SNOBOL is a programming language created in 1962 by David J. Farber and Ralph E. Griswold.
#649on PLDB | 63Years Old |
SNOBOL (StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language) is a series of computer programming languages developed between 1962 and 1967 at Bell Labs by David J. Farber, Ralph E. Griswold and Ivan P. Read more on Wikipedia...
OUTPUT = "Hello, world!"
OUTPUT = "Hello World"
* Hello World in Snobol
OUTPUT = "Hello World!"
OUTPUT = "This program will ask you for personal names"
OUTPUT = "until you press return without giving it one"
NameCount = 0 :(GETINPUT)
AGAIN NameCount = NameCount + 1
OUTPUT = "Name " NameCount ": " PersonalName
GETINPUT OUTPUT = "Please give me name " NameCount + 1
PersonalName = INPUT
PersonalName LEN(1) :S(AGAIN)
OUTPUT = "Finished. " NameCount " names requested."
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | OUTPUT | |
Comments | ✓ | * A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | * A comment | * |
Semantic Indentation | X |