Jolie, aka Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine, is a programming language created in 2006 by Claudio Guidi and Fabrizio Montesi.
#957on PLDB | 19Years Old | 129Repos |
Jolie (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine) is an open-source programming language for developing distributed applications based on microservices. In the programming paradigm proposed with Jolie, each program is a service that can communicate with other programs by sending and receiving messages over a network. Jolie supports an abstraction layer that allows services to communicate using different mediums, ranging from TCP/IP sockets to local in-memory communications between processes.Jolie is currently supported by an interpreter implemented in the Java language, which can be run in multiple operating systems including Linux-based operating systems, OS X, and Windows. Read more on Wikipedia...
include "common.iol"
include "ui/swing_ui.iol"
include "console.iol"
outputPort Exam {
Location: Location_Exam
Protocol: sodep
Interfaces: ExamInterface
question.studentName = "John";
question.examName = "SPLG";
question.question = "Random question";
makeQuestion@Exam( question )( answer );
showYesNoQuestionDialog@SwingUI( "Do you want to accept answer " + answer + " ?" )( decision );
message.studentName = "John";
message.examName = "SPLG";
if ( decision == 0 ) {
pass@Exam( message )
} else {
fail@Exam( message )