P* is a programming language created in 2013 by Atle Solbakken.
#1753on PLDB | 12Years Old |
git clone https://github.com/P-star/P-star
P (pronounced P-star) is a programming language specifically designed for web development. P provides easy in-language support for common tasks in this field.
#!/usr/bin/wpl -f
SCENE main {
/* Create a variable named 'env' of special type 'ENV' */
ENV env;
/* Create a variable named 'path' of type 'string' */
string path;
/* Tell the env variable to retrieve the environment
variable PATH and put the result into our 'path' variable */
path = env->PATH;
/* Put the variable 'path' into a text string and then print it out */
echo "My shell looks for programs in these directories: $path\n";