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Io is a programming language created in 2002 by Steve Dekorte.

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Io is a pure object-oriented programming language inspired by Smalltalk, Self, Lua, Lisp, Act1, and NewtonScript. Io has a prototype-based object model similar to the ones in Self and NewtonScript, eliminating the distinction between instance and class. Like Smalltalk, everything is an object and it uses dynamic typing. Read more on Wikipedia...

Example from Riju:
"Hello, world!" println
Example from hello-world:
"Hello World\n" print
Example from Wikipedia:
factorial := method(n, if(n == 0, return 1) res := 1 Range 1 to(n) foreach(i, res = res * i) )

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
MultiLine Comments
// \d+
// (\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?
Assignment :=
Print() Debugging print
Line Comments
// A comment
Operator Overloading
Semantic Indentation X

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