wisp is an open source programming language created in 2012 by Santosh Rajan and Irakli Gozalishvili and LeXofLeviafan and Chris McCormick.
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A little Clojure-like LISP in JavaScript
(alert "Hello world!")
;; # wisp
; Wisp is homoiconic JS dialect with a clojure syntax, s-expressions and
; macros. Wisp code compiles to a human readable javascript, which is one
; of they key differences from clojurescript.
;; ## wisp data structures
;; 1. nil - is just like js undefined with a differenc that it's
;; not something can be defined. In fact it's just a shortcut for
;; void(0) in JS.
nil ;; => void(0)
;; 2. Booleans - Wisp booleans true / false are JS booleans
true ;; => true
;; 3. Numbers - Wisp numbers are JS numbers
1 ;; => 1
;; 4. Strings - Wisp strings are JS Strings
"Hello world"
;; Wisp strings can be multiline
My name is wisp!"
;; 5. Characters - Characters are sugar for JS single char strings
\a ;; => "a"
;; 6. Keywords - Keywords are symbolic identifiers that evaluate to
;; themselves.
:keyword ;; => "keyword"
;; Since in JS string constats fulfill this purpose of symbolic
;; identifiers, keywords compile to equivalent JS strings.
(window.addEventListener :load handler false)
;; Keywords can be invoked as functions, that desugars to plain
;; associated value access in JS
(:bar foo) ;; => foo["bar"]
;; 7. Vectors - Wisp vectors are JS arrays.
[ 1 2 3 4 ]
;; Note: Commas are white space & can be used if desired
[ 1, 2, 3, 4]
;; 8. Maps - Maps are hash maps, plain JS objects. Note that unlike
;; in clojure keys can not be of arbitary types.
{ "foo" bar :beep-bop "bop" 1 2 }
;; Commas are optional but can come handy for separating key value
;; pairs.
{ a 1, b 2 }
;; In a future JSONs syntax may be made compatible with map syntax.
;; 9. Lists - You can't have a lisp without lists! Wisp has lists too.
;; Wisp is homoiconic and it's code is made up of lists representing
;; expressions. The first item in the expression is a function, being
;; invoked with rest items as arguments.
(foo bar baz) ; => foo(bar, baz);
;; # Conventions
;; Wisp puts a lot of effort in making naming conventions tra
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Booleans | ✓ | true false | |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | ; A comment | ; |
Semantic Indentation | ✓ |