, Bazel, bee, beef-lang, Berkeley DB, Bicep, Bitsy, BlackCoffee, BlitzMax, blockml, blur-markup-language, Bounce, BQN, Broccoli, Bruijn, Bucardo, Bucklescript, buzz, Cairo, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, cat, categorical-query-language, Ceylon, chatterbot, chevrotain, CHICKEN, Chika, CIR, Civet, Claro, Clojure, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, Coco, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, ColaScript, commonmark, Conceptual,, Coq, cor, Cortex, CouchDB, Croc, Cryptol, Crystal, CSVw, curv, Cyber, Dafny, daonode, Dashrep, datascript, Dern, dex, dexvis, Dhall, Differential Datalog, djangoql, Djot, dllup, Dogescript, DragonBASIC, DRAKON, Drupal, duro, eC, Embedded Crystal, ecsharp, edgelisp, eff, Eiffel, EJS, ELENA, Elvish, Em, emberjs-framework, emerald-lang, Emojicode, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Euphoria, Eve, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Fancy, Fardlang, fay, Felix, FFmpeg, fish, FlatBuffers, Flatline, fleck, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, flua, Flutter, FLUX, Fold, forest-lang, Foundation Query Language, Frege, Frost, fructure-editor, Frundis, GAP, GHC, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, gluon, Go, Goal, gogs-editor, Golo, Gradle, gravity, gridstudio-editor, groff, Gun, gura, Halide, hasklig, haste, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, Hazel, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, hilvl, Hjson, Hot Cocoa Lisp, H++, hrqr, HTL, htmx, HTSQL, hurl, HuwCode, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, IcedCoffeeScript, Idio, idyll, Imba, ImHex, infusion-framework, Insitux, invokator, Ioke, ircis, Iterm2, Invisible XML, J, JAL compiler, Java, Jedi, Jeeves, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jet, Jinja, jinx, Jison, jq, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, JSON Canvas, Jsonnet, k-framework, Kamby, Kami, KamilaLisp, KaTeX, Kefir, KGL, Knight, Koka, Kotlin, ktye/k, Kubernetes, Kuin, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, Latte, JSON Lines, Lean, leo-editor, LevelDB, lever, Ligo, Lil, Links, Linux, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, lobster, loci, Logica, Language Server Index Format, LuaJIT, Luna, m3db, mal, manhood, Manim, Mapgen, Margin, Markdown, Marko, Markwhen, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, Mech, Melody, mermaid, Mesh Spreadsheet, MicroBlocks, MicroPython, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, Mirah, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, Monkey, MonkeyX, monte, moya, Mu, mustache, myia, mys, mythryl, Nadesiko, Nearley, nesC, NetLogo, never, NewLisp, Nextflow, ngn/k, NGS, Nim, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, noms-db, Note, noulith, Noweb, nulan, Numba, ObjectScript, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, oden, odin, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Open Location Code, Om, ooc, Opa, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, p4p, packagist-pm, Pact, Pan, Pandas, Parenscript, Parsers, Particles, partiql, PCRE, pegdown, PEG.js, Penrose, Pep8, PHP, pinto, Pkl, Plaid, Please Build, PogoScript, polyglot-compiler, popr, Porffor, POV-Ray SDL, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, psyche, Pug, Pygments, Pyth, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Qore, Quint, Racket, rainbow, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, ramen, rant, RapidBatch, raptorjit, React Native, Readable, Reason, Red, Redis, Ren-C, Revolution, RicScript, RMarkdown, RobotFramework, Roc, RocksDB, Rockstar, rosie, roy, rpscript, Ruby, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, score, scribble, Scroll, Seif, sentient, Serious, shadama, shml, Sibilant, Simoji, Simplicity, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slashdown, Slony, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowman, Solid, Solidity, Sophia, Space, Spatial, Speedie, SpiderBasic, spiral, spry, SQLite, squiggle, stacklang, Statsplorer, Stencil, Storymatic, strat, Subleq, Sugar, Svelte, SWI Prolog, Swift, Swym, SymPy, tablam, Tabloid, taf, Taijilang, tangledown, Tao, tao3d, TensorFlow, Terra, Textadept, texti, tibet, tldraw, ToffeeScript, ToonTalk, topshell, tornado, Tosh, TreeSheets, tridash, Triton, tuplemarkup, Twig, Twine, txtzyme, Typecast.js, U, UCG, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, unseemly, UrWeb, V, V8, Vale, vega-editor-app, Vega, verona, Virgil, visdown, VLC, VSXu, Vue, vyper, Vyxal, walt, WebAssembly, wasmer, Wasp, wats, Wax, Web3.js, 文言文編程語言, Wing, WiredTiger, Wonkey, Wren, Wyvern, Xarray, Xidoc, XL, xlwings-editor, xodio, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAMP, YANG, YARA, YAWL, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Z, Zig, zz