The Art of Computer Programming |
Donald E. Knuth |
homepage |
1968 |
3168 |
Addison-Wesley |
The Mythical Man-Month |
Frederick P. Brooks Jr. |
homepage |
1975 |
336 |
Addison-Wesley |
Recursive Programming Techniques |
William H. Burge |
1975 |
300 |
Addison-Wesley |
The C Programming Language |
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie |
homepage |
1978 |
288 |
c |
Prentice Hall |
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman and Julie Sussman |
pdf |
1985 |
657 |
scheme lisp |
MIT Press |
Programming Pearls |
Jon Bentley |
homepage |
1986 |
256 |
Addison-Wesley |
The TeXbook |
Donald E. Knuth |
pdf |
1986 |
640 |
Addison-Wesley |
Introduction to Algorithms |
Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein |
homepage |
1990 |
1312 |
MIT Press |
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming |
Peter Norvig |
source |
1992 |
368 |
lisp |
Morgan Kaufmann |
Code Complete |
Steve McConnell |
homepage |
1993 |
960 |
Microsoft Press |
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software |
Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides |
homepage |
1994 |
395 |
cpp smalltalk |
Addison-Wesley |
The Little Schemer |
Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen |
homepage |
1995 |
216 |
scheme |
MIT Press |
Introduction to the Theory of Computation |
Michael Sipser |
homepage |
1996 |
504 |
Cengage Learning |
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn |
Richard W. Hamming |
homepage |
1997 |
376 |
CRC Press |
The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery |
Andrew Hunt and David Thomas |
homepage |
1999 |
352 |
Addison-Wesley |
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code |
Martin Fowler |
homepage |
1999 |
448 |
java |
Addison-Wesley |
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software |
Charles Petzold |
homepage |
1999 |
400 |
Microsoft Press |
Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence |
Ivan Bratko |
homepage |
2000 |
704 |
prolog |
Addison-Wesley |
Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby |
Why the Lucky Stiff |
homepage source |
2000 |
128 |
ruby |
Penguin Books |
Effective Java |
Joshua Bloch |
homepage |
2001 |
416 |
java |
Addison-Wesley |
Thinking Forth |
Leo Brodie |
homepage source pdf |
2001 |
160 |
forth |
MIT Press |
The Cathedral and the Bazaar |
Eric S. Raymond |
homepage |
2001 |
352 |
O'Reilly Media |
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture |
Martin Fowler |
homepage |
2002 |
560 |
Addison-Wesley |
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software |
Eric Evans |
homepage |
2003 |
560 |
Addison-Wesley |
The Art of Unix Programming |
Eric S. Raymond |
homepage |
2003 |
352 |
unix |
Addison-Wesley |
The Fun of Programming |
Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor |
pdf |
2003 |
277 |
haskell |
Red Globe Press |
Head First Design Patterns |
Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson and Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra |
homepage |
2004 |
694 |
java |
O'Reilly Media |
Working Effectively with Legacy Code |
Michael Feathers |
homepage |
2004 |
456 |
Prentice Hall |
Practical Common Lisp |
Peter Seibel |
homepage |
2005 |
504 |
lisp |
Apress |
Mastering Regular Expressions |
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl |
homepage |
2006 |
542 |
O'Reilly Media |
Beautiful Code |
Andy Oram and Greg Wilson |
homepage |
2007 |
592 |
O'Reilly Media |
Programming Collective Intelligence |
Toby Segaran |
homepage |
2007 |
256 |
python |
O'Reilly Media |
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship |
Robert C. Martin |
homepage |
2008 |
464 |
java |
Prentice Hall |
Cracking the Coding Interview |
Gayle Laakmann McDowell |
homepage |
2008 |
708 |
java cpp |
CareerCup |
Let Over Lambda |
Doug Hoyte |
homepage source |
2008 |
376 |
lisp |
MIT Press |
Real World Haskell |
Bryan O'Sullivan and Don Stewart and John Goerzen |
homepage |
2008 |
714 |
haskell |
O'Reilly Media |
JavaScript: The Good Parts |
