Pygments is a library created in 2006 by Georg Brandl.
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Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter suitable for use in code hosting, forums, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code.
- Tags: library
- Pygments is developed on GitHub and has 1,767 stars
- Early development of Pygments happened in
- Pygments is written in Python, HTML, reStructuredText, Scala, GraphQL, Prolog, Ruby, JavaScript, Lisp, C, C++, Haskell, YAML, XML, DTD, Make, Bash, sed, Bourne shell, Scheme, Standard ML, Java, Clojure, XQuery, PHP, Ada, Raku, ActionScript, CSS, Groovy, Assembly language, JSON, Pascal, Tex, Nim, Haxe, Fortran 90, CoffeeScript, Lean, TOML, Clean, Nemerle, Perl, PowerShell, Erlang, D, Ini, IDL, Agda, odin, SQL, Handlebars, GDScript, Gherkin, Visual Basic, GLSL, Go, Mathematica, Smalltalk, COBOL, Crystal, OCaml, Racket, C shell, F#, Rust, Vim script, Logtalk, XHTML, Julia, C#, Visual Basic .NET, Zig, Brainfuck, Fennel, Lua, Elixir, AutoHotkey, R, Chapel, FORTRAN 77, VHDL, HLSL, Objective-C, xBase, awk, Solidity, Pig Latin, Idris, Nix, QML, SaltStack, Reason, Mako, CMake, ClojureScript, Meson, Markdown, ColdFusion, Kotlin, Swift, Elm, Rexx, JSX, Liquid, WebAssembly, Xtend, Slim, JCL, Logos, CUDA, Protocol Buffers, JSP, XSLT, APL, Dart, ASP.NET, Gradle, Thrift, Dockerfile, Puppet, Coq, Forth
- was registered in 2007
- See also: (6 related languages) CodeMirror, Monaco Editor, highlight.js, Ace Editor, Sublime Syntax, TextMate Language
- 3 PLDB concepts link to Pygments: Ace Editor, highlight.js, Prism