Here is the list of 5,796 keywords for the 120 languages that PLDB has that information. This list is case insensitive. Refer to the DB for case information.
keyword | count | frequency | langs |
if | 80 | 67% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ Perl PHP Ruby Go C# R PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Erlang Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Scheme Chapel Pug Groovy F# OCaml HCL VHDL F* ABAP Verilog Wa-lang Koka Bicep Opa Lil SystemVerilog Twig Slope AutoIt Clean Felix Dylan Flow9 X10 Maxima ATS Streem Nix Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule HOPE Sophia Mond Sibilant GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Crema Aith PowerQuery M Q# Ham RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
else | 76 | 63% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ Perl PHP Ruby Go C# R PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Elixir Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Solidity Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Scheme Chapel Pug Groovy F# OCaml HCL VHDL F* ABAP Verilog Wa-lang Koka Opa Lil SystemVerilog AutoIt Felix Dylan Flow9 X10 Maxima ATS Streem Nix Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule HOPE Sophia Mond GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Crema Aith PowerQuery M Q# Ham RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
for | 59 | 49% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ Perl PHP Ruby Go C# R PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Solidity Ada Crystal Reason Chapel Pug Groovy F# OCaml HCL VHDL ABAP Verilog Wa-lang Bicep SystemVerilog Twig Slope AutoIt Felix Dylan X10 Maxima Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule Mond TIScript JS++ Speedie Q# RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
in | 53 | 44% | JavaScript Python Ruby C# R PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Lua Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Elixir Objective-C Dart Ada Crystal Reason Chapel Pug Groovy F# OCaml HCL VHDL F* ABAP Bicep SPARQL Lil Lil Clean Dylan X10 ATS Nix Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule Eclipse Command Language HOPE Mond GorillaScript TIScript JS++ Speedie Aith PowerQuery M Q# nimrod Violent ES |
do | 51 | 43% | JavaScript C Java C++ Perl PHP Ruby C# PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Elixir Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Scheme Chapel Groovy F# OCaml ABAP Opa Lil SystemVerilog Twig AutoIt Felix X10 Maxima ATS Angelscript Apex Mond Sibilant orange JS++ RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
while | 50 | 42% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ Perl PHP Ruby C# R PowerShell Bash Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Chapel Groovy F# OCaml VHDL ABAP Verilog Lil SystemVerilog AutoIt Dylan X10 Maxima Angelscript Apex Mond orange JS++ Speedie Q# RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
return | 49 | 41% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ PHP Ruby Go C# PowerShell Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Ada Crystal Chapel Groovy F# VHDL ABAP Wa-lang Koka SystemVerilog AutoIt Felix X10 Streem Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language Mond GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Crema Q# Ham nimrod Violent ES D++ |
true | 45 | 38% | JavaScript C++ Ruby C# Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Elixir Julia Dart Solidity Pascal Crystal Reason GraphQL Groovy F# OCaml HCL Protocol Buffers F* SPARQL Twig Streem Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule Sophia Mond GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Crema Aith PowerQuery M Ham RigC Violent ES Freefem |
false | 45 | 38% | JavaScript C++ Ruby C# Rust Swift Scala Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Elixir Julia Dart Solidity Pascal Crystal Reason GraphQL Groovy F# OCaml HCL Protocol Buffers F* SPARQL Twig Streem Angelscript Ligo Apex Jule Sophia Mond GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Crema Aith PowerQuery M Ham RigC Violent ES Freefem |
break | 40 | 33% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ PHP Ruby Go C# R PowerShell Rust Swift Lua Kotlin CoffeeScript Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Pascal Crystal Chapel Groovy F# Wa-lang SystemVerilog X10 Angelscript Apex Jule Mond orange JS++ Speedie Crema Aith RigC nimrod Violent ES |
case | 39 | 33% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP Ruby Go C# Swift Scala Haskell Erlang Objective-C Dart Ada Crystal Scheme Pug Groovy VHDL ABAP Verilog Wa-lang Opa SystemVerilog Slope AutoIt Clean Felix Dylan X10 Streem Angelscript Ligo Apex Eclipse Command Language Mond nimrod Violent ES |
continue | 38 | 32% | JavaScript C Python Java C++ Perl PHP Go C# PowerShell Rust Swift Kotlin CoffeeScript Objective-C Julia Dart Solidity Pascal Chapel Groovy F# ABAP Wa-lang SystemVerilog X10 Angelscript Apex Jule Mond orange JS++ Speedie Aith RigC nimrod Violent ES D++ |
class | 34 | 28% | JavaScript Python Java C++ PHP Ruby C# PowerShell Swift Scala Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Dart Crystal Reason Chapel Groovy F# OCaml ABAP SystemVerilog Clean X10 Streem Angelscript Apex TIScript orange JS++ Speedie Ham RigC Violent ES |
import | 33 | 28% | JavaScript Python Java C++ Go Swift Scala Kotlin Haskell Julia Dart Solidity Groovy Protocol Buffers ABAP Wa-lang Koka Opa SystemVerilog Twig Flow9 X10 ATS Streem Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language orange JS++ Speedie Ham RigC Violent ES |
type | 31 | 26% | Go Rust Scala Haskell Julia Ada Crystal Reason GraphQL Chapel F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Wa-lang Koka Opa SystemVerilog Felix X10 Ligo Apex Jule Eclipse Command Language Sophia Aith PowerQuery M nimrod Violent ES BARE |
new | 31 | 26% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# Scala CoffeeScript Dart Solidity Ada Reason Chapel Groovy F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP SystemVerilog Felix X10 Streem Apex GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Q# Ham Violent ES |
enum | 31 | 26% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Rust Swift Kotlin Objective-C Dart Solidity Crystal GraphQL Chapel Groovy Protocol Buffers ABAP Koka SystemVerilog Felix Angelscript Apex Jule Eclipse Command Language Functional PHP Preprocessor orange JS++ RigC nimrod Violent ES BARE |
then | 30 | 25% | Ruby Bash Lua Haskell CoffeeScript Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Chapel F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Koka Opa AutoIt Felix Dylan Maxima ATS Nix Ligo Apex HOPE GorillaScript PowerQuery M Pikchr D++ |
as | 30 | 25% | Python PHP C# Rust Swift Kotlin Haskell Dart Crystal Reason Groovy F# OCaml ABAP Koka Opa SPARQL Felix X10 ATS Egison Apex Eclipse Command Language Crema Aith PowerQuery M Q# RigC nimrod Violent ES |
var | 30 | 25% | JavaScript PHP Go C# PowerShell Swift Scala Kotlin Dart Solidity Chapel Pug HCL ABAP Koka Bicep SystemVerilog X10 ATS Sophia Mond Sibilant GorillaScript TIScript orange JS++ Ham RigC Violent ES D++ |
try | 30 | 25% | JavaScript Python Java C++ PHP C# PowerShell Swift Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Erlang Julia Dart Reason Groovy F# OCaml F* ABAP Koka X10 ATS Apex TIScript orange JS++ PowerQuery M nimrod Violent ES |
function | 29 | 24% | JavaScript PHP R PowerShell Bash Lua Julia Solidity Ada Reason F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Verilog Koka Opa SystemVerilog IGOR Pro Eclipse Command Language Sophia TIScript JS++ Speedie Aith Q# Violent ES D++ |
or | 28 | 23% | Python C++ Perl PHP Ruby Lua CoffeeScript Elixir Erlang Ada Pascal F# VHDL ABAP Opa MIPS architecture SystemVerilog Slope AutoIt Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language HOPE GorillaScript Speedie Q# Ham nimrod |
and | 28 | 23% | Python C++ Perl PHP Ruby Lua CoffeeScript Elixir Erlang Ada Pascal F# VHDL ABAP Opa MIPS architecture SystemVerilog Slope AutoIt ATS Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language HOPE GorillaScript Speedie Q# nimrod |
const | 28 | 23% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP Go C# Rust Kotlin Objective-C Julia Dart Chapel Groovy F# Wa-lang SystemVerilog Angelscript Apex Jule Eclipse Command Language Mond GorillaScript TIScript orange RigC nimrod Violent ES |
let | 27 | 23% | JavaScript C# Rust Swift Haskell Erlang Julia Solidity Reason Scheme Chapel F# OCaml ABAP SystemVerilog Clean Dylan ATS Nix Ligo Jule Sophia Jisp Aith PowerQuery M Q# nimrod |
default | 27 | 23% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP Go C# Swift Haskell Objective-C Dart Pug Groovy F# F* ABAP Verilog Wa-lang SystemVerilog Flow9 X10 Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language Mond Violent ES Freefem |
with | 26 | 22% | JavaScript Python Scala Dart Ada Crystal Reason F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Opa SPARQL Lil SystemVerilog Twig Clean Felix ATS Nix Egison Ligo JS++ Speedie Violent ES |
end | 25 | 21% | Ruby PowerShell Lua Elixir Erlang Julia Ada Pascal Crystal Reason F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Verilog Opa Lil SystemVerilog Dylan ATS IGOR Pro Apex Eclipse Command Language nimrod |
not | 24 | 20% | Python C++ Ruby Lua CoffeeScript Elixir Erlang Ada Pascal F# VHDL F* ABAP SPARQL SystemVerilog AutoIt Angelscript Ligo Apex Eclipse Command Language HOPE GorillaScript Q# nimrod |
when | 23 | 19% | Ruby Kotlin CoffeeScript Elixir Erlang Ada Crystal Reason Scheme Chapel Pug F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Felix Dylan X10 ATS Apex Sibilant nimrod |
switch | 23 | 19% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP Go C# PowerShell Swift CoffeeScript Objective-C Dart Reason Groovy ABAP Wa-lang Flow9 X10 Angelscript Apex Mond JS++ Violent ES |
private | 23 | 19% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# Swift Scala Kotlin Solidity Ada Crystal F# OCaml F* ABAP Koka Koka Angelscript Apex Sophia orange JS++ Violent ES |
interface | 23 | 19% | JavaScript Java PHP Go C# Kotlin Ada GraphQL Groovy F# ABAP Wa-lang Koka SystemVerilog Felix X10 Angelscript Apex Eclipse Command Language orange JS++ nimrod Violent ES |
null | 22 | 18% | JavaScript C# Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Dart Ada GraphQL Groovy F# HCL VHDL ABAP SystemVerilog Angelscript Apex Mond GorillaScript TIScript JS++ Ham Violent ES |
finally | 22 | 18% | JavaScript Python Java PHP C# PowerShell Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Julia Dart Groovy F# Felix Dylan X10 Apex TIScript orange JS++ nimrod Violent ES |
catch | 22 | 18% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# PowerShell Swift Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Elixir Erlang Julia Dart Groovy ABAP X10 Apex TIScript orange JS++ Violent ES |
module | 21 | 18% | C++ Ruby Haskell Julia Crystal Reason Chapel F# OCaml F* ABAP Verilog Koka Bicep Opa SystemVerilog Felix Eclipse Command Language JS++ Speedie Aith |
struct | 21 | 18% | C C++ Go C# Rust Swift Objective-C Julia Solidity Crystal Reason F# OCaml Wa-lang Koka SystemVerilog X10 Jule Crema Aith |
throw | 21 | 18% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# PowerShell Swift Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Dart Solidity Groovy ABAP X10 Apex Sophia GorillaScript TIScript orange Violent ES |
of | 20 | 17% | Haskell CoffeeScript Erlang Ada Crystal Reason F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Clean Felix ATS Ligo Apex Eclipse Command Language orange RigC nimrod |
begin | 20 | 17% | Ruby PowerShell Erlang Julia Ada Pascal Crystal Reason Chapel F# OCaml VHDL ABAP Verilog Opa SystemVerilog Slope Dylan ATS Apex |
static | 20 | 17% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP C# Rust Swift Objective-C Dart F# ABAP SystemVerilog ATS IGOR Pro Apex orange JS++ nimrod Violent ES |
is | 18 | 15% | Python C# Swift Kotlin CoffeeScript Dart Solidity Ada VHDL ABAP Angelscript GorillaScript Speedie PowerQuery M Q# Ham nimrod Violent ES |
yield | 18 | 15% | JavaScript Python PHP Ruby C# Rust Scala Dart Crystal Chapel F# Koka Felix Mond JS++ Speedie nimrod Violent ES |
package | 18 | 15% | JavaScript Java Perl Go Scala Kotlin Ada Groovy VHDL Protocol Buffers Protocol Buffers ABAP Opa SystemVerilog X10 Apex orange Violent ES |
int | 18 | 15% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C Solidity SystemVerilog Angelscript Apex Jule Sophia Functional PHP Preprocessor orange JS++ Crema Aith BARE |
until | 17 | 14% | Perl Ruby PowerShell Bash Lua CoffeeScript Ada Pascal Crystal VHDL ABAP SystemVerilog AutoIt Dylan Maxima Q# D++ |
this | 17 | 14% | JavaScript Java C++ C# Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Dart Solidity Groovy SystemVerilog Apex Sibilant TIScript orange JS++ Violent ES |
super | 17 | 14% | JavaScript Java Ruby Rust Swift Scala Kotlin CoffeeScript Dart Solidity Crystal Groovy SystemVerilog Apex TIScript orange JS++ |
public | 17 | 14% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# Swift Kotlin Solidity F# Protocol Buffers ABAP Koka Apex Sophia orange JS++ Violent ES |
protected | 17 | 14% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP C# Scala Kotlin Ada Crystal F# ABAP SystemVerilog Angelscript Apex orange JS++ Violent ES |
to | 16 | 13% | Reason F# OCaml VHDL Protocol Buffers ABAP SPARQL AutoIt Felix Dylan Maxima Ligo GorillaScript Pikchr Lexon D++ |
assert | 16 | 13% | Python Java Dart Reason Groovy F# OCaml VHDL ABAP SystemVerilog Felix X10 Nix Ligo Apex GorillaScript |
void | 16 | 13% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C Dart F# SystemVerilog Angelscript Apex orange JS++ Crema Violent ES BARE |
final | 16 | 13% | JavaScript Java C++ PHP Rust Swift Scala Kotlin Dart ABAP SystemVerilog X10 Apex orange JS++ Violent ES |
abstract | 16 | 13% | JavaScript Java PHP C# Rust Scala Kotlin Julia Dart Ada Crystal F# F* ABAP Apex JS++ |
where | 15 | 13% | C# Rust Swift Kotlin Haskell Chapel ABAP SPARQL Lil Clean ATS Apex HOPE orange Violent ES |
set | 15 | 13% | C# Bash Swift Kotlin Dart ABAP Twig Egison Ligo Apex Sibilant TIScript orange Q# Violent ES |
from | 15 | 13% | Python C# PowerShell ABAP SPARQL Lil Twig Dylan Maxima Apex Eclipse Command Language Ham Pikchr RigC Violent ES |
goto | 15 | 13% | JavaScript C Java C++ PHP Go C# Lua Objective-C Ada Groovy Felix X10 Apex Jule |
export | 15 | 13% | JavaScript C++ Bash Julia Dart Chapel ABAP SystemVerilog Clean Dylan Flow9 Apex Eclipse Command Language RigC nimrod |
NOT | 14 | 12% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
use | 14 | 12% | PHP Rust Ada Chapel F# VHDL Verilog SystemVerilog Twig Dylan Eclipse Command Language Functional PHP Preprocessor Q# Violent ES |
OR | 13 | 11% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
IN | 13 | 11% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
ELSE | 13 | 11% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
AND | 13 | 11% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
include | 13 | 11% | PHP Crystal Reason Pug F# OCaml F* ABAP Verilog Koka SystemVerilog Twig Violent ES |
xor | 13 | 11% | C++ Perl PHP Erlang Ada Pascal VHDL MIPS architecture SystemVerilog Angelscript GorillaScript Speedie nimrod |
bool | 13 | 11% | C++ C# Solidity HCL Angelscript Jule Sophia Functional PHP Preprocessor orange JS++ Crema Aith BARE |
extends | 13 | 11% | JavaScript Java PHP Scala CoffeeScript Dart Pug Groovy SystemVerilog Twig Apex Ham Violent ES |
THEN | 12 | 10% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
ON | 12 | 10% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
CASE | 12 | 10% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
ASC | 12 | 10% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
select | 12 | 10% | Go C# Ada Crystal Chapel VHDL ABAP SPARQL Lil AutoIt Dylan Apex |
virtual | 12 | 10% | C++ C# Rust Reason F# OCaml SystemVerilog Apex Eclipse Command Language orange JS++ Speedie |
override | 12 | 10% | C++ C# Rust Swift Scala Kotlin F# IGOR Pro Apex JS++ RigC Violent ES |
namespace | 12 | 10% | C++ PHP C# F# Felix Streem Angelscript Eclipse Command Language Functional PHP Preprocessor TIScript Q# Violent ES |
extern | 12 | 10% | C C++ C# Rust Objective-C Chapel F# SystemVerilog ATS orange Crema Aith |
double | 12 | 10% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C Pascal Angelscript Apex orange JS++ Crema |
delete | 12 | 10% | JavaScript C++ CoffeeScript Chapel ABAP SPARQL Apex GorillaScript orange JS++ Violent ES |
fun | 11 | 9% | Kotlin Erlang Crystal Reason F# OCaml F* Koka ATS Ligo Mond |
local | 11 | 9% | Lua Julia Chapel HCL ABAP Lil SystemVerilog AutoIt Dylan ATS Eclipse Command Language |
match | 11 | 9% | Rust Scala F# OCaml F* ABAP Koka Opa Felix Ligo Jule |
string | 11 | 9% | C# Solidity HCL SystemVerilog Sophia Functional PHP Preprocessor orange JS++ Crema Ham BARE |
TRUE | 11 | 9% | SQL R COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
TO | 11 | 9% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
SET | 11 | 9% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Redis Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language |
SELECT | 11 | 9% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Redis Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
NULL | 11 | 9% | SQL R Objective-C COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
FALSE | 11 | 9% | SQL R COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
BY | 11 | 9% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language |
AS | 11 | 9% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
END | 11 | 9% | Ruby SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
global | 11 | 9% | Python PHP C# Julia F# ABAP Wa-lang SystemVerilog AutoIt Apex Mond |
union | 11 | 9% | C C++ Objective-C Crystal GraphQL Chapel ABAP SPARQL SystemVerilog Aith RigC |
typeof | 11 | 9% | JavaScript C# Rust CoffeeScript Crystal Pug Lil Felix TIScript JS++ Violent ES |
float | 11 | 9% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C Angelscript Apex Functional PHP Preprocessor orange JS++ |
char | 11 | 9% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C Apex HOPE orange JS++ Crema |
RETURN | 10 | 8% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language |
IF | 10 | 8% | COBOL Fortran MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
by | 10 | 8% | Kotlin CoffeeScript Chapel F* ABAP SPARQL Lil Dylan Apex GorillaScript |
macro | 10 | 8% | Rust Julia Crystal Twig Slope IGOR Pro Eclipse Command Language BlackCoffee nimrod Storymatic |
loop | 10 | 8% | Rust CoffeeScript Ada Scheme VHDL ABAP Felix Apex Aith D++ |
out | 10 | 8% | C# Kotlin Objective-C Ada Crystal Chapel VHDL ABAP Angelscript nimrod |
WITH | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
WHERE | 10 | 8% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
USING | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
ORDER | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB DAX Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
IS | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
GROUP | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
FROM | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
FOR | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
DESC | 10 | 8% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex DAX Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
COLUMN | 10 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
nil | 10 | 8% | Ruby Swift Lua Elixir Objective-C Crystal Chapel Streem Jule HOPE |
using | 10 | 8% | C++ C# PowerShell Julia Solidity ABAP SPARQL Apex Q# nimrod |
def | 10 | 8% | Python Ruby Scala Crystal Groovy X10 Streem Sibilant orange Crema |
short | 10 | 8% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C ABAP Apex JS++ Aith |
long | 10 | 8% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C ABAP Apex JS++ Aith |
instanceof | 10 | 8% | JavaScript Java PHP CoffeeScript Groovy X10 Apex GorillaScript TIScript JS++ |
WHEN | 9 | 8% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
LIMIT | 9 | 8% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
open | 9 | 8% | Kotlin Reason F# OCaml VHDL F* ABAP Felix Q# |
external | 9 | 8% | Kotlin Dart Solidity Reason F# OCaml Koka Opa JS++ |
val | 9 | 8% | Scala Kotlin Reason F# OCaml F* Koka Opa X10 |
data | 9 | 8% | PowerShell Kotlin Haskell ABAP SPARQL HOPE Functional PHP Preprocessor orange BARE |
repeat | 9 | 8% | R Swift Lua Pascal Verilog SystemVerilog Maxima Eclipse Command Language Q# |
object | 9 | 8% | C# Scala Kotlin Reason F# OCaml ABAP Apex nimrod |
get | 9 | 8% | C# Swift Kotlin Dart ABAP Apex TIScript orange Violent ES |
UNIQUE | 9 | 8% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
RIGHT | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
MATCH | 9 | 8% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LEFT | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
JOIN | 9 | 8% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
INTO | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
DOUBLE | 9 | 8% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex DAX |
DELETE | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Cypher Query Language |
CALL | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel |
ALL | 9 | 8% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
self | 9 | 8% | Ruby Rust Swift Objective-C Crystal Jule Eclipse Command Language Speedie Q# |
elseif | 9 | 8% | PHP PowerShell Lua ABAP Lil AutoIt Dylan Maxima Speedie |
inline | 9 | 8% | C++ Kotlin Objective-C Chapel F# F* Koka Clean Aith |
implements | 9 | 8% | JavaScript Java PHP Dart GraphQL Groovy SystemVerilog Apex Violent ES |
byte | 9 | 8% | JavaScript Java C# Solidity Pascal ABAP SystemVerilog JS++ Aith |
MOD | 8 | 7% | PostgreSQL MySQL QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEFAULT | 8 | 7% | Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
exception | 8 | 7% | Ada Reason F# OCaml F* ABAP ATS Apex |
TYPE | 8 | 7% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Redis Modula-3 Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INDEX | 8 | 7% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
rec | 8 | 7% | Haskell Reason F# OCaml Koka Opa ATS Nix |
inout | 8 | 7% | Swift Objective-C Chapel VHDL ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog Angelscript |
mod | 8 | 7% | Rust Ada Pascal F# VHDL Ligo HOPE nimrod |
exit | 8 | 7% | PowerShell Bash Ada VHDL ABAP AutoIt AutoIt Apex |
uint | 8 | 7% | C# Solidity Angelscript Jule orange Crema Aith BARE |
event | 8 | 7% | C# Solidity F# ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog Sophia Functional PHP Preprocessor |
UNION | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
TABLE | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
REFERENCES | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
PROCEDURE | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB |
OUTER | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
OF | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex |
LIKE | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
INTEGER | 8 | 7% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB DAX |
INT | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INSERT | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
INNER | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
HAVING | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Amazon Redshift |
EXISTS | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Redis Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language |
DISTINCT | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
DECIMAL | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CREATE | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Amazon Redshift |
CONTINUE | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
CHAR | 8 | 7% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ANY | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex Amazon Redshift |
ADD | 8 | 7% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Google Sheets |
map | 8 | 7% | Go VHDL Protocol Buffers Wa-lang Ligo Apex Sophia BARE |
alias | 8 | 7% | Ruby C# Crystal VHDL ABAP Koka SystemVerilog orange |
foreach | 8 | 7% | Perl PHP C# PowerShell SystemVerilog Mond JS++ Crema |
elif | 8 | 7% | Python Bash F# Koka Felix orange Q# nimrod |
typedef | 8 | 7% | C C++ Objective-C Dart SystemVerilog Felix ATS Angelscript |
volatile | 8 | 7% | JavaScript C Java C++ C# Objective-C F# Apex |
list | 7 | 6% | Scheme ABAP Lil Egison Ligo Apex Sophia |
TIME | 7 | 6% | COBOL PostgreSQL Redis Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EXIT | 7 | 6% | COBOL Fortran MySQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex |
BINARY | 7 | 6% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL QBasic Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
on | 7 | 6% | CoffeeScript GraphQL Chapel VHDL ABAP Lil Apex |
instance | 7 | 6% | Haskell ABAP Verilog Koka SystemVerilog Clean Felix |
- | 7 | 6% | Kotlin Haskell Pascal PostgreSQL Visual Basic .NET Angelscript HOPE |
infix | 7 | 6% | Swift Kotlin Haskell Koka Clean ATS HOPE |
record | 7 | 6% | C# Ada Chapel VHDL Ligo Eclipse Command Language Sophia |
internal | 7 | 6% | C# Swift Kotlin F# ABAP Eclipse Command Language Violent ES |
WRITE | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
VALUES | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
UPDATE | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
TRAILING | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
READ | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
PRIMARY | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
NO | 7 | 6% | SQL Objective-C COBOL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
NATURAL | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
KEY | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
FOREIGN | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
EXCEPT | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 Amazon Redshift |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CURRENT_TIME | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CURRENT_DATE | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
COUNT | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Redis Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONVERT | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONSTRAINT | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
COLLATE | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CHECK | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CHARACTER | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
BETWEEN | 7 | 6% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
ALTER | 7 | 6% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
next | 7 | 6% | Ruby R Crystal VHDL ABAP AutoIt D++ |
BEGIN | 7 | 6% | Ruby SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex |
endif | 7 | 6% | PHP HCL ABAP Twig AutoIt Felix D++ |
unless | 7 | 6% | Perl Ruby CoffeeScript Crystal Pug Lil Dylan |
operator | 7 | 6% | C++ C# Swift Kotlin Dart X10 Ham |
unsigned | 7 | 6% | C C++ Objective-C Verilog SystemVerilog JS++ Aith |
signed | 7 | 6% | C C++ Objective-C Verilog SystemVerilog JS++ Aith |
native | 7 | 6% | JavaScript Java ABAP Flow9 Apex Aith Violent ES |
block | 6 | 5% | Pug VHDL ABAP Twig Ligo nimrod |
downto | 6 | 5% | Reason F# OCaml VHDL Felix Maxima |
TRIGGER | 6 | 5% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
ROW | 6 | 5% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IGNORE | 6 | 5% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CROSS | 6 | 5% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
WHILE | 6 | 5% | Fortran MySQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 MariaDB Apex |
VALUE | 6 | 5% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
REPLACE | 6 | 5% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite MariaDB Google Sheets |
RECURSIVE | 6 | 5% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
OBJECT | 6 | 5% | COBOL PostgreSQL Redis Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex |
LEADING | 6 | 5% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
BEFORE | 6 | 5% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
library | 6 | 5% | Dart Solidity VHDL Verilog SystemVerilog Sophia |
property | 6 | 5% | Kotlin ABAP SystemVerilog TIScript orange JS++ |
ref | 6 | 5% | C# Rust Chapel ABAP SystemVerilog nimrod |
join | 6 | 5% | C# ABAP Verilog Lil SystemVerilog Apex |
group | 6 | 5% | C# VHDL ABAP SPARQL Apex Eclipse Command Language |
VARYING | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SUM | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ROWS | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RESTRICT | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
REAL | 6 | 5% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
OUT | 6 | 5% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
OPEN | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
NUMERIC | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
INOUT | 6 | 5% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
GRANT | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
GET | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Redis Transact-SQL Apex |
FUNCTION | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL |
FLOAT | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
EXCEPTION | 6 | 5% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex |
DROP | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
CURRENT_USER | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
CAST | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Apex Amazon Redshift |
CASCADE | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
BOTH | 6 | 5% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
range | 6 | 5% | Go Ada VHDL ABAP Wa-lang Lil |
func | 6 | 5% | Go Swift Wa-lang AutoIt RigC nimrod |
trait | 6 | 5% | PHP Rust Scala Groovy F# Jule |
mutable | 6 | 5% | C++ Reason F# OCaml F* Q# |
raise | 6 | 5% | Python Ada OCaml ABAP Felix nimrod |
lambda | 6 | 5% | Python Scheme Slope Felix HOPE Sibilant |
sizeof | 6 | 5% | C C++ C# Rust Objective-C Crystal |
auto | 6 | 5% | C C++ Objective-C Angelscript JS++ Q# |
throws | 6 | 5% | JavaScript Java Swift Groovy Apex Violent ES |
min | 5 | 4% | ABAP Lil Eclipse Command Language GorillaScript Freefem |
cast | 5 | 4% | ABAP Flow9 Angelscript Apex nimrod |
max | 5 | 4% | Protocol Buffers ABAP Lil GorillaScript Freefem |
any | 5 | 4% | HCL Apex Jule Eclipse Command Language Jisp |
method | 5 | 4% | F# OCaml ABAP Streem nimrod |
each | 5 | 4% | Pug Lil Sibilant PowerQuery M Violent ES |
load | 5 | 4% | Scheme ABAP SPARQL Slope Eclipse Command Language |
inherit | 5 | 4% | Reason F# OCaml Felix Nix |
XOR | 5 | 4% | MySQL MariaDB Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOOP | 5 | 4% | MySQL QBasic Modula-3 MariaDB Apex |
extend | 5 | 4% | Crystal GraphQL ABAP Eclipse Command Language orange |
SYSTEM | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL Apex Amazon Redshift |
RENAME | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Redis MariaDB |
OFFSET | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL SQLite Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
LOCALTIMESTAMP | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
LOCALTIME | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
LOAD | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL Redis Transact-SQL MariaDB |
EACH | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
DATE | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DATABASE | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
BLOB | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Apex |
ARRAY | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 Apex Amazon Redshift |
ANALYZE | 5 | 4% | PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
PRECISION | 5 | 4% | Fortran PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
DO | 5 | 4% | Fortran PostgreSQL Modula-3 Apex Amazon Redshift |
ACTION | 5 | 4% | Fortran PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
all | 5 | 4% | Ada VHDL ABAP Felix Eclipse Command Language |
Structure | 5 | 4% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET IGOR Pro SpiderBasic |
For | 5 | 4% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
End | 5 | 4% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
USE | 5 | 4% | COBOL Fortran MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
USAGE | 5 | 4% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SORT | 5 | 4% | COBOL Redis Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SEQUENCE | 5 | 4% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel |
SEARCH | 5 | 4% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex Google Sheets |
RELEASE | 5 | 4% | COBOL MySQL SQLite Transact-SQL MariaDB |
OFF | 5 | 4% | COBOL PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
LOCK | 5 | 4% | COBOL PostgreSQL MySQL Modula-3 MariaDB |
DAY | 5 | 4% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONTAINS | 5 | 4% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Cypher Query Language |
Class | 5 | 4% | Objective-C Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Apex |
div | 5 | 4% | Erlang Pascal MIPS architecture HOPE nimrod |
after | 5 | 4% | Elixir Erlang VHDL ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
undefined | 5 | 4% | CoffeeScript Mond TIScript JS++ Violent ES |
forall | 5 | 4% | Haskell Chapel F* Opa Felix |
; | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Haskell Angelscript HOPE Pikchr |
@ | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Haskell CoffeeScript Objective-C Angelscript |
> | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Haskell Pascal Angelscript HOPE |
= | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Haskell Pascal Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
* | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Kotlin Pascal Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
+ | 5 | 4% | Kotlin Pascal Visual Basic .NET Angelscript HOPE |
optional | 5 | 4% | Swift Protocol Buffers ABAP SPARQL BARE |
lazy | 5 | 4% | Swift Scala Reason F# OCaml |
move | 5 | 4% | Rust ABAP MIPS architecture SPARQL Pikchr |
done | 5 | 4% | Bash Reason F# OCaml Felix |