Douglas Crockford |
homepage |
2008 |
176 |
javascript |
O'Reilly Media |
Version Control with Git |
Prem Kumar Ponuthorai and Jon Loeliger |
homepage |
2009 |
546 |
O'Reilly Media |
Coders at Work |
Peter Seibel |
homepage |
2009 |
632 |
Apress |
The Passionate Programmer |
Chad Fowler |
homepage |
2009 |
232 |
Pragmatic Bookshelf |
Erlang Programming |
Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson |
homepage |
2009 |
498 |
erlang |
O'Reilly Media |
The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers |
Robert C. Martin |
homepage |
2011 |
256 |
Pearson |
Eloquent JavaScript |
Marijn Haverbeke |
homepage pdf |
2011 |
472 |
javascript |
No Starch Press |
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! |
Miran Lipovača |
homepage source |
2011 |
400 |
haskell |
No Starch Press |
Eloquent Ruby |
Russ Olsen |
homepage |
2011 |
448 |
ruby |
Addison-Wesley |
The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference |
Terence Parr |
homepage |
2012 |
328 |
antlr |
Pragmatic Bookshelf |
Homotopy Type Theory |
Mike Shulman and Andrej Bauer |
homepage source pdf |
2012 |
400 |
Princeton University Press |
Practical Vim |
Drew Neil |
homepage |
2012 |
320 |
vim |
Pragmatic Bookshelf |
The Phoenix Project |
Gene Kim and Kevin Behr and George Spafford |
homepage |
2013 |
382 |
IT Revolution Press |
Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual |
John Sonmez |
homepage |
2014 |
504 |
Manning Publications |
Modern Operating Systems |
Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Herbert Bos |
homepage |
2014 |
960 |
Pearson |
You Don't Know JS |
Kyle Simpson |
source |
2015 |
1128 |
javascript |
O'Reilly Media |
Python Crash Course |
Eric Matthes |
homepage |
2015 |
560 |
python |
No Starch Press |
The Pattern On The Stone |
Daniel Hillis |
homepage |
2015 |
191 |
Basic Books |
Beautiful Racket |
Matthias Felleisen and Robby Findler and Matthew Flatt |
homepage source |
2015 |
288 |
MIT Press |
The Go Programming Language |
Alan A. A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan |
homepage |
2015 |
400 |
go |
Addison-Wesley |
Essentials of Compilation |
Jeremy G. Siek |
source |
2015 |
racket python x86-assembly |
Clojure for the Brave and True |
Daniel Higginbotham |
homepage |
2015 |
328 |
clojure |
No Starch Press |
Elixir in Action |
Saša Jurić |
homepage |
2015 |
384 |
elixir |
Manning Publications |
Effective Python |
Brett Slatkin |
homepage |
2015 |
256 |
python |
Addison-Wesley |
Groovy in Action |
Dierk König and Paul King and Guillaume Laforge and Cédric Champeau and Hamlet D'Arcy |
homepage |
2015 |
912 |
groovy |
Manning Publications |
Grokking Algorithms |
Aditya Bhargava |
homepage |
2016 |
256 |
python |
Manning Publications |
The DevOps Handbook |
Gene Kim and Jez Humble and Patrick Debois and John Willis |
homepage |
2016 |
480 |
IT Revolution Press |
Programming in Scala |
Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon and Bill Venners and Frank Sommers |
homepage |
2016 |
667 |
scala |
Artima Press |
Haskell Programming from First Principles |
Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki |
homepage |
2016 |
889 |
haskell |
Gumroad |
Designing Data-Intensive Applications |
Martin Kleppmann |
homepage |
2017 |
616 |
O'Reilly Media |
The Rust Programming Language |
Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols |
homepage source |
2018 |
552 |
rust |
No Starch Press |
Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6 |
Dave Thomas |
homepage |
2018 |
398 |
elixir |
Pragmatic Bookshelf |
Writing A Compiler In Go |
Thorsten Ball |
homepage |
2018 |
288 |
go |
No Starch Press |
Programming TypeScript |
Boris Cherny |
homepage |
2019 |
324 |
typescript |
O'Reilly Media |
Pharo by Example 9 |
Stéphane Ducasse and Gordana Rakic and Sebastian Kaplar and Quentin Ducasse |
homepage source pdf |
2021 |
318 |
pharo |
Keepers of the lighthouse |
Crafting Interpreters |
Robert Nystrom |
homepage source |
2021 |
600 |
java |
Janet for Mortals |
Ian Henry |
homepage |
2023 |
janet |