invokator is a programming language created in 2004 by Yann Orlarey.
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Functional programming language for signal processing and sound synthesis
- Tags: programming language
- invokator is developed on GitHub and has 2,487 stars
- Early development of invokator happened in
- invokator is written in C++, Bash, Standard ML, XML, Markdown, Make, Java, CMake, JavaScript, C, Bourne shell, Objective C++, Python, Julia, Objective-C, Tex, VHDL, C#, Rust, HTML, JSON, YAML, CSS, D, CSON, Tcl, reStructuredText, Gradle, Ruby, WebAssembly, Yacc, SVG, LLVM IR, Lisp, Lex, MXML, R, Vim script, MATLAB, Dockerfile, TOML, Ini, Expect
- invokator on HOPL
- Read more about invokator on the web: 1.