into | 5 | 4% | C# ABAP Lil Apex Lexon |
dynamic | 5 | 4% | C# Swift Kotlin Dart ABAP |
YEAR | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VARCHAR | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
UPPER | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TRANSACTION | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Apex |
SQLSTATE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SQL | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SMALLINT | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SECOND | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SCHEMA | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
ROLLBACK | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Apex |
REVOKE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
PUBLIC | 5 | 4% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
OUTPUT | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL |
OPTION | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
ONLY | 5 | 4% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
NEXT | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL |
MINUTE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MIN | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MAX | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOWER | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INTERSECT | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
INSENSITIVE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
INITIALLY | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
HOUR | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GO | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
GLOBAL | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
FULL | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
FETCH | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
EXTERNAL | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
EXPLAIN | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL SQLite MariaDB |
DESCRIBE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
DEFERRABLE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
DECLARE | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
DEC | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
CURSOR | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
COMMIT | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Apex |
CLOSE | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
BOOLEAN | 5 | 4% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex DAX |
AT | 5 | 4% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL DAX |
elsif | 5 | 4% | Perl Ruby Ada Crystal VHDL |
except | 5 | 4% | Python ABAP Felix Eclipse Command Language nimrod |
synchronized | 5 | 4% | JavaScript Java C++ Ada Apex |
VAR | 4 | 3% | Modula-3 DAX Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
step | 4 | 3% | AutoIt Maxima Aith D++ |
limit | 4 | 3% | SPARQL Lil Apex Eclipse Command Language |
update | 4 | 3% | ABAP Lil Apex Eclipse Command Language |
table | 4 | 3% | ABAP Verilog Lil SystemVerilog |
skip | 4 | 3% | ABAP Streem Ligo Eclipse Command Language |
output | 4 | 3% | ABAP Verilog Bicep SystemVerilog |
last | 4 | 3% | ABAP Lil Eclipse Command Language Jisp |
insert | 4 | 3% | ABAP SPARQL Lil Apex |
endcase | 4 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog Felix |
code | 4 | 3% | ABAP Clean Clean Felix |
assign | 4 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog Sibilant |
wait | 4 | 3% | VHDL ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
shared | 4 | 3% | VHDL ABAP Eclipse Command Language PowerQuery M |
generate | 4 | 3% | VHDL ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
4 | 3% | HCL HCL HCL HCL | |
number | 4 | 3% | HCL ABAP Apex Ham |
mixin | 4 | 3% | Pug F# Angelscript nimrod |
otherwise | 4 | 3% | Chapel Clean Dylan PowerQuery M |
append | 4 | 3% | Scheme Pug ABAP Freefem |
input | 4 | 3% | GraphQL ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
functor | 4 | 3% | Reason F# OCaml Felix |
constraint | 4 | 3% | Reason F# OCaml SystemVerilog |
PARTITION | 4 | 3% | MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
LONG | 4 | 3% | MySQL QBasic MariaDB Apex |
KILL | 4 | 3% | MySQL Redis Transact-SQL MariaDB |
WITHOUT | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
TRIM | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TIMESTAMP | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL MariaDB Amazon Redshift |
SQLWARNING | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SQLEXCEPTION | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SPECIFIC | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SENSITIVE | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
SAVEPOINT | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL Apex |
READS | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
NEW | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex Amazon Redshift |
MONTH | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MODIFIES | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
LARGE | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ITERATE | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
INTERVAL | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
DETERMINISTIC | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
ASENSITIVE | 4 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
integer | 4 | 3% | Pascal SystemVerilog Egison Aith |
MODULE | 4 | 3% | Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 |
task | 4 | 3% | Ada ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
While | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
String | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Ligo Sophia |
Static | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Set | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Ligo Apex |
Select | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Protected | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Or | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Not | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
New | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Module | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Interface | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Implements | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Global | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Else | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Default | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Continue | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
Case | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
And | 4 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex SpiderBasic |
UNTIL | 4 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL QBasic Modula-3 |
TEXT | 4 | 3% | COBOL MariaDB Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
START | 4 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL DAX |
SIZE | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
POSITION | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NUMBER | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Apex |
MODE | 4 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MERGE | 4 | 3% | COBOL Transact-SQL Apex Cypher Query Language |
FILE | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran Transact-SQL Freefem |
DATA | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CLASS | 4 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
AFTER | 4 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
ACCESS | 4 | 3% | COBOL Fortran PostgreSQL QBasic |
atomic | 4 | 3% | Objective-C Chapel F# X10 |
cond | 4 | 3% | Erlang Scheme ABAP Slope |
infixr | 4 | 3% | Haskell Koka Clean ATS |
infixl | 4 | 3% | Haskell Koka Clean ATS |
: | 4 | 3% | Kotlin Angelscript HOPE Pikchr |
:: | 4 | 3% | Kotlin Haskell Angelscript HOPE |
<= | 4 | 3% | Kotlin Pascal Angelscript HOPE |
/ | 4 | 3% | Kotlin Pascal Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
inner | 4 | 3% | Kotlin ABAP Apex Eclipse Command Language |
expect | 4 | 3% | Kotlin SystemVerilog Felix Speedie |
file | 4 | 3% | Kotlin VHDL ABAP Pikchr |
right | 4 | 3% | Swift ABAP Eclipse Command Language Pikchr |
left | 4 | 3% | Swift ABAP Eclipse Command Language Pikchr |
init | 4 | 3% | Swift Kotlin ABAP Jisp |
pure | 4 | 3% | Rust F# VHDL SystemVerilog |
proc | 4 | 3% | Rust Haskell Chapel nimrod |
fn | 4 | 3% | Rust Elixir ATS Jule |
process | 4 | 3% | PowerShell F# VHDL ABAP |
param | 4 | 3% | PowerShell Kotlin Chapel Bicep |
define | 4 | 3% | PowerShell ABAP Slope Dylan |
unsafe | 4 | 3% | C# Rust Flow9 Jule |
sealed | 4 | 3% | C# Scala Kotlin F# |
fixed | 4 | 3% | C# Solidity F# Freefem |
base | 4 | 3% | C# F# ABAP SPARQL |
add | 4 | 3% | C# ABAP MIPS architecture SPARQL |
VIEW | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
USER | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
TEMPORARY | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
SPACE | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SOME | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
SESSION_USER | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
RELATIVE | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PAD | 4 | 3% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
OVERLAPS | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
LAST | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
INPUT | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
IMMEDIATE | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
IDENTITY | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
GOTO | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
FIRST | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
EXEC | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Redis Transact-SQL |
ESCAPE | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
DEFERRED | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL SQLite Transact-SQL |
DEALLOCATE | 4 | 3% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CORRESPONDING | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
BIT | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
AUTHORIZATION | 4 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
ARE | 4 | 3% | SQL COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ALLOCATE | 4 | 3% | SQL Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
defer | 4 | 3% | Go Swift Wa-lang nimrod |
require | 4 | 3% | PHP Crystal Flow9 Speedie |
asm | 4 | 3% | C++ Crystal Speedie nimrod |
_ | 4 | 3% | Java Kotlin Chapel Felix |
True | 4 | 3% | Python Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
False | 4 | 3% | Python Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
register | 4 | 3% | C C++ Objective-C VHDL |
debugger | 4 | 3% | JavaScript CoffeeScript Mond JS++ |
boolean | 4 | 3% | JavaScript Java Pascal Apex |
await | 4 | 3% | JavaScript C# Dart Violent ES |
N | 3 | 3% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Freefem |
DELTA | 3 | 3% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
YIELD | 3 | 3% | Cypher Query Language Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TODAY | 3 | 3% | Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SWITCH | 3 | 3% | Apex Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
Map | 3 | 3% | Ligo Apex SpiderBasic |
List | 3 | 3% | Ligo Apex SpiderBasic |
LN | 3 | 3% | Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FILTER | 3 | 3% | Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
embed | 3 | 3% | Twig Eclipse Command Language Violent ES |
apply | 3 | 3% | Twig Slope Q# |
BASE | 3 | 3% | QBasic Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
within | 3 | 3% | SystemVerilog Eclipse Command Language Q# |
desc | 3 | 3% | SPARQL Lil Apex |
asc | 3 | 3% | SPARQL Lil Apex |
fork | 3 | 3% | Verilog SystemVerilog Felix |
error | 3 | 3% | ABAP Speedie PowerQuery M |
cross | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil SystemVerilog |
window | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil IGOR Pro |
width | 3 | 3% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language Pikchr |
unique | 3 | 3% | ABAP SystemVerilog Aith |
sum | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil Freefem |
rows | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil Eclipse Command Language |
parameter | 3 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
outer | 3 | 3% | ABAP Apex Eclipse Command Language |
like | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil Apex |
initial | 3 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
heading | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil Eclipse Command Language |
having | 3 | 3% | ABAP SPARQL Apex |
flush | 3 | 3% | ABAP Twig Freefem |
first | 3 | 3% | ABAP Lil Eclipse Command Language |
fail | 3 | 3% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language Q# |
endmodule | 3 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
endfunction | 3 | 3% | ABAP Verilog SystemVerilog |
distinct | 3 | 3% | ABAP SPARQL nimrod |
create | 3 | 3% | ABAP SPARQL Dylan |
copy | 3 | 3% | ABAP SPARQL Aith |
before | 3 | 3% | ABAP SystemVerilog Eclipse Command Language |
exists | 3 | 3% | F* ABAP Slope |
RESTORE | 3 | 3% | Redis Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
LIST | 3 | 3% | Redis QBasic Apex |
service | 3 | 3% | Protocol Buffers SPARQL Eclipse Command Language |
option | 3 | 3% | Protocol Buffers ABAP Sophia |
syntax | 3 | 3% | Protocol Buffers ABAP Speedie |
drop | 3 | 3% | MongoDB SPARQL Lil |
find | 3 | 3% | MongoDB ABAP Freefem |
nor | 3 | 3% | VHDL MIPS architecture SystemVerilog |
component | 3 | 3% | F# VHDL ABAP |
scan | 3 | 3% | Chapel ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
label | 3 | 3% | Chapel VHDL Freefem |
config | 3 | 3% | Chapel Verilog SystemVerilog |
format | 3 | 3% | Scheme ABAP Lil |
sig | 3 | 3% | Reason F# OCaml |
VIRTUAL | 3 | 3% | MySQL SQLite Apex |
SIGNAL | 3 | 3% | MySQL QBasic MariaDB |
REPEAT | 3 | 3% | MySQL Modula-3 MariaDB |
REGEXP | 3 | 3% | MySQL SQLite MariaDB |
RANK | 3 | 3% | MySQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RANGE | 3 | 3% | MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
KEYS | 3 | 3% | MySQL Redis MariaDB |
ELSEIF | 3 | 3% | MySQL QBasic MariaDB |
DIV | 3 | 3% | MySQL Modula-3 MariaDB |
CONDITION | 3 | 3% | MySQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
STATIC | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
SIMILAR | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
SHOW | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB |
ROLE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Redis Transact-SQL |
REF | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Modula-3 |
OLD | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
NOTNULL | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL SQLite Amazon Redshift |
MAXVALUE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB |
MAP | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Apex |
LOCAL | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL |
LATERAL | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL |
LANGUAGE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
ISNULL | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL SQLite Amazon Redshift |
GROUPING | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL |
GENERAL | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL MariaDB |
FORCE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB |
CUBE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL Transact-SQL |
BIGINT | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB |
ALIAS | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL QBasic Transact-SQL |
AGGREGATE | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL Microsoft Excel |
ABS | 3 | 3% | PostgreSQL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
word | 3 | 3% | Pascal ABAP Aith |
single | 3 | 3% | Pascal Chapel ABAP |
SAVE | 3 | 3% | Fortran Redis Transact-SQL |
RESULT | 3 | 3% | Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PARAMETER | 3 | 3% | Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NONE | 3 | 3% | Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
INTERFACE | 3 | 3% | Fortran Modula-3 Apex |
CYCLE | 3 | 3% | Fortran PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
COMPLEX | 3 | 3% | Fortran Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
procedure | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL ABAP |
body | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL Q# |
generic | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL Clean |
at | 3 | 3% | Ada ABAP X10 |
array | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL Apex |
others | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL ABAP |
access | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL ABAP |
abs | 3 | 3% | Ada VHDL Ligo |
With | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
When | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Wend | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Using | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
TypeOf | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Try | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
To | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Throw | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Then | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Step | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Short | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Shared | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Return | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
ReDim | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Public | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Private | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Operator | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET |
On | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Of | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Object | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Next | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Loop | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Long | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Like | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
In | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
If | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Get | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Finally | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Exit | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Enum | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
EndIf | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
ElseIf | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Double | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Do | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Dim | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Declare | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET SpiderBasic |
Decimal | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Const | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Char | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Catch | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
Call | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Sophia |
Boolean | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
As | 3 | 3% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET Apex |
returns | 3 | 3% | Solidity Protocol Buffers ABAP |
constant | 3 | 3% | Solidity Ada VHDL |
uint64 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
uint16 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
uint8 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
int64 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
int32 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
int16 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
int8 | 3 | 3% | Solidity Angelscript orange |
Byte | 3 | 3% | Solidity Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
pragma | 3 | 3% | Solidity Ada Apex |
TOP | 3 | 3% | COBOL Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
THAN | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TERMINATE | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
STRING | 3 | 3% | COBOL QBasic DAX |
SIGN | 3 | 3% | COBOL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SECTION | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
RESET | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Redis |
PURGE | 3 | 3% | COBOL MySQL MariaDB |
OPTIONAL | 3 | 3% | COBOL Fortran Cypher Query Language |
NULLS | 3 | 3% | COBOL Apex Amazon Redshift |
MOVE | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Redis |
METHOD | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
LINES | 3 | 3% | COBOL MySQL MariaDB |
LESS | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
INITIALIZE | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
FINAL | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Apex |
EVERY | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DYNAMIC | 3 | 3% | COBOL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CODE | 3 | 3% | COBOL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ADDRESS | 3 | 3% | COBOL Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
quote | 3 | 3% | Julia Scheme Eclipse Command Language |
rem | 3 | 3% | Erlang Ada VHDL |
isnt | 3 | 3% | CoffeeScript GorillaScript Ham |
\ | 3 | 3% | Haskell Visual Basic .NET Pikchr |
, | 3 | 3% | Haskell Angelscript HOPE |
? | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Haskell Angelscript |
] | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Angelscript Pikchr |
[ | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Angelscript Pikchr |
>= | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Pascal Angelscript |
< | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Pascal Angelscript |
== | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Angelscript HOPE |
! | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Haskell Angelscript |
++ | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Angelscript HOPE |
/= | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
*= | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
-= | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
+= | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
field | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Kotlin ABAP |
constructor | 3 | 3% | Kotlin Solidity F# |
weak | 3 | 3% | Swift Protocol Buffers SystemVerilog |
prefix | 3 | 3% | Swift SPARQL ATS |
typealias | 3 | 3% | Swift Kotlin Julia |
pub | 3 | 3% | Rust Reason Jule |
parallel | 3 | 3% | PowerShell F# Apex |
filter | 3 | 3% | PowerShell ABAP SPARQL |
NA | 3 | 3% | R Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
value | 3 | 3% | C# OCaml ABAP |
implicit | 3 | 3% | C# Scala ABAP |
delegate | 3 | 3% | C# Kotlin F# |
async | 3 | 3% | C# Dart X10 |
WORK | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
WHENEVER | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
UNKNOWN | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TRANSLATION | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TRANSLATE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TIMEZONE_MINUTE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TIMEZONE_HOUR | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SYSTEM_USER | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SUBSTRING | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SQLERROR | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SQLCODE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SCROLL | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PRIVILEGES | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PRIOR | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PRESERVE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PREPARE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PARTIAL | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NULLIF | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NCHAR | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NATIONAL | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ISOLATION | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
INDICATOR | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
FOUND | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
EXECUTE | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DISCONNECT | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DIAGNOSTICS | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CURRENT | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CONSTRAINTS | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CONNECTION | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CONNECT | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
COLLATION | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CASCADED | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
AVG | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ASSERTION | 3 | 3% | SQL PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
retry | 3 | 3% | Ruby ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
rescue | 3 | 3% | Ruby Elixir Crystal |
endfor | 3 | 3% | PHP HCL Twig |
declare | 3 | 3% | PHP Ada vdscript |
no | 3 | 3% | Perl CoffeeScript ABAP |
__LINE__ | 3 | 3% | Perl PHP Ruby |
__FILE__ | 3 | 3% | Perl PHP Ruby |
lock | 3 | 3% | Perl C# ABAP |
template | 3 | 3% | C++ RigC nimrod |
explicit | 3 | 3% | C++ C# ABAP |
#line | 3 | 3% | C++ Swift Swift |
transient | 3 | 3% | JavaScript Java Apex |
eval | 3 | 3% | JavaScript Scheme Slope |
meta | 2 | 2% | PowerQuery M Violent ES |
region | 2 | 2% | Aith Freefem |
borrow | 2 | 2% | Aith Q# |
MINUS | 2 | 2% | Google Sheets Amazon Redshift |
ZTEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
Z.TEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
YIELDMAT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
YIELDDISC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
YEARFRAC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
XNPV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
XIRR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
WORKDAY.INTL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
WORKDAY | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
WEIBULL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
WEEKNUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
WEEKDAY | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VLOOKUP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VDB | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VARPA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VARP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
VARA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
UNICODE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TTEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TRUNC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TRIMMEAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TREND | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TRANSPOSE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TIMEVALUE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TEXTJOIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TBILLYIELD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TBILLPRICE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TBILLEQ | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TANH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
TAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
T.TEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
T.INV.2T | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
T.INV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
T | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SYD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMXMY2 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMX2PY2 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMX2MY2 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMSQ | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMPRODUCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMIFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUMIF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUBTOTAL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SUBSTITUTE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STEYX | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STDEVPA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STDEVP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STDEVA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STDEV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
STANDARDIZE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SQRTPI | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SQRT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SMALL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SLOPE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SLN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SKEW | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SINH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SERIESSUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SECH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
SEC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RSQ | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ROUNDUP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ROUNDDOWN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ROUND | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ROMAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
REPT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RECEIVED | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RATE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RANK.EQ | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RANK.AVG | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RANDBETWEEN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RAND | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
RADIANS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
QUOTIENT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
QUARTILE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PROPER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PRODUCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PROB | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PRICEMAT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PRICEDISC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PRICE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PPMT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
POWER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
POISSON.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
POISSON | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PMT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PI | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PHI | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PERMUT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PERCENTRANK.INC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PERCENTRANK.EXC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PERCENTRANK | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PERCENTILE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
PEARSON | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ODD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
OCT2HEX | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
OCT2DEC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
OCT2BIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NPV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NPER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NOW | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NORMSINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NORMSDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NORMINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NORMDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NOMINAL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NETWORKDAYS.INTL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NETWORKDAYS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
NEGBINOMDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MULTINOMIAL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MROUND | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MMULT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MIRR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MINVERSE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MINIFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MINA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MEDIAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MDURATION | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MDETERM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MAXIFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
MAXA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOOKUP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOGNORMDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOGINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOGEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOG10 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LOG | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LINEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
LCM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
KURT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISTEXT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISREF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISPMT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISOWEEKNUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISODD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISNUMBER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISNONTEXT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISNA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISLOGICAL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISFORMULA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISEVEN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISERROR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISERR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ISBLANK | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IRR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IPMT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INTRATE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INTERCEPT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
