Fennel is a programming language created in 2016 by Calvin Rose.
#133on PLDB | 9Years Old | 207Repos |
git clone https://github.com/bakpakin/fennel
Lua Lisp Language
;; Sample: read the state of the keyboard and move the player accordingly
(local dirs {:up [0 -1] :down [0 1] :left [-1 0] :right [1 0]})
(each [key delta (pairs dirs)]
(when (love.keyboard.isDown key)
(let [[dx dy] delta
[px py] player
x (+ px (* dx player.speed dt))
y (+ py (* dy player.speed dt))]
(: world :move player x y))))
(print "Hello World")
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Integers | ✓ | ; -?\d+ | |
Floats | ✓ | ; -?\d+\.\d+ | |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | ||
Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | ; |
Semantic Indentation | X |