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Dockerfile is an open source programming language created in 2013.

#516on PLDB 11Years Old 340kRepos
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Example from Linguist:
# This file describes the standard way to build Docker, using docker docker-version 0.4.2 from ubuntu:12.04 maintainer Solomon Hykes <> # Build dependencies run apt-get install -y -q curl run apt-get install -y -q git # Install Go run curl -s | tar -v -C /usr/local -xz env PATH /usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin env GOPATH /go env CGO_ENABLED 0 run cd /tmp && echo 'package main' > t.go && go test -a -i -v # Download dependencies run REV=27435c699; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV run REV=708054d61e5; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV run REV=9b36453141c; git clone http://$PKG /go/src/$PKG && cd /go/src/$PKG && git checkout -f $REV # Run dependencies run apt-get install -y iptables # lxc requires updating ubuntu sources run echo 'deb precise main universe' > /etc/apt/sources.list run apt-get update run apt-get install -y lxc run apt-get install -y aufs-tools # Upload docker source add . /go/src/ # Build the binary run cd /go/src/ && go install -ldflags "-X main.GITCOMMIT '??' -d -w" env PATH /usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin cmd ["docker"]

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Comments ✓
# A comment
Line Comments ✓
# A comment
Semantic Indentation X

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