JSON is an open source data notation created in 2001 by Douglas Crockford.
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In computing, JavaScript Object Notation or JSON ( JAY-sən), is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value). It is a very common data format used for asynchronous browser–server communication, including as a replacement for XML in some AJAX-style systems. JSON is a language-independent data format. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: dataNotation
- There are at least 133 JSON repos on GitHub
- Early development of JSON happened in Crockford.com
- JavaScript influenced the design of JSON
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 6 users using JSON in 6 repos on GitHub
- ANTLR grammar for JSON
- JSON LSP implementation
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for JSON
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for JSON
- Indeed.com has 5,872 matches for "json developer".
- json.org was registered in 2000
- See also: (16 related languages) JavaScript, XML, Java, HTTP, Unicode, UTF-8, SOAP, YAML, CSV, Protocol Buffers, Gzip, XPath, CSS, Hocon, S-expressions, GeoJSON
- Read more about JSON on the web: 1.
- 604 PLDB concepts link to JSON: 11ty, Aardvark, abs, Ace Editor, ActivityPub, Adept, Ait, AL, Alma, Alumina, ana, Ante, aretext, Argdown, ArkScript, Arquero, arret, Apache Arrow, ASDF, AssemblyScript, asterius-compiler, AT Protocol, attoparsec, Austral, Avail, badlanguage, Ballerina, bamboo, Basis Codec, Bazel, BeBasic, Bend, Berry, Bicep, binaryen, Bitsy, Bizubee, BlackCoffee, Blacklight, BlazeX, Blech, blockml, blur-markup-language, blz, Borgo, bosque, Bounce, bpkg-pm, Broccoli, Bucklescript, buzz, C3, Cairo, Calcit, Candy, Cap'n Proto, Caramel, Carbon, cat, Catala, Ceylon, chaiscript, chatterbot, chevrotain, chisel, CIR, circle-lang, Ć, Civet, Claro, clash, cloc, ClojureScript, Closure Templates, Coco, Coconut, codecept, CodeMirror, CoffeeKup, CoffeeScript, CokeScript, ColaScript, comby, CWL, commonmark, Concise Encoding, contracts.coffee, cor, corescript, Cortex, cosh, CouchDB, crmsh, crush, Crystal, CSON, CSpydr, CSS Doodle, CSVw, Cue, Cyber, D3.js, Dafny, Dak, daonode, Dasel, dat-protocol, datafun, datascript, DDP, Deno, dexvis, dgraph, Dhall, Differential Datalog, Dixy, djangoql, Dogescript, Drupal, dub-pm, Earl Grey, eco-editor, Embedded Crystal, Đ, Eiffel, EJS, Elm, Elpi, Elvish, emberjs-framework, EmberScript, emesh, Emscripten, Enso, Erlang, Esoteric Reaction, Euphoria, Eve, exkited, EYG, F Prime, Factor, Farcaster, Fardlang, fay, fetlang, firrtl, flame-ir, FlatBuffers, Flow, Flow9, FlowchartFun, flownote, Flutter, FLUX, Fold, fork-lang, ForthScript, Functional PHP Preprocessor, F*, Futhark, FutureScript, GN, GETlang, GHC, gintonic, Gleam, Glicol, Glisp, GLMS, Go, gogs-editor, Gradle, grid-notation, gridstudio-editor, Gun, hacspec, Halide, hashlink, Haxe, Haxe Library Manager, HCL, Hera, Heron, HHVM, highlight.js, Hina, Hjson, Hocon, Hodor, Homebrew, Hot Cocoa Lisp, hrqr, HTL, htmx, httplang, huginn, hurl, Hush, Hyperscript, Hyperscript, Ibis, IcedCoffeeScript, idyll, Imba, ImHex, Impala, infusion-framework, ink, inko, Insitux, invokator, Iode, Ion, Iterm2, Jakt, JAL compiler, Jammy, Jank, jaqt, jasmine, Java, JCOF, Jedi, jedlang, Jekyll, Jemplate, Jesth, Jet, Jevko, JFlex, Jinja, Jison