Nu is an open source programming language created in 2007 by Tim Burks.
#861on PLDB | 18Years Old | 215Repos |
Nu is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, with a Lisp-like syntax, created by Tim Burks as an alternative scripting language to program OS X through its Cocoa application programming interface (API). Implementations also exist for iPhone and Linux. The language was first announced at C4, a conference for indie Mac developers held in August 2007.. Read more on Wikipedia...
(puts "Hello World")
#!/usr/bin/env nush
(puts "Hello")
(unless @prefix
(set @prefix
"#{((((NSProcessInfo processInfo) arguments) 0) dirName)}.."))
(unless @icon_files
(set @icon_files
(array "#{@prefix}/share/nu/resources/nu.icns")))
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | puts |