INDIRECT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMSUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMSUB | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMSQRT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMREAL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMPRODUCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMPOWER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMLN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMEXP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMDIV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMCOS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMCONJUGATE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMARGUMENT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMAGINARY | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IMABS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
IFERROR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HYPGEOMDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HYPERLINK | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HLOOKUP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HEX2OCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HEX2DEC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HEX2BIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
HARMEAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GROWTH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GETPIVOTDATA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GESTEP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GEOMEAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GCD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAUSS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAMMALN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAMMAINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAMMADIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAMMA.INV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
GAMMA.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FVSCHEDULE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FTEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FREQUENCY | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FORECAST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FLOOR.PRECISE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FLOOR.MATH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FLOOR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FIXED | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FISHERINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FISHER | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FACTDOUBLE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
FACT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
F.TEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
F.INV.RT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
F.INV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
F.DIST.RT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
F.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EXPONDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EXPON.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EXP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EXACT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EVEN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ERROR.TYPE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ERFC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ERF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EOMONTH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EFFECT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
EDATE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DVARP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DVAR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DURATION | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DSUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DSTDEVP | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DSTDEV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DPRODUCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DOLLARFR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DOLLARDE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DOLLAR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DMIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DMAX | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DISC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DGET | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEVSQ | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEGREES | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEC2OCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEC2HEX | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DEC2BIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DDB | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DCOUNTA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DCOUNT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DB | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DAYS360 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DAYS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DAVERAGE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DATEVALUE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
DATEDIF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CUMPRINC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CUMIPMT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CSCH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CSC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CRITBINOM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COVAR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPPCD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPNUM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPNCD | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPDAYSNC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPDAYS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUPDAYBS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUNTIFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUNTIF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUNTBLANK | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COUNTA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COTH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COSH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CORREL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONFIDENCE.NORM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONFIDENCE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONCATENATE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CONCAT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COMBINA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COMBIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
COLUMNS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CLEAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHOOSE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHITEST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHISQ.INV.RT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHISQ.INV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHISQ.DIST.RT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHISQ.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHIINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CHIDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CELL | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CEILING.PRECISE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CEILING.MATH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
CEILING | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BITXOR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BITRSHIFT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BITOR | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BITLSHIFT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BITAND | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BINOMDIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BIN2OCT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BIN2HEX | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BIN2DEC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BETAINV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BETADIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BETA.INV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
BETA.DIST | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AVERAGEIFS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AVERAGEIF | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AVERAGEA | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AVERAGE | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AVEDEV | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ATANH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ATAN2 | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ATAN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ASINH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ASIN | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ARABIC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
AMORLINC | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACOTH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACOT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACOSH | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACOS | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACCRINTM | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
ACCRINT | 2 | 2% | Microsoft Excel Google Sheets |
tuple | 2 | 2% | Sophia nimrod |
pipe | 2 | 2% | Eclipse Command Language Sibilant |
overwrite | 2 | 2% | Eclipse Command Language JS++ |
skew | 2 | 2% | Eclipse Command Language Eclipse Command Language |
ret | 2 | 2% | Jule RigC |
f64 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
f32 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
u64 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
u32 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
u16 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
u8 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
i64 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
i32 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
i16 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
i8 | 2 | 2% | Jule BARE |
WEBSERVICE | 2 | 2% | Apex Microsoft Excel |
PARALLEL | 2 | 2% | Apex Amazon Redshift |
Import | 2 | 2% | Apex SpiderBasic |
Extends | 2 | 2% | Apex SpiderBasic |
Break | 2 | 2% | Apex SpiderBasic |
Array | 2 | 2% | Apex SpiderBasic |
operation | 2 | 2% | Ligo Q# |
Crypto | 2 | 2% | Ligo Sophia |
Bytes | 2 | 2% | Ligo Sophia |
) | 2 | 2% | Angelscript HOPE |
( | 2 | 2% | Angelscript HOPE |
EndMacro | 2 | 2% | IGOR Pro SpiderBasic |
EndStructure | 2 | 2% | IGOR Pro SpiderBasic |
ENUM | 2 | 2% | MariaDB Apex |
datatype | 2 | 2% | ATS Sophia |
TRY | 2 | 2% | Modula-3 Apex |
IMPORT | 2 | 2% | Modula-3 Apex |
FINALLY | 2 | 2% | Modula-3 Apex |
CONST | 2 | 2% | Modula-3 Apex |
above | 2 | 2% | Dylan Pikchr |
below | 2 | 2% | Dylan Pikchr |
rename | 2 | 2% | Felix Dylan |
WITHIN | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Transact-SQL |
PERCENT | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
COLLECT | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Apex |
BULK | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Apex |
BREAK | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Apex |
BACKUP | 2 | 2% | Transact-SQL Amazon Redshift |
endmacro | 2 | 2% | Twig Eclipse Command Language |
endembed | 2 | 2% | Twig Eclipse Command Language |
SINGLE | 2 | 2% | QBasic Microsoft Excel |
small | 2 | 2% | SystemVerilog Pikchr |
packed | 2 | 2% | SystemVerilog Eclipse Command Language |
bind | 2 | 2% | SystemVerilog nimrod |
assume | 2 | 2% | SystemVerilog ATS |
parse | 2 | 2% | Lil Felix |
named | 2 | 2% | SPARQL Eclipse Command Language |
lhi | 2 | 2% | MIPS architecture MIPS architecture |
resource | 2 | 2% | Bicep Violent ES |
wire | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
vectored | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
trireg | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
wor | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
trior | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
wand | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
triand | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
tri1 | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
tri0 | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
tri | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
specparam | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
specify | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
showcancelled | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
scalared | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
release | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
reg | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
pulsestyle_onevent | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
pulsestyle_ondetect | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
primitive | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
posedge | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
noshowcancelled | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
negedge | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
macromodule | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
localparam | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
liblist | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
incdir | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
ifnone | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
genvar | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
forever | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
force | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endtask | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endtable | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endspecify | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endprimitive | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endgenerate | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
endconfig | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
edge | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
disable | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
design | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
defparam | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
deassign | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
cell | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
casez | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
casex | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
automatic | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
always | 2 | 2% | Verilog SystemVerilog |
verbatim | 2 | 2% | ABAP Twig |
uuid | 2 | 2% | ABAP Functional PHP Preprocessor |
partition | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
oracle | 2 | 2% | ABAP Sophia |
nulls | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
multiple | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
many | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
graph | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
full | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
bulk | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
xml | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
version | 2 | 2% | ABAP Freefem |
values | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
up | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
transaction | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
time | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
text | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
state | 2 | 2% | ABAP Sophia |
stable | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
sql | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
split | 2 | 2% | ABAP Lil |
source | 2 | 2% | ABAP Ligo |
sort | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
smart | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
size | 2 | 2% | ABAP Aith |
send | 2 | 2% | ABAP Lil |
section | 2 | 2% | ABAP PowerQuery M |
search | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
scientific | 2 | 2% | ABAP Freefem |
rollback | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
returning | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
reduced | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
program | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
priority | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
order | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
only | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
offset | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
medium | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
locale | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
line | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
length | 2 | 2% | ABAP Freefem |
kind | 2 | 2% | ABAP Aith |
keys | 2 | 2% | ABAP Lil |
keep | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
hint | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
forward | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
extract | 2 | 2% | ABAP Lil |
exceptions | 2 | 2% | ABAP Felix |
endwith | 2 | 2% | ABAP Twig |
endselect | 2 | 2% | ABAP AutoIt |
endinterface | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
endclass | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
encoding | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
describe | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
database | 2 | 2% | ABAP Opa |
cover | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
context | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
compression | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
commit | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
color | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
collect | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
client | 2 | 2% | ABAP Opa |
clear | 2 | 2% | ABAP SPARQL |
cleanup | 2 | 2% | ABAP Dylan |
center | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
call | 2 | 2% | ABAP Felix |
boxed | 2 | 2% | ABAP Aith |
blob | 2 | 2% | ABAP Apex |
bit | 2 | 2% | ABAP SystemVerilog |
binary | 2 | 2% | ABAP Freefem |
big | 2 | 2% | ABAP Pikchr |
between | 2 | 2% | ABAP Eclipse Command Language |
area | 2 | 2% | ABAP Freefem |
total | 2 | 2% | F* ABAP |
opaque | 2 | 2% | F* Aith |
logic | 2 | 2% | F* SystemVerilog |
attributes | 2 | 2% | F* ABAP |
SHUTDOWN | 2 | 2% | Redis Transact-SQL |
READONLY | 2 | 2% | Redis Modula-3 |
EVAL | 2 | 2% | Redis Modula-3 |
DUMP | 2 | 2% | Redis Transact-SQL |
INFO | 2 | 2% | Redis Microsoft Excel |
APPEND | 2 | 2% | Redis QBasic |
RAISE | 2 | 2% | SQLite Modula-3 |
QUERY | 2 | 2% | SQLite Google Sheets |
PRAGMA | 2 | 2% | SQLite Apex |
PLAN | 2 | 2% | SQLite Transact-SQL |
DETACH | 2 | 2% | SQLite Cypher Query Language |
message | 2 | 2% | Protocol Buffers ABAP |
<<= | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
<< | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
>>= | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
>> | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
^= | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
^ | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
&= | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
& | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic .NET Angelscript |
xnor | 2 | 2% | VHDL SystemVerilog |
srl | 2 | 2% | VHDL MIPS architecture |
sra | 2 | 2% | VHDL MIPS architecture |
sll | 2 | 2% | VHDL MIPS architecture |
signal | 2 | 2% | VHDL Dylan |
report | 2 | 2% | VHDL ABAP |
reject | 2 | 2% | VHDL ABAP |
nand | 2 | 2% | VHDL SystemVerilog |
literal | 2 | 2% | VHDL Eclipse Command Language |
entity | 2 | 2% | VHDL ABAP |
disconnect | 2 | 2% | VHDL ABAP |
buffer | 2 | 2% | VHDL ABAP |
reduce | 2 | 2% | Chapel ABAP |
index | 2 | 2% | Chapel ABAP |
align | 2 | 2% | Chapel ABAP |
set! | 2 | 2% | Scheme Slope |
cdr | 2 | 2% | Scheme Jisp |
car | 2 | 2% | Scheme Jisp |
schema | 2 | 2% | GraphQL ABAP |
initializer | 2 | 2% | Reason OCaml |
ZEROFILL | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
YEAR_MONTH | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
WINDOW | 2 | 2% | MySQL Transact-SQL |
VARCHARACTER | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
VARBINARY | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UTC_TIMESTAMP | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UTC_TIME | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UTC_DATE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UNSIGNED | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UNLOCK | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
UNDO | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
TINYTEXT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
TINYINT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
TINYBLOB | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
TERMINATED | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
STRAIGHT_JOIN | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
STARTING | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SSL | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SQL_SMALL_RESULT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SQL_BIG_RESULT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SPATIAL | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SEPARATOR | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
SCHEMAS | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
RLIKE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
RESIGNAL | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
REQUIRE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
READ_WRITE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
PERCENT_RANK | 2 | 2% | MySQL Transact-SQL |
OVER | 2 | 2% | MySQL Transact-SQL |
OUTFILE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
OPTIONALLY | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
OPTIMIZE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
MINUTE_SECOND | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
MIDDLEINT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
MEDIUMTEXT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
MEDIUMINT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
MEDIUMBLOB | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
LOW_PRIORITY | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
LONGTEXT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
LONGBLOB | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
LINEAR | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
LEAVE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INT8 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INT4 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INT3 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INT2 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INT1 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
INFILE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
HOUR_SECOND | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
HOUR_MINUTE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
HIGH_PRIORITY | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
FULLTEXT | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
FLOAT8 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
FLOAT4 | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
ESCAPED | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
ENCLOSED | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DUAL | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DISTINCTROW | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DELAYED | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DAY_SECOND | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DAY_MINUTE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DAY_MICROSECOND | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DAY_HOUR | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
DATABASES | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
CUME_DIST | 2 | 2% | MySQL Transact-SQL |
CHANGE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
ACCESSIBLE | 2 | 2% | MySQL MariaDB |
ZONE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
VOLATILE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Apex |
VERBOSE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift |
VARIABLE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
VACUUM | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
UNNEST | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
UNDER | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TRUNCATE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TREAT | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
TEMP | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
SYMMETRIC | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
STRUCTURE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
STATISTICS | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
STATEMENT | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
STATE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SPECIFICTYPE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SETS | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SESSION | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
SCOPE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
RULE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ROUTINE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ROLLUP | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
RETURNS | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
REINDEX | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
REFERENCING | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PREORDER | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PREFIX | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
POSTFIX | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PLACING | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift |
PATH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PASCAL | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
PARAMETERS | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
OVERLAY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ORDINALITY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
OPERATION | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
OCTET_LENGTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NCLOB | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
NAMES | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
MODIFY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
LOCATOR | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
LEVEL | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
INSTEAD | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
ILIKE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift |
HOST | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
HOLD | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
GENERATED | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL MySQL |
FREEZE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift |
FREE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
FORTRAN | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
EXTRACT | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
EXCLUSIVE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
EQUALS | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
END-EXEC | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DOMAIN | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DICTIONARY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DESTRUCTOR | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DESTROY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DESCRIPTOR | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DEREF | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
DEPTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CURRENT_ROLE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CURRENT_PATH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CONSTRUCTOR | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
COMPLETION | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
COALESCE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CLUSTER | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Redis |
CLOB | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CHECKPOINT | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CHAR_LENGTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CHARACTER_LENGTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CATALOG | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CARDINALITY | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
CALLED | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
BREADTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
BIT_LENGTH | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ATOMIC | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ASYMMETRIC | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ANALYSE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Amazon Redshift |
ADMIN | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ADA | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ABSOLUTE | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL Transact-SQL |
ABORT | 2 | 2% | PostgreSQL SQLite |
shr | 2 | 2% | Pascal nimrod |
shortint | 2 | 2% | Pascal SystemVerilog |
shl | 2 | 2% | Pascal nimrod |
longint | 2 | 2% | Pascal SystemVerilog |
<> | 2 | 2% | Pascal HOPE |
STAT | 2 | 2% | Fortran Apex |
READWRITE | 2 | 2% | Fortran Redis |
PRIVATE | 2 | 2% | Fortran Apex |
2 | 2% | Fortran Transact-SQL | |
PAUSE | 2 | 2% | Fortran Redis |
OPERATOR | 2 | 2% | Fortran PostgreSQL |
NAME | 2 | 2% | Fortran PostgreSQL |
LEN | 2 | 2% | Fortran Google Sheets |
IMPLICIT | 2 | 2% | Fortran PostgreSQL |
ASSIGNMENT | 2 | 2% | Fortran PostgreSQL |
tagged | 2 | 2% | Ada SystemVerilog |
subtype | 2 | 2% | Ada VHDL |
some | 2 | 2% | Ada ABAP |
separate | 2 | 2% | Ada ABAP |
entry | 2 | 2% | Ada ABAP |
accept | 2 | 2% | Ada ABAP |
Xor | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
WriteOnly | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
WithEvents | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Widening | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Variant | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
UShort | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
ULong | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
UInteger | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
TryCast | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
SyncLock | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Sub | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Stop | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Single | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Shadows | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
SByte | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Resume | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
RemoveHandler | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
ReadOnly | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
RaiseEvent | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Property | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Partial | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
ParamArray | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Overrides | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Overridable | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Overloads | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Out | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
OrElse | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Optional | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Option | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
NotOverridable | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
NotInheritable | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Nothing | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Narrowing | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Namespace | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
MyClass | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
MyBase | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
MustOverride | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
MustInherit | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Mod | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Me | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Lib | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Let | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
IsNot | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Is | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Integer | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Inherits | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Imports | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Handles | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
GoTo | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
GoSub | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
GetXMLNamespace | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
GetType | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Function | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Friend | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Event | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Error | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Erase | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Each | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
