YAML, aka YAML Ain't Markup Language, is an open source data notation created in 2001 by Clark Evans and Oren Ben-Kiki and Ingy döt Net.
#47on PLDB | 24Years Old | 525Repos |
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files, but could be used in many applications where data is being stored (e.g. debugging output) or transmitted (e.g. Read more on Wikipedia...
output: "Hello, world!"
hello: world
name: R Console
fileTypes: []
scopeName: source.r-console
uuid: F629C7F3-823B-4A4C-8EEE-9971490C5710
- name: source.r.embedded.r-console
begin: "^> "
name: punctuation.section.embedded.r-console
end: \n|\z
- include: source.r
keyEquivalent: ^~R
example: >
HTML goes into YAML without modification
message: |
<blockquote style="font: italic 12pt Times">
<p>"Three is always greater than two,
even for large values of two"</p>
<p>--Author Unknown</p>
date: 2007-06-01
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Sets | ✓ | # Explicitly typed set. baseball players: !!set ? Mark McGwire ? Sammy Sosa ? Ken Griffey # Flow style baseball teams: !!set { Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees } | |
Comments | ✓ | ||
Line Comments | ✓ | # A comment | # |
Semantic Indentation | ✓ |