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Jison is an open source programming language created in 2009 by Zachary Carter.

#256on PLDB 15Years Old 0Repos
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Bison in JavaScript.

Example from Linguist:
/* description: ClassyLang grammar. Very classy. */ /* To build parser: $ ./bin/jison examples/classy.jison examples/classy.jisonlex */ /* author: Zach Carter */ %right ASSIGN %left OR %nonassoc EQUALITY GREATER %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES %right NOT %left DOT %% pgm : cdl MAIN LBRACE vdl el RBRACE ENDOFFILE ; cdl : c cdl | ; c : CLASS id EXTENDS id LBRACE vdl mdl RBRACE ; vdl : VAR t id SEMICOLON vdl | ; mdl : t id LPAREN t id RPAREN LBRACE vdl el RBRACE mdl | ; t : NATTYPE | id ; id : ID ; el : e SEMICOLON el | e SEMICOLON ; e : NATLITERAL | NUL | id | NEW id | THIS | IF LPAREN e RPAREN LBRACE el RBRACE ELSE LBRACE el RBRACE | FOR LPAREN e SEMICOLON e SEMICOLON e RPAREN LBRACE el RBRACE | READNAT LPAREN RPAREN | PRINTNAT LPAREN e RPAREN | e PLUS e | e MINUS e | e TIMES e | e EQUALITY e | e GREATER e | NOT e | e OR e | e DOT id | id ASSIGN e | e DOT id ASSIGN e | id LPAREN e RPAREN | e DOT id LPAREN e RPAREN | LPAREN e RPAREN ;

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Comments ✓ /* A comment */
MultiLine Comments ✓ /* A comment */ /* */
Semantic Indentation X
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