DirectCast | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Delegate | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Date | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CUShort | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CULng | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CUInt | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CType | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CStr | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CSng | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CShort | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CSByte | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CObj | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CLng | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CInt | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CDec | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CDbl | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CDate | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CChar | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CByte | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
CBool | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
ByVal | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
ByRef | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
AndAlso | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
Alias | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
AddressOf | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
AddHandler | 2 | 2% | Visual Basic Visual Basic .NET |
mapping | 2 | 2% | Solidity ABAP |
bytes | 2 | 2% | Solidity Sophia |
uint32 | 2 | 2% | Solidity Angelscript |
Int | 2 | 2% | Solidity Apex |
address | 2 | 2% | Solidity Sophia |
modifier | 2 | 2% | Solidity ABAP |
contract | 2 | 2% | Solidity Sophia |
UNIT | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
SYNCHRONIZED | 2 | 2% | COBOL Apex |
SYNC | 2 | 2% | COBOL Redis |
SUPER | 2 | 2% | COBOL Apex |
STOP | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
STATUS | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
SOURCE | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
SEQUENTIAL | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
SELF | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
SECURITY | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
REWRITE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Redis |
REWIND | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
RETURNING | 2 | 2% | COBOL Apex |
RECORD | 2 | 2% | COBOL Modula-3 |
RANDOM | 2 | 2% | COBOL QBasic |
PROGRAM | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
POINTER | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
PASSWORD | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
OVERRIDE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Apex |
NATIVE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Apex |
MULTIPLY | 2 | 2% | COBOL Google Sheets |
LINE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Freefem |
LENGTH | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
INHERITS | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
INDEXED | 2 | 2% | COBOL SQLite |
ENTRY | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
ENABLE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Amazon Redshift |
DIVIDE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Google Sheets |
DESCENDING | 2 | 2% | COBOL Cypher Query Language |
DELIMITER | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
DBCS | 2 | 2% | COBOL Microsoft Excel |
CORR | 2 | 2% | COBOL Transact-SQL |
COPY | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
COMPUTE | 2 | 2% | COBOL Transact-SQL |
COMMON | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
COBOL | 2 | 2% | COBOL PostgreSQL |
BLOCK | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
BLANK | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
ASSIGN | 2 | 2% | COBOL Fortran |
ASCENDING | 2 | 2% | COBOL Cypher Query Language |
AREAS | 2 | 2% | COBOL Microsoft Excel |
sync | 2 | 2% | Dart Chapel |
part | 2 | 2% | Dart ABAP |
deferred | 2 | 2% | Dart ABAP |
Super | 2 | 2% | Objective-C Apex |
id | 2 | 2% | Objective-C ABAP |
byref | 2 | 2% | Objective-C AutoIt |
restrict | 2 | 2% | Objective-C SystemVerilog |
receive | 2 | 2% | Erlang ABAP |
off | 2 | 2% | CoffeeScript ABAP |
yes | 2 | 2% | CoffeeScript ABAP |
newtype | 2 | 2% | Haskell Q# |
foreign | 2 | 2% | Haskell Clean |
~ | 2 | 2% | Haskell Angelscript |
| | 2 | 2% | Haskell Angelscript |
} | 2 | 2% | Haskell Angelscript |
# | 2 | 2% | Haskell HOPE |
-> | 2 | 2% | Haskell HOPE |
!= | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
|| | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
&& | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
-- | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
%= | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
% | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
actual | 2 | 2% | Kotlin ABAP |
receiver | 2 | 2% | Kotlin ABAP |
!is | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Angelscript |
as? | 2 | 2% | Kotlin Crystal |
Type | 2 | 2% | Swift Apex |
Protocol | 2 | 2% | Swift Objective-C |
postfix | 2 | 2% | Swift ATS |
#function | 2 | 2% | Swift Swift |
#file | 2 | 2% | Swift Swift |
#column | 2 | 2% | Swift Swift |
extension | 2 | 2% | Swift ABAP |
Self | 2 | 2% | Rust Swift |
mut | 2 | 2% | Rust Jule |
impl | 2 | 2% | Rust Jule |
box | 2 | 2% | Rust Pikchr |
configuration | 2 | 2% | PowerShell VHDL |
sequence | 2 | 2% | PowerShell SystemVerilog |
trap | 2 | 2% | PowerShell MIPS architecture |
... | 2 | 2% | R Nix |
NaN | 2 | 2% | R Mond |
ushort | 2 | 2% | C# Aith |
ulong | 2 | 2% | C# Aith |
orderby | 2 | 2% | C# Lil |
descending | 2 | 2% | C# ABAP |
decimal | 2 | 2% | C# Apex |
checked | 2 | 2% | C# F# |
ascending | 2 | 2% | C# ABAP |
XMLSERIALIZE | 2 | 2% | SQL Transact-SQL |
XMLPARSE | 2 | 2% | SQL Transact-SQL |
XMLEXISTS | 2 | 2% | SQL Transact-SQL |
LTRIM | 2 | 2% | SQL Redis |
fallthrough | 2 | 2% | Go Swift |
undef | 2 | 2% | Ruby SPARQL |
ensure | 2 | 2% | Ruby Crystal |
2 | 2% | PHP ABAP | |
endwhile | 2 | 2% | PHP ABAP |
y | 2 | 2% | Perl Freefem |
le | 2 | 2% | Perl Crema |
gt | 2 | 2% | Perl Crema |
ge | 2 | 2% | Perl Crema |
sub | 2 | 2% | Perl MIPS architecture |
exp | 2 | 2% | Perl Lil |
m | 2 | 2% | Perl Freefem |
eq | 2 | 2% | Perl Crema |
lt | 2 | 2% | Perl Crema |
typeid | 2 | 2% | C++ JS++ |
requires | 2 | 2% | C++ F* |
concept | 2 | 2% | C++ nimrod |
bitor | 2 | 2% | C++ GorillaScript |
bitand | 2 | 2% | C++ GorillaScript |
alignof | 2 | 2% | C++ Rust |
#include | 2 | 2% | C++ AutoIt |
#if | 2 | 2% | C++ Swift |
#error | 2 | 2% | C++ Speedie |
#endif | 2 | 2% | C++ Swift |
strictfp | 2 | 2% | Java Apex |
None | 2 | 2% | Python Sophia |
wais_relay_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
wais_relay_host | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
wais_relay | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
visible_hostname | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
useragent_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
uri_whitespace | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
unlinkd_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
unique_hostname | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
udp_outgoing_address | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
udp_incoming_address | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
udp_hit_obj_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
udp_hit_obj | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
test_reachability | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
tcp_recv_bufsize | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
tcp_outgoing_address | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
tcp_incoming_address | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
swap_level2_dirs | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
swap_level1_dirs | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
strip_query_terms | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
store_objects_per_bucket | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
store_avg_object_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ssl_proxy | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
source_ping | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
snmp_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
snmp_incoming_address | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
snmp_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
siteselect_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
single_parent_bypass | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
shutdown_lifetime | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
request_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
request_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
request_body_max_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
reload_into_ims | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
refresh_pattern | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
reference_age | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
redirect_rewrites_host_header | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
redirect_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
redirect_children | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
read_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
range_offset_limit | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
quick_abort_pct | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
quick_abort_min | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
quick_abort_max | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
quick_abort | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
query_icmp | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
proxy_auth_realm | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
proxy_auth | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
prefer_direct | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
positive_dns_ttl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
pinger_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
pid_filename | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
pconn_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
passthrough_proxy | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
no_cache | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
never_direct | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
netdb_ping_rate | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
netdb_ping_period | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
netdb_low | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
netdb_high | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
neighbor_type_domain | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
neighbor_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
negative_ttl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
negative_dns_ttl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
miss_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
minimum_retry_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
minimum_object_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
minimum_direct_hops | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
min_icp_poll_cnt | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
min_http_poll_cnt | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mime_table | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
memory_replacement_policy | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
memory_pools_limit | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
memory_pools | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mcast_miss_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mcast_miss_encode_key | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mcast_miss_addr | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mcast_icp_query_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
mcast_groups | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
maximum_single_addr_tries | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
maximum_object_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
log_mime_hdrs | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
log_icp_queries | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
log_fqdn | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
logfile_rotate | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
local_ip | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
local_domain | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ipcache_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ipcache_low | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ipcache_high | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
inside_firewall | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
incoming_icp_average | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
incoming_http_average | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ident_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ident_lookup_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ident_lookup | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
icp_query_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
icp_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
icp_hit_stale | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
icp_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
http_reply_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
http_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
httpd_accel_with_proxy | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
httpd_accel_uses_host_header | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
httpd_accel_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
httpd_accel_host | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
httpd_accel | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
http_anonymizer | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
http_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
htcp_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
hosts_file | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
high_page_fault_warning | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
high_response_time_warning | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
hierarchy_stoplist | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
header_replace | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
header_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
half_closed_clients | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ftp_user | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ftp_passive | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ftp_list_width | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ftpget_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
ftpget_options | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
fqdncache_size | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
forward_snmpd_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
forwarded_for | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
firewall_ip | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
fake_user_agent | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
err_html_text | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
emulate_httpd_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
dns_testnames | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
dns_nameservers | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
dns_defnames | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
dns_children | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
deny_info | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
delay_pools | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
delay_parameters | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
delay_initial_bucket_level | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
delay_class | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
delay_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
debug_options | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
dead_peer_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
coredump_dir | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
connect_timeout | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
client_netmask | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
client_lifetime | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
client_db | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_swap_low | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_swap_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_swap_high | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_swap | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_store_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_stoplist_pattern | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_stoplist | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_replacement_policy | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_peer_access | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_peer | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cachemgr_passwd | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_mgr | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_mem_low | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_mem_high | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_mem | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_host_domain | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_host_acl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_host | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_effective_user | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_effective_group | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_dns_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_dir | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_announce | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
cache_access_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
buffered_logs | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
broken_posts | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
authenticate_ttl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
authenticate_program | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
authenticate_children | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
auth_param_basic | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
as_whois_server | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
append_domain | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
anonymize_headers | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
announce_to | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
announce_port | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
announce_period | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
announce_host | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
always_direct | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
acl | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
access_log | 1 | 1% | SquidConf |
newvar | 1 | 1% | D++ |
exit_function | 1 | 1% | D++ |
exit_for | 1 | 1% | D++ |
exit_do | 1 | 1% | D++ |
nbe | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
cin | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
noshowbase | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
setw | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
GMRES | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
Cholesky | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
verbosity | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qfV1lump | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
be | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiAnySource | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiUndefined | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
l2 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
ffind | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
sparsesolver | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiMAX | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
linfty | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiLXOR | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
good | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiSUM | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
edgeOrientation | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
unused | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf7pT | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
LU | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiPROD | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
l1 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf1pT | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
diag | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf2pT | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
pi | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
hTriangle | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
imin | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpirank | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf3pE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qfV1 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
im | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
cout | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf9pT | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpisize | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf5pE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
measure | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf5pT | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
re | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
whoinElement | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
tellp | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
nTonEdge | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
notaregion | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
Crout | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf2pE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
noshowpos | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
CG | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
quantile | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
lenEdge | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf2pT4P1 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiCommWorld | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
searchMethod | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf4pE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
showpos | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qfV5 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
UMFPACK | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiMIN | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
x | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
volume | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
ndofK | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
nv | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
adj | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf1pElump | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qfV2 | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
nuTriangle | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
imax | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
n | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf1pTlump | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
P | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
InternalEdge | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qfnbpE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
z | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
nt | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
qf1pE | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
showbase | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiLOR | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiBXOR | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiLAND | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
ndof | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
mpiBAND | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
precision | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
BoundaryEdge | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
bordermeasure | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
ARGV | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
endl | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
rfind | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
nuEdge | 1 | 1% | Freefem |
proxy | 1 | 1% | Violent ES |
appoints | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
pays | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
pay | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
may | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
contracts | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
terms | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
clause | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
lex | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
lexon | 1 | 1% | Lexon |
ptr | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
notin | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
iterator | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
isnot | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
discard | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
converter | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
addr | 1 | 1% | nimrod |
type_name | 1 | 1% | RigC |
wid | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
thin | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
thickness | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
thick | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
spline | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
rjust | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
radius | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
rad | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
oval | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
monospace | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
mono | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
ljust | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
italic | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
invisible | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
ht | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
height | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
fit | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
fill | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
ellipse | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
down | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
dot | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
diamond | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
diameter | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
cylinder | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
circle | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
bold | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
arrow | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
arc | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
aligned | 1 | 1% | Pikchr |
borrowing | 1 | 1% | Q# |
w/ | 1 | 1% | Q# |
intrinsic | 1 | 1% | Q# |
invert | 1 | 1% | Q# |
distribute | 1 | 1% | Q# |
Ctl | 1 | 1% | Q# |
Adj | 1 | 1% | Q# |
Controlled | 1 | 1% | Q# |
Adjoint | 1 | 1% | Q# |
fixup | 1 | 1% | Q# |
controlled | 1 | 1% | Q# |
adjoint | 1 | 1% | Q# |
WALLET | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
TRUNCATECOLUMNS | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
TEXT32K | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
TEXT255 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
TDES | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
TAG | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
SYSDATE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
SNAPSHOT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
RESORT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
REJECTLOG | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
RESPECT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
RECOVER | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
READRATIO | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
RAW | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
PERMISSIONS | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
OID | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
OFFLINE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
MOSTLY8 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
MOSTLY32 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
MOSTLY16 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
LZOP | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
LZO | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
LUNS | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
LUN | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
GZIP | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
GLOBALDICT64K | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
GLOBALDICT256 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
EXPLICIT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
ENCRYPTION | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
ENCRYPT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
ENCODE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
EMPTYASNULL | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
DISABLE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
DELTA32K | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
DEFRAG | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
DEFLATE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
CURRENT_USER_ID | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
CREDENTIALS | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
BZIP2 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
BYTEDICT | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
BLANKSASNULL | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
AZ64 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
ALLOWOVERWRITE | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
AES256 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
AES128 | 1 | 1% | Amazon Redshift |
wrapper | 1 | 1% | Aith |
wrap | 1 | 1% | Aith |
uses | 1 | 1% | Aith |
used | 1 | 1% | Aith |
unwrap | 1 | 1% | Aith |
unrestricted | 1 | 1% | Aith |
ubyte | 1 | 1% | Aith |
transparent | 1 | 1% | Aith |
subtypable | 1 | 1% | Aith |
signedness | 1 | 1% | Aith |
representation | 1 | 1% | Aith |
pretype | 1 | 1% | Aith |
pointer | 1 | 1% | Aith |
multiplicity | 1 | 1% | Aith |
multiarg | 1 | 1% | Aith |
linear | 1 | 1% | Aith |
io | 1 | 1% | Aith |
invariant | 1 | 1% | Aith |
existence | 1 | 1% | Aith |
capacity | 1 | 1% | Aith |
sdef | 1 | 1% | Crema |
neq | 1 | 1% | Crema |
SPLIT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
SEARCHB | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
REGEXREPLACE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
REGEXMATCH | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
REGEXEXTRACT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
MID | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
FINDB | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
FIND | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
AVERAGE.WEIGHTED | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
TO_TEXT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
TO_PURE_NUMBER | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
TO_PERCENT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
TO_DOLLARS | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
TO_DATE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
UPLUS | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
UNARY_PERCENT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
UMINUS | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
POW | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
NE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
LTE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
LT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
GTE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
GT | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
EQ | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
COUNTUNIQUE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
ISURL | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
ISEMAIL | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
ISDATE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
SPARKLINE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMPORTXML | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMPORTRANGE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMPORTHTML | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMPORTFEED | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMPORTDATA | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
IMAGE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
GOOGLETRANSLATE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
GOOGLEFINANCE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
DETECTLANGUAGE | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
ARRAYFORMULA | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
SORTN | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
ARRAY_CONSTRAIN | 1 | 1% | Google Sheets |
syx | 1 | 1% | Speedie |
behaviour | 1 | 1% | Speedie |
#expect | 1 | 1% | Speedie |
#require | 1 | 1% | Speedie |
prn | 1 | 1% | Jisp |
insta | 1 | 1% | Jisp |
isa | 1 | 1% | Jisp |
tail | 1 | 1% | Jisp |
head | 1 | 1% | Jisp |
uint362 | 1 | 1% | orange |
fro | 1 | 1% | orange |
XOr | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
XIncludeFile | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
UseModule | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
UnuseModule | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Until | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
UndefineMacro | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Swap | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Subsystem | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
