Semantic Patch Language is a grammar language created in 2006 by Yoann Padioleau.
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Coccinelle (French for ladybug) is an open-source utility for matching and transforming the source code of programs written in the C programming language.. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: grammarLanguage
- Semantic Patch Language is developed on GitHub and has 602 stars
- There are at least 15 Semantic Patch Language repos on GitHub
- Early development of Semantic Patch Language happened in Inria
- Semantic Patch Language is written in OCaml, C, Rescript, C++, Make, Tex, Bourne shell, Markdown, Python, Perl, M4, Dockerfile, YAML, Lisp, Bash, HCL, Vim script, Diff, C shell, awk, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 114 users using Semantic Patch Language in 120 repos on GitHub