Lex, Jison, Jisp, JLang, JMAP, jq, JSON Query Language, JQuery, JSFuck, jsil-compiler, JSLT, json-graph-format, JSON-LD, JSON Schema, JSONScript, json->url, JSON with Comments, JSON5, JSONiq, Jsonnet, jsparagus, Julia, juvix, k-framework, Kal, KamilaLisp, KAML, kasaya, KaTeX, KDL, Keras, KGL, Khepri, kima, kitlang, ko, kode, Koka, Kotlin, ktexteditor-editor, Kubernetes, kumir, Kuroko, Ladybird, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latte-js, Latte, Lawvere, JSON Lines, lem-editor, leo-editor, Lesma, lever, lezer, lift, Ligo, Link, Links, Linux, lispyscript, Literate CoffeeScript, LiteScript, Livr, lobster, Lodash, Logica, lsd, Luna, LWJGL, m3db, mal, manhood, Manim, Mapgen, maraca-lang, Marko, Markus, Markwhen, Marp, Mask, Mastodon, mathics, MathJSON, Mathpix Markdown, Matplotlib, mavo, MDX, Mech, Megaparsec, Melody, mermaid, micro-editor, MicroBlocks, microl, MicroPython, Mindsdb, MiniZinc, mirth, MLscript, mochajs, Monaco Editor, Mond, MongoDB, monte, MoonBit, moya, Mu, Muldis, mun-lang, mys, Nadesiko, Nearley, Neko, NestedText, neut, Nextflow, NGS, NilScript, Nim, Nit, nlpl, Natural Language Toolkit, Node.js, noisecraft, nomnoml, noms-db, noon, Note, nulan, Nushell, Nuua, Observable Framework, Observable, Observable Plot, Obsidian, Obsidian, Ohayo, ohm, oil, OK, Open Location Code, onnx, oopsilon, OpenCV, Openverse, orca, P, packagist-pm, Pact, Pandas, parboiled2, Parsers, Particles, pasukon, PearScript, PEG.js, penrose, Perl, Pharen, Phel, PHP, pikelet, Pipefish, Pkl, Plaid, plang, Please Build, Pod6, Podlite, PogoScript, Pomsky, popr, Porffor, PostCSS, PostgreSQL, PowerShell, Prettier, Prism, Project Mentat, PROMETHEUS, PRQL, PSVG, psyche, Pug, PureScript, Pycket, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Qalb, Qore, Quaint, Quint, Racket, Rakudo, ralph, RamdaScript, RAML, rant, React Native, Readable, Reason, Recursive teXt, Redis, redprl, reflex-framework, Ren-C, RetDec, Revolution, Rholang, RicScript, RigC, RobotFramework, Roc, RocksDB, Rockstar, Roslyn compiler, roy, RoyalScript, rpscript, ru, Ruby, runiq, Rust, Rye, SandDance, Savi, Scala.js, Scikit-learn, SciPy, Scoop, score, Scrapscript, Scroll, Scryer Prolog, SDLang, SDMS, Seif, semicolon, Semantic Versioning, sentient, Seq, Serious, shml, Sibilant, sile, Simoji, sizzle, skip, skulpt, Slab, Slashdown, Slim Framework, SmallBASIC, Semantic Patch Language, Snowman, Solidity, Sophie, Space, Speedie, spider, spiral, spry, SQRL, squiggle, SRL, Secure Scuttlebutt, Script.NET, stacklang, Star, Statsplorer, Stencil, STON, Storymatic, strat, SugarSS, Superjson, SUSN, Svelte, Swallow, Sweet.js, SWI Prolog, Swift, SymPy, tablam, Taichi, Taijilang, tamgu, tangledown, tao3d, Tawa, taxa, tea, TensorFlow, TestML, Textile, tht, tibet, tidyverse, tiledb, Timpani, Tag Line Commands, tldr, tldraw, TMTP, ToffeeScript, toki sona, ToonTalk, topshell, tornado, Tosh, Touch, Toy, TAO, tridash, Triton, Truth, tsquery, Twine, txtzyme, Typecast.js, typecobol, TypeScript, U, UCG, UCL, Uiua, ultralisp-pm, Uno, unseemly, V, v8, Vale, Vcpkg, vega-editor-app, Vega, Veryl, Violent ES, Virgil, visdown, VLC, Volt, Vue, Vyxal, walt, wasmer, Wasp, WDL, Web3.js, 文言文編程語言, Wing, winxed, WiredTiger, wisp, WLambda, Wonkey, Worst, Wyvern, Xarray, Xgboost, XGBoost, xlwings-editor, xodio, Ecstasy, Xtext, YAMP, YANG, Yes It Is, YoptaScript, Zephir, Zig