SizeOf | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Runtime | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Restore | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Repeat | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Read | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Prototype | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
ProcedureReturn | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Procedure | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
OffsetOf | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
NewMap | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
NewList | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
MacroExpandedCount | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Macro | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
IncludePath | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
IncludeFile | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Forever | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
ForEach | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Enumeration | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndWith | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndSelect | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndProcedure | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndModule | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndInterface | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndImport | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndEnumeration | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndDeclareModule | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EndDataSection | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EnableJS | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EnableDebugger | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EnableExplicit | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
EnableASM | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DisableJS | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DisableDebugger | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DisableExplicit | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Defined | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Define | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DeclareModule | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DebugLevel | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Debug | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
DataSection | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Data | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CopyStructure | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerSelect | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerIf | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerEndSelect | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerEndIf | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerElseIf | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerElse | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CompilerCase | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
ClearStructure | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
CallDebugger | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
Bool | 1 | 1% | SpiderBasic |
WEIBULL.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
VAR.S | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
VAR.P | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
UNICHAR | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
T.DIST.RT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
T.DIST.2T | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
T.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
STDEV.S | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
STDEV.P | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
SORTBY | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
SKEW.P | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
SHEETS | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
SHEET | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
SEARCH,SEARCHBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
RTD | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
RRI | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
RIGHT,RIGHTBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
REPLACE,REPLACEBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
REGISTER.ID | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
RANDARRAY | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
QUARTILE.INC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
QUARTILE.EXC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
PHONETIC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
PERMUTATIONA | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
PERCENTILE.INC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
PERCENTILE.EXC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
PDURATION | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ODDLYIELD | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ODDLPRICE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ODDFYIELD | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ODDFPRICE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NUMBERVALUE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NORM.S.INV | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NORM.S.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NORM.INV | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NORM.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
NEGBINOM.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
MUNIT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
MODE.SNGL | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
MODE.MULT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
MID,MIDBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
LOGNORM.INV | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
LOGNORM.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
LEN,LENBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
LEFT,LEFTBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
JIS | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ISO.CEILING | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMTAN | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMSINH | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMSIN | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMSECH | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMSEC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMLOG2 | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMLOG10 | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMCSCH | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMCSC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMCOT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IMCOSH | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
IFNA | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
HYPGEOM.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
GAMMALN.PRECISE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
GAMMA | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORMULATEXT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORECAST.LINEAR | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORECAST.ETS.STAT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FORECAST.ETS | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FIND,FINDBs | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
FILTERXML | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
EUROCONVERT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ERFC.PRECISE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
ERF.PRECISE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
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CUBEMEMBER | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
CUBEKPIMEMBER | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
COVARIANCE.S | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
COVARIANCE.P | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
CONFIDENCE.T | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
CHISQ.TEST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BINOM.INV | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BINOM.DIST.RANGE | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BINOM.DIST | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BESSELY | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BESSELK | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BESSELJ | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BESSELI | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
BAHTTEXT | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
AMORDEGRC | 1 | 1% | Microsoft Excel |
throw? | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
typeof! | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
til | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
post-inc! | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
post-dec! | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
ownsor | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
ownskey | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
is-object! | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
is-array! | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
instanceofsome | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
haskey | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
bitxor | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
biturshift | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
bitrshift | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
bitnot | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
bitlshift | 1 | 1% | GorillaScript |
command | 1 | 1% | Functional PHP Preprocessor |
guid | 1 | 1% | Functional PHP Preprocessor |
seq | 1 | 1% | Mond |
Infinity | 1 | 1% | Mond |
bits | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Some | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Chain | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Auth | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Address | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Oracle | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
Bits | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
oracle_query | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
signature | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
hash | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
stateful | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
entrypoint | 1 | 1% | Sophia |
露1露1%露HOPE truval露1露1%露HOPE ---露1露1%露HOPE X露1露1%露HOPE dec露1露1%露HOPE num露1露1%露HOPE xpath露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language wnotrim露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language wild露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language whole露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language validate露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language unstable露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language unsorted露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language unordered露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language unicodeorder露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language trim露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language transform露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language token露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language timeout露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language timelimit露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language threshold露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language thor露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language terminator露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language store露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language soapaction露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language separator露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language scope露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language rowset露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language right2露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language right1露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language prefetch露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language physicallength露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language penalty露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language opt露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language onfail露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language noxpath露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language nosort露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language noscan露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language noroot露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language nocase露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language mofn露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language maxlength露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language maxcount露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language lzw露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language lookup露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language little_endian露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language linkcounted露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language keyed露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language joined露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language ifblock露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language hole露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language grouped露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language functionmacro露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language flat露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language fileposition露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language few露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language expire露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language exclusive露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language escape露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language endc露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language encrypt露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language descend露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language csv露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language counter露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language compressed露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language cluster露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language best露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language beginc露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language atmost露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language __compressed__露1露1%露Eclipse Command Language UNWIND露1露1%露Cypher Query Language STARTS露1露1%露Cypher Query Language SKIP露1露1%露Cypher Query Language REMOVE露1露1%露Cypher Query Language MANDATORY露1露1%露Cypher Query Language ENDS露1露1%露Cypher Query Language co露1露1%露Jule uintptr露1露1%露Jule fall露1露1%露Jule str露1露1%露Jule cpp露1露1%露Jule DATETIME露1露1%露DAX MEASURE露1露1%露DAX DEFINE露1露1%露DAX DATATABLE露1露1%露DAX Yesterday露1露1%露Apex YESTERDAY露1露1%露Apex yesterday露1露1%露Apex Where露1露1%露Apex Webservice露1露1%露Apex webservice露1露1%露Apex Volatile露1露1%露Apex Void露1露1%露Apex VOID露1露1%露Apex Virtual露1露1%露Apex Upsert露1露1%露Apex UPSERT露1露1%露Apex upsert露1露1%露Apex Update露1露1%露Apex Undelete露1露1%露Apex UNDELETE露1露1%露Apex undelete露1露1%露Apex Trigger露1露1%露Apex trigger露1露1%露Apex Transient露1露1%露Apex TRANSIENT露1露1%露Apex Transaction露1露1%露Apex Tomorrow露1露1%露Apex TOMORROW露1露1%露Apex tomorrow露1露1%露Apex Tolabel露1露1%露Apex TOLABEL露1露1%露Apex tolabel露1露1%露Apex Today露1露1%露Apex today露1露1%露Apex Throws露1露1%露Apex THROWS露1露1%露Apex THROW露1露1%露Apex This_week露1露1%露Apex THIS_WEEK露1露1%露Apex this_week露1露1%露Apex This_month露1露1%露Apex THIS_MONTH露1露1%露Apex this_month露1露1%露Apex This露1露1%露Apex THIS露1露1%露Apex Testmethod露1露1%露Apex TESTMETHOD露1露1%露Apex testmethod露1露1%露Apex System露1露1%露Apex system露1露1%露Apex Synchronized露1露1%露Apex Switch露1露1%露Apex Strictfp露1露1%露Apex STRICTFP露1露1%露Apex Stat露1露1%露Apex stat露1露1%露Apex Sort露1露1%露Apex SHORT露1露1%露Apex Search露1露1%露Apex Savepoint露1露1%露Apex savepoint露1露1%露Apex Rollback露1露1%露Apex Returning露1露1%露Apex Retrieve露1露1%露Apex RETRIEVE露1露1%露Apex retrieve露1露1%露Apex PROTECTED露1露1%露Apex Pragma露1露1%露Apex Parallel露1露1%露Apex Package露1露1%露Apex PACKAGE露1露1%露Apex Override露1露1%露Apex Outer露1露1%露Apex Number露1露1%露Apex Nulls露1露1%露Apex Null露1露1%露Apex Next_week露1露1%露Apex NEXT_WEEK露1露1%露Apex next_week露1露1%露Apex Next_n_days露1露1%露Apex NEXT_N_DAYS露1露1%露Apex next_n_days露1露1%露Apex Next_month露1露1%露Apex NEXT_MONTH露1露1%露Apex next_month露1露1%露Apex Next_90_days露1露1%露Apex NEXT_90_DAYS露1露1%露Apex next_90_days露1露1%露Apex Native露1露1%露Apex Merge露1露1%露Apex merge露1露1%露Apex Limit露1露1%露Apex Last_week露1露1%露Apex LAST_WEEK露1露1%露Apex last_week露1露1%露Apex Last_n_days露1露1%露Apex LAST_N_DAYS露1露1%露Apex last_n_days露1露1%露Apex Last_month露1露1%露Apex LAST_MONTH露1露1%露Apex last_month露1露1%露Apex Last_90_days露1露1%露Apex LAST_90_DAYS露1露1%露Apex last_90_days露1露1%露Apex Join露1露1%露Apex Into露1露1%露Apex Instanceof露1露1%露Apex INSTANCEOF露1露1%露Apex Insert露1露1%露Apex Inner露1露1%露Apex IMPLEMENTS露1露1%露Apex Hint露1露1%露Apex HINT露1露1%露Apex Having露1露1%露Apex Group露1露1%露Apex Goto露1露1%露Apex Future露1露1%露Apex FUTURE露1露1%露Apex future露1露1%露Apex From露1露1%露Apex Float露1露1%露Apex Final露1露1%露Apex EXTENDS露1露1%露Apex Export露1露1%露Apex EXPORT露1露1%露Apex Exception露1露1%露Apex Desc露1露1%露Apex Delete露1露1%露Apex Convertcurrency露1露1%露Apex CONVERTCURRENCY露1露1%露Apex convertcurrency露1露1%露Apex Commit露1露1%露Apex Collect露1露1%露Apex CATCH露1露1%露Apex Cast露1露1%露Apex By露1露1%露Apex Bulk露1露1%露Apex Blob露1露1%露Apex Bigdecimal露1露1%露Apex BIGDECIMAL露1露1%露Apex bigdecimal露1露1%露Apex Begin露1露1%露Apex Autonomous露1露1%露Apex AUTONOMOUS露1露1%露Apex autonomous露1露1%露Apex Assert露1露1%露Apex ASSERT露1露1%露Apex Asc露1露1%露Apex Any露1露1%露Apex Activate露1露1%露Apex ACTIVATE露1露1%露Apex activate露1露1%露Apex Abstract露1露1%露Apex ABSTRACT露1露1%露Apex sender露1露1%露Ligo Operation露1露1%露Ligo match%nat露1露1%露Ligo let%init露1露1%露Ligo let%entry露1露1%露Ligo failwith露1露1%露Ligo Current露1露1%露Ligo multiset露1露1%露Egison matchAll露1露1%露Egison */露1露1%露Angelscript /*露1露1%露Angelscript //露1露1%露Angelscript _Abc123露1露1%露Angelscript " | eredoc""" | 1 | 1% |
abc | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
'abc' | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
10 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
702 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
0d123987 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
305463004 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
123.123e123f | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
1.23123e+125 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
123456789 | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
^^ | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
. | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
>>>= | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
|= | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
>>> | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
{ | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
**= | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
** | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
this* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
super* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
shared* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
set* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
override* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
get* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
funcdef | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
from* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
final* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
abstract* | 1 | 1% | Angelscript |
SubMenu | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
Menu | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
DoPrompt | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
Prompt | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
Picture | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
Proc | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
MultiThread | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
ThreadSafe | 1 | 1% | IGOR Pro |
emit | 1 | 1% | Streem |
SLOW | 1 | 1% | MariaDB |
IGNORE_SERVER_IDS | 1 | 1% | MariaDB |
withviewtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
withvtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
withview | 1 | 1% | ATS |
withprop | 1 | 1% | ATS |
withtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
prvar | 1 | 1% | ATS |
prval | 1 | 1% | ATS |
viewtypedef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
vtypedef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
viewdef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
propdef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
tkindef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
dynload | 1 | 1% | ATS |
staload | 1 | 1% | ATS |
stadef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
stacst | 1 | 1% | ATS |
sta | 1 | 1% | ATS |
sortdef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
scase | 1 | 1% | ATS |
sif | 1 | 1% | ATS |
op | 1 | 1% | ATS |
overload | 1 | 1% | ATS |
symintr | 1 | 1% | ATS |
symelim | 1 | 1% | ATS |
nonfix | 1 | 1% | ATS |
macrodef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
macdef | 1 | 1% | ATS |
primplement | 1 | 1% | ATS |
primplmnt | 1 | 1% | ATS |
implement | 1 | 1% | ATS |
implmnt | 1 | 1% | ATS |
ifcase | 1 | 1% | ATS |
castfn | 1 | 1% | ATS |
praxi | 1 | 1% | ATS |
prfun | 1 | 1% | ATS |
prfn | 1 | 1% | ATS |
fnx | 1 | 1% | ATS |
extvar | 1 | 1% | ATS |
extype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
dataviewtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
datavtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
dataview | 1 | 1% | ATS |
dataprop | 1 | 1% | ATS |
datasort | 1 | 1% | ATS |
classdec | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absviewt0ype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absvt0ype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absviewtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absvtype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absview | 1 | 1% | ATS |
absprop | 1 | 1% | ATS |
abst0ype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
abstype | 1 | 1% | ATS |
thru | 1 | 1% | Maxima |
UNTRACED | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
UNSAFE | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
TYPECASE | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
REVEAL | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
RAISES | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
OVERRIDES | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
METHODS | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
GENERIC | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
EXPORTS | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
ELSIF | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
BRANDED | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
BITS | 1 | 1% | Modula-3 |
offer | 1 | 1% | X10 |
isref | 1 | 1% | X10 |
here | 1 | 1% | X10 |
haszero | 1 | 1% | X10 |
finish | 1 | 1% | X10 |
clocked | 1 | 1% | X10 |
ateach | 1 | 1% | X10 |
athome | 1 | 1% | X10 |
forbid | 1 | 1% | Flow9 |
afterwards | 1 | 1% | Dylan |
whilst | 1 | 1% | Felix |
upto | 1 | 1% | Felix |
typematch | 1 | 1% | Felix |
typecase | 1 | 1% | Felix |
the | 1 | 1% | Felix |
regmatch | 1 | 1% | Felix |
reglex | 1 | 1% | Felix |
regexp | 1 | 1% | Felix |
obj | 1 | 1% | Felix |
nonterm | 1 | 1% | Felix |
noexpand | 1 | 1% | Felix |
jump | 1 | 1% | Felix |
incomplete | 1 | 1% | Felix |
ident | 1 | 1% | Felix |
forget | 1 | 1% | Felix |
endmatch | 1 | 1% | Felix |
endattempt | 1 | 1% | Felix |
ctypes | 1 | 1% | Felix |
compound | 1 | 1% | Felix |
cclass | 1 | 1% | Felix |
caseno | 1 | 1% | Felix |
callback | 1 | 1% | Felix |
attempt | 1 | 1% | Felix |
_deref | 1 | 1% | Felix |
XMLVALIDATE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLTEXT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLTABLE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLQUERY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLPI | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLNAMESPACES | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLITERATE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLFOREST | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLELEMENT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLDOCUMENT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLCONCAT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLCOMMENT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLCAST | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLBINARY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLATTRIBUTES | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
XMLAGG | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
WRITETEXT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
WIDTH_BUCKET | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
WAITFOR | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
VAR_SAMP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
VAR_POP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
UPDATETEXT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
UNPIVOT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
UESCAPE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TSEQUAL | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TRY_CONVERT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TRANSLATE_REGEX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TRAN | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TEXTSIZE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
TABLESAMPLE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
SUBSTRING_REGEX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
SUBMULTISET | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
STDDEV_SAMP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
STDDEV_POP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
SQLCA | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
SETUSER | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
SECURITYAUDIT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
ROWGUIDCOL | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
ROWCOUNT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REVERT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REPLICATION | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_SYY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_SXY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_SXX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_SLOPE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_R2 | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_INTERCEPT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_COUNT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_AVGY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
REGR_AVGX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
RECONFIGURE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
READTEXT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
RAISERROR | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
PROC | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
POSITION_REGEX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
PIVOT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
PERCENTILE_DISC | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
PERCENTILE_CONT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OPENXML | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OPENROWSET | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OPENQUERY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OPENDATASOURCE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OFFSETS | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
OCCURRENCES_REGEX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
NORMALIZE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
NONCLUSTERED | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
NOCHECK | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
MULTISET | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
MEMBER | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
LINENO | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
LIKE_REGEX | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
INTERSECTION | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
INCLUDE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
IDENTITYCOL | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
IDENTITY_INSERT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
HOLDLOCK | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
FUSION | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
FULLTEXTTABLE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
FREETEXTTABLE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
FREETEXT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
FILLFACTOR | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
ERRLVL | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
ELEMENT | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
DISTRIBUTED | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
DISK | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
DENY | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
DBCC | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
CURRENT_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
CURRENT_CATALOG | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
COVAR_SAMP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
COVAR_POP | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
CONTAINSTABLE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
CLUSTERED | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
BROWSE | 1 | 1% | Transact-SQL |
stdcall | 1 | 1% | Clean |
special | 1 | 1% | Clean |
derive | 1 | 1% | Clean |
ccall | 1 | 1% | Clean |
wend | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
exitloop | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
endfunc | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
dim | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
continueloop | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
#region | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
#forceref | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
#forcedef | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
#endregion | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
#include-once | 1 | 1% | AutoIt |
coeval | 1 | 1% | Slope |
begin0 | 1 | 1% | Slope |
usage | 1 | 1% | Slope |
load-mod-file | 1 | 1% | Slope |
load-mod | 1 | 1% | Slope |
endset | 1 | 1% | Twig |
endsandbox | 1 | 1% | Twig |
endblock | 1 | 1% | Twig |
endautoescape | 1 | 1% | Twig |
endapply | 1 | 1% | Twig |
sandbox | 1 | 1% | Twig |
deprecated | 1 | 1% | Twig |
autoescape | 1 | 1% | Twig |
WEND | 1 | 1% | QBasic |
STEP | 1 | 1% | QBasic |
ENDIF | 1 | 1% | QBasic |
CDECL | 1 | 1% | QBasic |
BYVAL | 1 | 1% | QBasic |
wildcard | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
weak1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
weak0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
wait_order | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
uwire | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
untyped | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
until_with | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
unique0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
tranif1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
tranif0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
tran | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
timeunit | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
timeprecision | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
throughout | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
sync_reject_on | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
sync_accept_on | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
supply1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
supply0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
strong1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
strong0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
strong | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
solve | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
soft | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
shortreal | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
s_until_with | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
s_until | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
s_nexttime | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
s_eventually | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
s_always | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rtranif1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rtranif0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rtran | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rpmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rnmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
reject_on | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
realtime | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
real | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rcmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
randsequence | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
randcase | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
randc | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
rand | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
pullup | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
pulldown | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
pull1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
