Bash is an open source programming language created in 1989 by Brian Fox.
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Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been distributed widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions and Apple's macOS (formerly OS X). A version is also available for Windows 10. Read more on Wikipedia...
- Tags: programming language
- There are at least 1,579,442 Bash repos on GitHub
- Early development of Bash happened in GNU Project
- Bash is written in C, Bourne shell, M4, Bash, HTML, Make, Yacc, Perl, Assembly language, sed, Tex, Markdown, awk
- The Google BigQuery Public Dataset GitHub snapshot shows 358k users using Bash in 640k repos on GitHub
- There are 54,171 members in the Bash subreddit
- In the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey Bash programmers reported a median salary of $71,340. 27% of respondents reported using Bash. 22,385 programmers reported using Bash, and 14,043 said they wanted to use it
- Bash on HOPL
- Bash appears in the TIOBE Index
- Bash Ubuntu package
- Bash LSP implementation
- Monaco package for syntax highlighting Bash
- Pygments supports syntax highlighting for Bash
- GitHub supports syntax highlighting for Bash
- Bash appears in the Quine Relay project
- Learn Bash on exercism.
- There is 1 Jupyter Kernel for Bash
- There is a central package repository for Bash
- has 4,774 matches for "bash developer".
- See also: (12 related languages) C, Gettext Catalog, Bourne shell, LOGIN, Linux, Almquist shell, Android, Regular Expressions, Perl, awk, Unix, Emacs
- 226 PLDB concepts link to Bash: Armed Bear Common Lisp, Amber, Apache Hbase, ArkScript, Apache Arrow, Avail, awl, Ballerina, Bash, Bazel, BeBasic, Blacklight, blz, bpkg-pm, Bucardo, Bython, Caramel, Ceylon, Chapel, CIR, Civet, Common Lisp with Arc Macros and Procedures, clash, cloc, ClojureScript, codecept, Coq, Cortex, cosh, CouchDB, crmsh, Cryptol, Crystal, CSpydr, cuneiform, Dafny, datafun, dex, dgraph, dllup, DRAKON, dreamlisp, dub-pm, Embedded Crystal, Eiffel, elegance, ELENA, ELFE, Emscripten, Encore, Enso, erg, Erlang, F Prime, Fardlang, fay, Felix, firrtl, fleck, Flow, Flow9, flownote, Flutter, fp, F*, Gforth, GHC, Git, Go, Gun, gura, Gwion, Halide, hamdown, HAML, harlan, Hera, HHVM, highlight.js, Hjson, Homa, Homebrew, Horse64, huginn, hurl, Idio, Idris, Impala, invokator, Ioke, Iterm2, JAL compiler, Jank, jasmine, Java, Jedi, Jekyll, Jelly, Jemplate, JFlex, jq, JSONScript, Jsonnet, jsparagus, k-framework, KamilaLisp, Kefir, Kotlin, Kubernetes, l2, Ladybird, lambda-zero, lamdu-editor, Lamdu, latino, Lean, LinearML, Links, Linux, LiteScript, little, lobster, Luna, m3db, mal, manool, Mastodon, MathJSON, mermaid, mgmt, MiniZinc, Mirah, MongoDB, MonkeyX, Mu, mun-lang, Nadesiko, NetLogo, Nextflow, nianiolang, Nim, Nit, Node.js, Not Quite C, Obsidian, ohm, oil, Open Location Code, ooc, Opa, Opal, opam-pm, OpenNN, Open Shading Language, OpenCV, Openverse, Oxyl, Pan, Pandas, PHP, Pomsky, Pony, popr, PostgreSQL, preforth, Prism, Pygments, Python, PyTorch, Racket, ramen, Reason, Redis, reflex-framework, Revolution, Rholang, Riff, RocksDB, rosie, Ruby, Rust, Rye, Scikit-learn, score, sentient, setlx, Simple Binary Encoding, skip, skulpt, Slash, Slony, Smali, Semantic Patch Language, Spatial, SQRL, stoneknifeforth, sugartex, SWI Prolog, Swift, tao3d, TensorFlow, TestML, Textadept, tibet, tiledb, U, ultralisp-pm, Uno, V, V8, Vale, Vcpkg, Virgil, Vue, vyper, Wart, Wasp, WiredTiger, Wonkey, Wyvern, Xidoc, XL, xxl, Yggdrasil, Zephir, zlang