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UrWeb is an open source programming language created in 2008.

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The Ur/Web programming language

Example from Linguist:
open Parse.String val digit = satisfy isdigit val decimal_of_len n = ds <- count n digit; return (List.foldl (fn d acc => 10*acc + ((ord d)-(ord #"0"))) 0 ds) val date = y <- decimal_of_len 4; char' #"-"; m <- decimal_of_len 2; char' #"-"; d <- decimal_of_len 2; if m > 0 && m <= 12 then return {Year=y, Month=(Datetime.intToMonth (m-1)), Day=d} else fail (* We parse fractions of a second, but ignore them since Datetime doesn't permit representing them. *) val time = h <- decimal_of_len 2; char' #":"; m <- decimal_of_len 2; s <- maybe (char' #":"; s <- decimal_of_len 2; maybe' (char' #"."; skipWhile isdigit); return s); return {Hour=h, Minute=m, Second=Option.get 0 s} val timezone_offset = let val zulu = char' #"Z"; return 0 val digits = decimal_of_len 2 val sign = or (char' #"+"; return 1) (char' #"-"; return (-1)) in zulu `or` (s <- sign; h <- digits; m <- (maybe' (char' #":"); or digits (return 0)); return (s*(h*60+m))) end val datetime_with_tz = d <- date; char' #"T"; t <- time; tz <- timezone_offset; return (d ++ t ++ {TZOffsetMinutes=tz}) val datetime = d <- datetime_with_tz; return (d -- #TZOffsetMinutes) fun process v = case parse (d <- datetime_with_tz; eof; return d) v of Some r => let val {Year=year,Month=month,Day=day, Hour=hour,Minute=minute,Second=second} = Datetime.addMinutes (r.TZOffsetMinutes) (r -- #TZOffsetMinutes) fun pad x = if x < 10 then "0" `strcat` show x else show x in <xml>{[pad hour]}:{[pad minute]}:{[pad second]} {[month]} {[day]}, {[year]}</xml> end | None => <xml>none</xml> fun main () : transaction page = input <- source "2012-01-01T01:10:42Z"; return <xml> <body> <label> Enter an <a href="">ISO 8601</a> datetime here: <ctextbox source={input} /> </label> <ul><dyn signal={v <- signal input; return (process v)} /></ul> </body> </xml>

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Comments ✓ (* A comment *)
MultiLine Comments ✓ (* A comment *) (* *)
Semantic Indentation X
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