pull0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
pmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
notif1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
notif0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
nmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
nexttime | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
nettype | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
modport | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
matches | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
large | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
join_none | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
join_any | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
intersect | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
interconnect | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
inside | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
implies | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
illegal_bins | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
ignore_bins | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
iff | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
highz1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
highz0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
forkjoin | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
first_match | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
eventually | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endsequence | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endproperty | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endprogram | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endpackage | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endgroup | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endclocking | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
endchecker | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
dist | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
coverpoint | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
covergroup | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
cmos | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
clocking | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
checker | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
chandle | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
bufif1 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
bufif0 | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
buf | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
binsof | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
bins | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
always_latch | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
always_ff | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
always_comb | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
accept_on | 1 | 1% | SystemVerilog |
take | 1 | 1% | Lil |
dict | 1 | 1% | Lil |
fuse | 1 | 1% | Lil |
unit | 1 | 1% | Lil |
mag | 1 | 1% | Lil |
flip | 1 | 1% | Lil |
cols | 1 | 1% | Lil |
prod | 1 | 1% | Lil |
raze | 1 | 1% | Lil |
count | 1 | 1% | Lil |
sqrt | 1 | 1% | Lil |
ln | 1 | 1% | Lil |
tan | 1 | 1% | Lil |
sin | 1 | 1% | Lil |
cos | 1 | 1% | Lil |
floor | 1 | 1% | Lil |
silent | 1 | 1% | SPARQL |
minus | 1 | 1% | SPARQL |
construct | 1 | 1% | SPARQL |
ask | 1 | 1% | SPARQL |
mtlo | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
mthi | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
mflo | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
mfhi | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
sw | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
sh | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
sb | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
la | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
li | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lw | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lhu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lh | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lbu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lb | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
jr | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
jalr | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
jal | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
j | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
bne | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
blez | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
bgtz | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
beq | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
sltiu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
sltu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
slti | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
slt | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
llo | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
lho | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
xori | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
subu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
srlv | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
srav | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
slv | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
ori | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
multu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
mult | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
divu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
andi | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
addiu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
addi | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
addu | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
syscall | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
.text | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
.data | 1 | 1% | MIPS architecture |
xml_parser | 1 | 1% | Opa |
server | 1 | 1% | Opa |
parser | 1 | 1% | Opa |
db | 1 | 1% | Opa |
css | 1 | 1% | Opa |
existing | 1 | 1% | Bicep |
targetScope | 1 | 1% | Bicep |
con | 1 | 1% | Koka |
rectype | 1 | 1% | Koka |
cotype | 1 | 1% | Koka |
strength | 1 | 1% | Verilog |
utcl_seconds_between | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
utcl_current | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
utcl_add_seconds | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unbounded | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmpl_to_utcl | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmpl_from_utcl | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_to_tims | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_to_dst | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_to_dats | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
trace-entry | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
to_clob | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
to_blob | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tims_to_timn | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tims_from_timn | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sybase | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subtotal | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
string_agg | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
stddev | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
start | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
spantree | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
siblings | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
shortdump | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sets | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
session | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
save | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sap_system_date | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
row_number | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
row | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
root | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
responses | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
response | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
reported | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
replace_regexpr | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
redirected | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rank | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
projection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
product | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
privileged | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
preceding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pfcg_mapping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
period | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pcre | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
parents | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
parent | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
over | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
orphans | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
operations | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
one | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
occurrences_regexpr | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ntile | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
nodetype | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mssqlnt | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
median | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
measures | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
matched | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mapped | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
locks | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
locale_sap | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
link | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
like_regexpr | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
leaves | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lead | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
last_value | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lag | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
indicators | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
incremental | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy_siblings | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy_descendants_aggregate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy_descendants | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy_ancestors_aggregate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy_ancestors | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hierarchy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
grouping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fractional | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
following | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fltp_to_dec | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
first_value | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
finalize | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
failed | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
entities | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
discarding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
deterministic | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
depth | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dense_rank | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ddl | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
db6 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
db2 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_to_datn | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_tims_to_tstmp | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_from_datn | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
datn_days_between | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
datn_add_months | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
datn_add_days | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cycles | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
corr_spearman | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
corr | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
clients | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
child | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
check_before_save | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cds_client | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cds | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
breakup | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
behavior | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
balance | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
associations | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
as400 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
as_geo_json | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
applicationuser | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
amdp | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
allowed | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
allow_precision_loss | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
adjust_numbers | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
adabas | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
action | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
abap_user_timezone | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
abap_system_timezone | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
zone | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
zero | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
yymmdd | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
yellow | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
xsd | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
writer | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
write | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
work | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
with-title | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
without | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
with-heading | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
windows | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
whenever | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
warning | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
visible | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
view | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
via | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
verification-message | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
varying | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
vary | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
value-request | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
valid | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
utf-8 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
user-command | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
user | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
upper | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unwind | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unpack | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unix | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unit_conversion | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unicode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
under | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unassign | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
uline | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
types | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
type-pools | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
type-pool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_seconds_between | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_is_valid | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_current_utctimestamp | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tstmp_add_seconds | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
truncation | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
truncate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
trmac | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
transporting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
translate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
transformation | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
transfer | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
trailing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
trace-table | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
trace-file | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
top-of-page | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
top-lines | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tokens | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tokenization | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
title-lines | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
titlebar | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
title | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tims_is_valid | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
timezone | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
timestamp | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
times | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
textpool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
test-seam | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
test-injection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
testing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
test | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tasks | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
target | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tabstrip | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tableview | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tables | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tabbed | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
tab | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
system-exit | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
system-exceptions | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
system-call | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
syntax-trace | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
syntax-check | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
syncpoints | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
symbol | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
switchstates | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
suppress | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
supply | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
supplied | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
summing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
summary | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
suffix | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subtract-corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subtract | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subscreen | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subroutine | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
submit | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
submatches | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
subkey | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
style | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
structures | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
structure | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
stop | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
step-loop | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
statusinfo | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
statics | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
statements | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
statement | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
start-of-selection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
start-of-editing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
starting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
standard | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
stamp | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sqlscript | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
spots | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
spool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
specified | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sorted | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sortable | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
skipping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sign_as_postfix | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
shortdump-id | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
shift | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
separated | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
select-options | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selection-table | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selection-sets | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selection-set | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selection-screen | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selections | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
selection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
seconds | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
secondary | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scrolling | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scroll-boundary | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scroll | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scientific_with_leading_zero | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scale_preserving_scientific | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
scale_preserving | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
saving | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sap-spool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
sap | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
run | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rtrim | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rpad | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
role | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rmc_system_failure | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rmc_invalid_status | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rmc_communication_failure | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
risk | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rightspace | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
rightplus | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
right-justified | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
returncode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
resume | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
resumable | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
results | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
result | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
responsible | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
respecting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
resolution | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
reset | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
reserve | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
requested | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
request | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
replacing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
replacement | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
replace | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
renaming | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
remote | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
regex | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
refresh | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
reference | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
redefinition | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
red | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
receiving | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
received | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
read-only | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
reader | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
read | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ranges | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
raising | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
radiobutton | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
quickinfo | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
queue-only | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
put | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pushbutton | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
push | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
provide | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
print-control | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
primary | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
preserving | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
preferred | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
precompiled | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pragmas | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
position | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pos_low | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pos_high | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
places | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pink | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf-status | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf9 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf8 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf7 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf6 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf5 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf4 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf3 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf2 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf15 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf14 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf13 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf12 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf11 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf10 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pf1 | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
person | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
performing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
perform | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
percentage | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pattern | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
partially | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
parameter-table | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
parameters | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pages | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
page | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
padding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pad | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
pack | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
overlay | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
overflow | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
output-length | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
other | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
options | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ole | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
occurs | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
occurrences | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
occurrence | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
obligatory | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
objects | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
non-unique | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
non-unicode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
nodes | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
node | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-zero | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-topofpage | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-title | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-sign | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-scrolling | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-heading | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-grouping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-gaps | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-gap | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-extension | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
no-display | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
new-section | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
new-page | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
new-line | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
nesting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
nested | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
nametab | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
name | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
multiply-corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
multiply | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
move-corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
modify | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
modif | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mmddyy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mm/dd/yyyy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mm/dd/yy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
minor-id | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
minimum | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
methods | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
messaging | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
messages | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
message-id | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mesh | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
memory | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
members | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
maximum | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
matchcode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mask | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
mark | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
margin | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
major-id | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
main | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
1 | 1% | ABAP | |
ltrim | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lpi | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lpad | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lower | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
low | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
log-point | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
logical | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
logfile | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
locator | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lob | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
load-of-program | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
llang | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
little | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
list-processing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
listbox | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
line-size | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
line-selection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
linefeed | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
line-count | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
lines | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
levels | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
level | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
legacy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
leftspace | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
leftplus | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
left-justified | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
leave | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
leading | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
layout | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
late | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
language | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
keywords | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
key | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
kernel | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
keeping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
job | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
iso | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
inverted-date | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
inverse | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
intervals | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
interfaces | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
interface-pool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
intensified | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
instr | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
