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PogoScript is an open source programming language created in 2011.

#827on PLDB 13Years Old 51Repos
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A readable, DSL friendly programming language with excellent concurrency primitives

Example from Linguist:
httpism = require 'httpism' async = require 'async' resolve = require 'url'.resolve exports.squash (url) ! = html = httpism.get ! (url).body squash html ! (html, url) squash html (html, url, callback) = replacements = sort (links in (html).concat(scripts in (html))) for each @(r) in (replacements) @{ r.url = resolve(url, r.href) } (replacements, get) @(err, requested) callback (err, replace (requested) in (html)) sort (replacements) = replacements.sort @(a, b) @{ a.index - b.index } get (replacement) = replacement.body = httpism.get ! (replacement.url).body replacement replace (replacements) in (html) = i = 0 parts = "" for each @(rep) in (replacements) parts := "#(parts)#(html.substring(i, rep.index))<#(rep.tag)>#(rep.body)</#(rep.tag)>" i := rep.index + rep.length parts + html.substr(i) links in (html) = link reg = r/<link\s[^>]*href=["']?([^"']+)["'][^\>]*(\/\>|\>\s*\<\/link\>)/gi elements in (html) matching (link reg) as 'style' scripts in (html) = script reg = r/<script\s[^>]*src=["']?([^"']+)["'][^\>]*(\/\>|\>\s*\<\/script\>)/gi elements in (html) matching (script reg) as 'script' elements in (html) matching (reg) as (tag) = elements = [] while (m = reg.exec (html)) elements.push { tag = tag, index = m.index, length = m.0.length, href = m.1 } elements
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