BQN, aka Big Questions Notation, is a programming language created in 2020 by Marshall Lochbaum.
#421on PLDB | 5Years Old |
git clone
An APL-like programming language. Self-hosted!
#! /usr/bin/env bqn
# Case conversion utilities
case ← {
diff ← -´ "Aa"
Lower ⇐ -⟜diff
Upper ⇐ Lower⁼
hw ← <˘ 2‿∘ ⥊ "helloworld"
hw case.Upper⌾(⊑¨)↩
•Out hw ↩ ∾ ⥊⍉ [hw, ", "‿"!"] # Hello, World!
# Split at spaces and repeated characters
Split ← {
!1==𝕩 ⋄ (!2=•Type)¨𝕩
Proc ← {
· 𝕊 ' ': spl⇐1 ; # Space: break and delete it
prev Fn cur: ⟨spl,str⟩⇐
spl←0 ⋄ str←⟨cur⟩ # Include and don't break...
{ prev=cur ? spl+↩1 ; @ } # except at equal characters
GV‿GS ← {𝕏¨}¨ ⟨ {⟨s⇐str⟩:s;""}
{𝕩.spl} ⟩
r ← Proc{»𝔽¨⊢} 𝕩
(∾¨ GV ⊔˜ ·+`GS) r
•Show Split hw # ⟨ "Hel" "lo," "World!" ⟩