instances | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
initialization | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
inheriting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
infotypes | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
index-line | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
increment | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
including | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
includes | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
incl | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
inactive | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
importing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
implemented | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
implementations | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
implementation | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
immediately | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ignoring | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ignore | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ids | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
identifier | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
identification | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
icon | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hotspot | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hold | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
high | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hide | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hextobin | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
help-request | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
help-id | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
head-lines | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
headers | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
header | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hdb | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
hashed | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
harmless | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
handler | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
handle | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
groups | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
green | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
grant | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
gkge | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
gkeq | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
giving | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
gaps | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
further | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
function-pool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
functionality | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
friends | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
free | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
frames | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
frame | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
found | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
form | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
font | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fkge | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fkeq | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fixed-point | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
first-line | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
filter-table | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
filters | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
field-symbols | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
field-symbol | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fields | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
field-groups | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
fetch | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
extended | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exporting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exponent | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
expiration | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
expanding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
expand | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exit-command | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
execute | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exec | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
excluding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exclude | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exception-table | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
exact | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
events | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
escaping | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
errors | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
errormessage | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
equiv | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
environment | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
entries | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enhancement-section | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enhancements | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enhancement-point | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enhancement | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
engineering | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endtry | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-test-seam | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-test-injection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endprovide | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endon | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-of-selection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-of-page | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-of-file | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-of-editing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-of-definition | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endmethod | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endloop | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-lines | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ending | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endian | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endform | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endexec | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
end-enhancement-section | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endenhancement | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enddo | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endchain | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endcatch | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
endat | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enabling | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
enabled | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
empty | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
editor-call | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
edit | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dynpro | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
during | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
duration | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
duplicates | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
duplicate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dummy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
division | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
divide-corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
divide | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
display-mode | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
display | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
directory | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dialog | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
detail | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
destination | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
department | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
demand | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
deleting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
definition | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
defining | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
deep | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
declarations | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
decimals | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
decimal_shift | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
deallocate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ddmmyy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dd/mm/yyyy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dd/mm/yy | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
daylight | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_is_valid | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_days_between | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_add_months | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dats_add_days | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
date | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dataset | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
datainfo | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
dangerous | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
customer-function | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
customer | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cursor-selection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cursor | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
current | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
currency_conversion | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
currency | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
critical | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
creating | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
cpi | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
country | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
copies | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
convert | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
conversion | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
conv | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
controls | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
control | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
contexts | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
constants | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
connection | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
connect | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
condition | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
condense | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
concatenate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
concat_with_space | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
concat | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
compute | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
components | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
comparing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
communication | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
common | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
comments | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
comment | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
columns | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
column | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_total | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_positive | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_normal | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_negative | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_key | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_heading | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_group | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
col_background | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
coding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
coalesce | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
close | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
clock | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
clob | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
class-pool | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
class-methods | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
class-events | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
class-data | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
class-coding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
circular | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
ci_ | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
checkbox | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
check | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
char-to-hex | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
character | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
channels | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
changing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
change | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
chain-request | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
chain-input | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
chain | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
centered | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
casting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
calling | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
byte-order | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
bypassing | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
break-point | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
bounds | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
boundaries | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
bound | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
blue | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
blocks | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
blanks | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
blank | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
black | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
bintohex | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
badi | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
backward | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
backup | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
background | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
back | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
avg | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
authority-check | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
authority | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
asynchronous | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
association | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
assigning | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
assigned | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
aspect | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
arithmetic | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
archive | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
application | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
appending | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
appendage | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
analyzer | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
analysis | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
alpha | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
allocate | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
aliases | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
adjacent | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
add-corresponding | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
activation | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
according | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
accepting | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
abbreviated | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
abap-source | 1 | 1% | ABAP |
unfoldable | 1 | 1% | F* |
unfold | 1 | 1% | F* |
synth | 1 | 1% | F* |
sub_effect | 1 | 1% | F* |
set_range_of | 1 | 1% | F* |
reflectable | 1 | 1% | F* |
reify | 1 | 1% | F* |
reifiable | 1 | 1% | F* |
range_of | 1 | 1% | F* |
noextract | 1 | 1% | F* |
new_effect | 1 | 1% | F* |
irreducible | 1 | 1% | F* |
inline_for_extraction | 1 | 1% | F* |
ensures | 1 | 1% | F* |
effect | 1 | 1% | F* |
andbegin | 1 | 1% | F* |
unopteq | 1 | 1% | F* |
noeq | 1 | 1% | F* |
ZSCAN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HSCAN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SSCAN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SCAN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZUNIONSTORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZSCORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREVRANK | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREVRANGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREMRANGEBYRANK | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREMRANGEBYLEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREM | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZRANK | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZRANGEBYSCORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZREVRANGEBYLEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZRANGEBYLEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZRANGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZLEXCOUNT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZINTERSTORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZINCRBY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZCOUNT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZCARD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ZADD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
WATCH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
WAIT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
UNWATCH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
UNLINK | 1 | 1% | Redis |
UNSUBSCRIBE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
TTL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
TOUCH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SWAPDB | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SUNIONSTORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SUNION | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SUBSCRIBE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
STRLEN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SREM | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SRANDMEMBER | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SPOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SMOVE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SMEMBERS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SLOWLOG | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SLAVEOF | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SISMEMBER | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SINTERSTORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SINTER | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETRANGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETNX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETBIT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SDIFFSTORE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SDIFF | 1 | 1% | Redis |
FLUSH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SCRIPT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SCARD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SADD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RPUSHX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RPUSH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RPOPLPUSH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RPOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RENAMENX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RANDOMKEY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
QUIT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PUNSUBSCRIBE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PUBLISH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PTTL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PUBSUB | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PSUBSCRIBE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PSETEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PING | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PFMERGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PFCOUNT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PFADD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PEXPIREAT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PEXPIRE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
PERSIST | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MULTI | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MSETNX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MSET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MONITOR | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MIGRATE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MGET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LSET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LREM | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LRANGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LPUSHX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LPUSH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LPOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LLEN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LINSERT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LINDEX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
LASTSAVE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
INCRBYFLOAT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
INCRBY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
INCR | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HVALS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HSTRLEN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HSETNX | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HSET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HMSET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HMGET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HLEN | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HKEYS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HINCRBYFLOAT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HINCRBY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HGETALL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HGET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HEXISTS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
HDEL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETSET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETRANGE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETBIT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEORADIUS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEODIST | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEOPOS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEOHASH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GEOADD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
FLUSHDB | 1 | 1% | Redis |
FLUSHALL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
EXPIREAT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
EXPIRE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
EVALSHA | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ECHO | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DISCARD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DEL | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DECRBY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DECR | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SEGFAULT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DEBUG | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DBSIZE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
RESETSTAT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
CONFIG | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETKEYS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
COMMAND | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SLOTS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SLAVES | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETSLOT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SET-CONFIG-EPOCH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SAVECONFIG | 1 | 1% | Redis |
REPLICATE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
NODES | 1 | 1% | Redis |
MEET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
KEYSLOT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETKEYSINSLOT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
FORGET | 1 | 1% | Redis |
FAILOVER | 1 | 1% | Redis |
DELSLOTS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
COUNTKEYSINSLOT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
ADDSLOTS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
SETNAME | 1 | 1% | Redis |
REPLY | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GETNAME | 1 | 1% | Redis |
CLIENT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BRPOPLPUSH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BRPOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BLPOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BITPOS | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BITOP | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BITFIELD | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BITCOUNT | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BGSAVE | 1 | 1% | Redis |
BGREWRITEAOF | 1 | 1% | Redis |
AUTH | 1 | 1% | Redis |
GLOB | 1 | 1% | SQLite |
FAIL | 1 | 1% | SQLite |
CONFLICT | 1 | 1% | SQLite |
AUTOINCREMENT | 1 | 1% | SQLite |
ATTACH | 1 | 1% | SQLite |
stream | 1 | 1% | Protocol Buffers |
rpc | 1 | 1% | Protocol Buffers |
reserved | 1 | 1% | Protocol Buffers |
oneof | 1 | 1% | Protocol Buffers |
repeated | 1 | 1% | Protocol Buffers |
\= | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
#If | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
#End | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
#ElseIf | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
#Else | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
#Const | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
REM | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic .NET |
createIndex | 1 | 1% | MongoDB |
findOne | 1 | 1% | MongoDB |
variable | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
units | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
unaffected | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
transport | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
sla | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
severity | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
ror | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
rol | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
postponed | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
port | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
linkage | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
inertial | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
impure | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
guarded | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
bus | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
attribute | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
architecture | 1 | 1% | VHDL |
for_each | 1 | 1% | HCL |
path | 1 | 1% | HCL |
upcast | 1 | 1% | F# |
tailcall | 1 | 1% | F# |
member | 1 | 1% | F# |
lxor | 1 | 1% | F# |
lsr | 1 | 1% | F# |
lsl | 1 | 1% | F# |
lor | 1 | 1% | F# |
land | 1 | 1% | F# |
eager | 1 | 1% | F# |
downcast | 1 | 1% | F# |
asr | 1 | 1% | F# |
doctype | 1 | 1% | Pug |
zip | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
subdomain | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
sparse | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
serial | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
iter | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
domain | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
dmapped | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
coforall | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
cobegin | 1 | 1% | Chapel |
member? | 1 | 1% | Scheme |
list? | 1 | 1% | Scheme |
syntax-rules | 1 | 1% | Scheme |
lambda* | 1 | 1% | Scheme |
cons | 1 | 1% | Scheme |
fragment | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
scalar | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
directive | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
subscription | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
mutation | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
query | 1 | 1% | GraphQL |
pri | 1 | 1% | Reason |
nonrec | 1 | 1% | Reason |
esfun | 1 | 1% | Reason |
STORED | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
ROW_NUMBER | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
NTILE | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
NTH_VALUE | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
MASTER_BIND | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
LEAD | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
LAST_VALUE | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
LAG | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
JSON_TABLE | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
IO_BEFORE_GTIDS | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
IO_AFTER_GTIDS | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
GROUPS | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
FIRST_VALUE | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
EMPTY | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
DENSE_RANK | 1 | 1% | MySQL |
uninitialized | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
lib | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
is_a? | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
pointerof | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
instance_sizeof | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
nil? | 1 | 1% | Crystal |
VERSION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
VALIDATOR | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
VALID | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
UNNAMED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
UNLISTEN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
UNENCRYPTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
UNCOMMITTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRUSTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRIGGER_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRIGGER_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRIGGER_CATALOG | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRANSFORMS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRANSFORM | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TRANSACTION_ACTIVE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TOAST | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TEMPLATE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
TABLE_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SYSID | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SUBLIST | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SUBCLASS_ORIGIN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STYLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STRICT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STORAGE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STDOUT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STDIN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
STABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SPECIFIC_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SIMPLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SHARE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SETOF | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SERVER_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SERIALIZABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SCHEMA_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
SCALE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ROW_COUNT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ROUTINE_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ROUTINE_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ROUTINE_CATALOG | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
RETURNED_SQLSTATE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
RETURNED_LENGTH | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
REPEATABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
RECHECK | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
PROCEDURAL | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
PLI | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
PENDANT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
PARAMETER_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
PARAMETER_MODE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
OWNER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
OVERRIDING | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
OPTIONS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
OIDS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
0 | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
NULLABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
NOTIFY | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
NOTHING | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
NOCREATEUSER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
NOCREATEDB | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MUMPS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MORE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MINVALUE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MESSAGE_TEXT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MESSAGE_OCTET_LENGTH | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
MESSAGE_LENGTH | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
LOCATION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
LISTEN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
LANCOMPILER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
KEY_TYPE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
KEY_MEMBER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
INVOKER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
INSTANTIABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
INSTANCE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
INFIX | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
INCREMENT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
IMPLEMENTATION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
IMMUTABLE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
HIERARCHY | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
HANDLER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
GRANTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
FORWARD | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
EXISTING | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ENCRYPTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
ENCODING | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
DYNAMIC_FUNCTION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
DISPATCH | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
DELIMITERS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
DEFINER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
DEFINED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CURSOR_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CREATEUSER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CREATEDB | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONVERSION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONSTRAINT_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONSTRAINT_CATALOG | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONNECTION_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CONDITION_NUMBER | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COMMITTED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COMMENT | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COMMAND_FUNCTION | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COLUMN_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COLLATION_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COLLATION_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
COLLATION_CATALOG | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CLASS_ORIGIN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CHECKED | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CHARACTER_SET_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CHARACTERISTICS | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CHAIN | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CATALOG_NAME | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
CACHE | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
BITVAR | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
BACKWARD | 1 | 1% | PostgreSQL |
:= | 1 | 1% | Pascal |
UNFORMATTED | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
TARGET | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
SUBROUTINE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
RECl | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
REC | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
OPENED | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
NULLIFY | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
NML | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
NEXTREC | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
NAMELIST | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
NAMED | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
LOGICAL | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
KIND | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
10STAT | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
IOLENGTH | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
INTRINSIC | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
INTENT | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
INQUIRE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
FORMATTED | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
FORMAT | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
FORM | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
FMT | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
EXIST | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
ERR | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
EQUIVALENCE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
EOR | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
ENDFILE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
ELSEWHERE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
DIRECT | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
DIMENSION | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
DELIM | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
BACKSPACE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
ALLOCATABLE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
ADVANCE | 1 | 1% | Fortran |
requeue | 1 | 1% | Ada |
renames | 1 | 1% | Ada |
digits | 1 | 1% | Ada |
delta | 1 | 1% | Ada |
limited | 1 | 1% | Ada |
delay | 1 | 1% | Ada |
terminate | 1 | 1% | Ada |
overriding | 1 | 1% | Ada |
aliased | 1 | 1% | Ada |
reverse | 1 | 1% | Ada |
abort | 1 | 1% | Ada |
NameOf | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic |
Async | 1 | 1% | Visual Basic |
suicide | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
payable | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
inherited | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed248x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed240x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed240x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed232x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed232x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed232x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed224x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed224x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed224x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed224x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed216x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed216x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed216x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed216x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed216x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed208x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed200x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed192x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed184x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed176x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed168x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed160x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed152x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed144x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed136x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed128x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed120x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed112x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed104x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed96x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed88x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed80x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ufixed72x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed64x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed64x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed64x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed56x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed56x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed56x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed40x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed40x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed16x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed16x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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ufixed16x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
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fixed72x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed72x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed64x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed56x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed48x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed40x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed32x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed24x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x240 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed16x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x248 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x240 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed8x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x256 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x248 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x240 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x64 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
fixed0x8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes32 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes31 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes30 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes29 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes28 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes27 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes26 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes25 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes23 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes22 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes21 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes20 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes19 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes18 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes17 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes16 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes15 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes14 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes13 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes12 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes11 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes10 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes9 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes8 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes7 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes6 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes5 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes4 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes3 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes2 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
bytes1 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint256 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint248 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint240 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
uint24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int256 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int248 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int240 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int232 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int224 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int216 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int208 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int200 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int192 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int184 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int176 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int168 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int160 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int152 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int144 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int136 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int128 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int120 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int112 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int104 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int96 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int88 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int80 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int72 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int56 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int48 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int40 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
int24 | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
Ufixed | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
Fixed | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
Uint | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
solidity | 1 | 1% | Solidity |
ZEROS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ZEROES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ZERO | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
WRITE-ONLY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
WORDS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
UPON | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
UP | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
UNSTRING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TRACE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TITLE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TIMES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
THRU | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
THROUGH | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TEST | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TERMINAL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TAPE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TALLYING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
TALLY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SYMBOLIC | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SUPPRESS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SUBTRACT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SUB-QUEUE-3 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SUB-QUEUE-2 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SUB-QUEUE-1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
STANDARD-2 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
STANDARD-1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
STANDARD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SPACES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SORT-RETURN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SORT-MERGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SKIP3 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SKIP2 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SKIP1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SHIFT-OUT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SHIFT-IN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SERVICE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SEPARATE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SENTENCE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SEND | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SEGMENT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
SAME | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RUN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ROUNDED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RH | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RF | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REVERSED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RETURN-CODE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RESERVE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RERUN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REPORTS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REPORTING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REPORT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REPLACING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RENAMES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REMOVAL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REMAINDER | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RELOAD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REFERENCE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REEL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
REDEFINES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RECORDS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RECORDING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RECEIVE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
READY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
RD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
QUOTES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
QUOTE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
QUEUE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PROGRAM-ID | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PROCEED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PRINTING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
POSITIVE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PLUS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PICTURE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PIC | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PH | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PF | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PERFORM | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PAGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
PADDING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
OVERFLOW | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
OTHER | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
OMITTED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
OCCURS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
NEGATIVE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
MULTIPLE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
MORE-LABELS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
MODULES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
METHOD-ID | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
METACLASS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
MESSAGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
MEMORY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LOW-VALUES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LOW-VALUE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LINKAGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LINAGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LIMITS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
LABEL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
KANJI | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
JUSTIFIED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
JUST | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INVOKE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INVALID | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INSPECT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INITIATE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INITIAL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
INDICATE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ID | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
I-O-CONTROL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
I-O | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
HIGH-VALUES | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
HIGH-VALUE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
HEADING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
GREATER | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
GOBACK | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
GIVING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
GENERATE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
FOOTING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
FILLER | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
FD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EXTEND | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ESI | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ERROR | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EQUAL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EOP | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ENTER | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ENDING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-WRITE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-STRING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-START | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-SEARCH | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-REWRITE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-RETURN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-RECEIVE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-READ | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-PERFORM | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-OF-PAGE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-INVOKE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-IF | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-DIVIDE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-DELETE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-COMPUTE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-CALL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
END-ADD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EMI | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EJECT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EGI | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
EGCS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DOWN | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DIVISION | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DISPLAY-1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DISPLAY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DETAIL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEPENDING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DELIMITED | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUGGING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-SUB-3 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-SUB-2 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-SUB-1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-NAME | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-LINE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DEBUG-ITEM | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
DAY-OF-WEEK | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CONTROLS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CONTROL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CONTENT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP-5 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP-4 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP-3 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP-2 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP-1 | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMP | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COMMA | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COM-REG | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
COLLATING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CODE-SET | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CLOCK-UNITS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CLASS-ID | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CH | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CF | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CD | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CBL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
CANCEL | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
BOTTOM | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
BEGINNING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
BASIS | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
AUTHOR | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
AREA | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
APPLY | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ALTERNATE | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ALSO | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ALPHABET | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ADVANCING | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
ACCEPT | 1 | 1% | COBOL |
rethrow | 1 | 1% | Dart |
factory | 1 | 1% | Dart |
covariant | 1 | 1% | Dart |
importall | 1 | 1% | Julia |
baremodule | 1 | 1% | Julia |
immutable | 1 | 1% | Julia |
bitstype | 1 | 1% | Julia |
retain | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
nonatomic | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@selector | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@dynamic | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@synthesize | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@finally | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@catch() | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@throw | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@try | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@property | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@private | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@protected | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@public | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@class | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@protocol | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@implementation | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@end | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
@interface | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
YES | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
SEL | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
oneway | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
IMP | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
bycopy | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
BOOL | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
_Imaginary | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
_Complex | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
_Bool | 1 | 1% | Objective-C |
orelse | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
bxor | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
bsr | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
bsl | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
bor | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
bnot | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
andalso | 1 | 1% | Erlang |
qualified | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
mdo | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
hiding | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
deriving | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
family | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
-} | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
{-, | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
{, | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
` | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
\_ | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
|] | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
[|, | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
\* | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
=> | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
<- | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
-<< | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
-< | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
'' | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
' | 1 | 1% | Haskell |
$ | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
->; | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
.. | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
?: | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
?. | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
!! | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
!== | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
=== | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
it | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
vararg | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
tailrec | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
suspend | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
reified | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
noinline | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
lateinit | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
crossinline | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
companion | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
annotation | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
setparam | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
!in | 1 | 1% | Kotlin |
forSome | 1 | 1% | Scala |
willSet | 1 | 1% | Swift |
unowned | 1 | 1% | Swift |
required | 1 | 1% | Swift |
precedence | 1 | 1% | Swift |
nonmutating | 1 | 1% | Swift |
none | 1 | 1% | Swift |
mutating | 1 | 1% | Swift |
indirect | 1 | 1% | Swift |
didSet | 1 | 1% | Swift |
convenience | 1 | 1% | Swift |
associativity | 1 | 1% | Swift |
#selector | 1 | 1% | Swift |
#else#elseif | 1 | 1% | Swift |
#available | 1 | 1% | Swift |
rethrows | 1 | 1% | Swift |
dynamicType | 1 | 1% | Swift |
guard | 1 | 1% | Swift |
subscript | 1 | 1% | Swift |
protocol | 1 | 1% | Swift |
deinit | 1 | 1% | Swift |
associatedtype | 1 | 1% | Swift |
unsized | 1 | 1% | Rust |
priv | 1 | 1% | Rust |
offsetof | 1 | 1% | Rust |
crate | 1 | 1% | Rust |
become | 1 | 1% | Rust |
unset | 1 | 1% | Bash |
fil | 1 | 1% | Bash |
fin | 1 | 1% | Bash |
fi | 1 | 1% | Bash |
esac | 1 | 1% | Bash |
inlinescript | 1 | 1% | PowerShell |
workflow | 1 | 1% | PowerShell |
dynamicparam | 1 | 1% | PowerShell |
NA_character_ | 1 | 1% | R |
NA_complex_ | 1 | 1% | R |
NA_real_ | 1 | 1% | R |
NA_integer_ | 1 | 1% | R |
Inf | 1 | 1% | R |
unchecked | 1 | 1% | C# |
stackalloc | 1 | 1% | C# |
sbyte | 1 | 1% | C# |
remove | 1 | 1% | C# |
readonly | 1 | 1% | C# |
partial | 1 | 1% | C# |
params | 1 | 1% | C# |
XML | 1 | 1% | SQL |
SUBSTR | 1 | 1% | SQL |
RTRIM | 1 | 1% | SQL |
NVARCHAR | 1 | 1% | SQL |
LONGINT | 1 | 1% | SQL |
ENDEXEC | 1 | 1% | SQL |
go | 1 | 1% | Go |
chan | 1 | 1% | Go |
redo | 1 | 1% | Ruby |
defined | 1 | 1% | Ruby |
__ENCODING__ | 1 | 1% | Ruby |
unset() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
require_once | 1 | 1% | PHP |
list() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
isset() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
insteadof | 1 | 1% | PHP |
include_once | 1 | 1% | PHP |
exit() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
eval() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
endswitch | 1 | 1% | PHP |
endforeach | 1 | 1% | PHP |
enddeclare | 1 | 1% | PHP |
empty() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
echo | 1 | 1% | PHP |
die() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
clone | 1 | 1% | PHP |
callable | 1 | 1% | PHP |
array() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__TRAIT__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__NAMESPACE__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__METHOD__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__halt_compiler() | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__FUNCTION__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__DIR__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
__CLASS__ | 1 | 1% | PHP |
qr | 1 | 1% | Perl |
1 | 1% | Perl | |
CORE | 1 | 1% | Perl |
q | 1 | 1% | Perl |
cmp | 1 | 1% | Perl |
tr | 1 | 1% | Perl |
__PACKAGE__ | 1 | 1% | Perl |
ne | 1 | 1% | Perl |
s | 1 | 1% | Perl |
qx | 1 | 1% | Perl |
__END__ | 1 | 1% | Perl |
qw | 1 | 1% | Perl |
__DATA__ | 1 | 1% | Perl |
xor_eq | 1 | 1% | C++ |
wchar_t | 1 | 1% | C++ |
typename | 1 | 1% | C++ |
transaction_safe_dynamic | 1 | 1% | C++ |
transaction_safe | 1 | 1% | C++ |
thread_local | 1 | 1% | C++ |
static_cast | 1 | 1% | C++ |
static_assert | 1 | 1% | C++ |
reinterpret_cast | 1 | 1% | C++ |
or_eq | 1 | 1% | C++ |
nullptr | 1 | 1% | C++ |
not_eq | 1 | 1% | C++ |
noexcept | 1 | 1% | C++ |
friend | 1 | 1% | C++ |
dynamic_cast | 1 | 1% | C++ |
decltype | 1 | 1% | C++ |
const_cast | 1 | 1% | C++ |
constexpr | 1 | 1% | C++ |
compl | 1 | 1% | C++ |
char32_t | 1 | 1% | C++ |
char16_t | 1 | 1% | C++ |
atomic_noexcept | 1 | 1% | C++ |
atomic_commit | 1 | 1% | C++ |
atomic_cancel | 1 | 1% | C++ |
and_eq | 1 | 1% | C++ |
alignas | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#undef | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#pragma | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#ifndef | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#ifdef | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#else | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#elif | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#defined | 1 | 1% | C++ |
#define | 1 | 1% | C++ |
pass | 1 | 1% | Python |
nonlocal | 1 | 1% | Python |
del | 1 | 1% | Python |
arguments | 1 | 1% | JavaScript |