CoffeeKup is a template language created in 2010 by Maurice Machado.
#1053on PLDB | 15Years Old |
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Markup as CoffeeScript.
doctype 5
html ->
head ->
meta charset: 'utf-8'
title "#{@title or 'Untitled'} | A completely plausible website"
meta(name: 'description', content: @description) if @description?
link rel: 'stylesheet', href: '/css/app.css'
style '''
body {font-family: sans-serif}
header, nav, section, footer {display: block}
script src: '/js/jquery.js'
coffeescript ->
$(document).ready ->
alert 'Alerts suck!'
body ->
header ->
h1 @title or 'Untitled'
nav ->
ul ->
(li -> a href: '/', -> 'Home') unless @path is '/'
li -> a href: '/chunky', -> 'Bacon!'
switch @user.role
when 'owner', 'admin'
li -> a href: '/admin', -> 'Secret Stuff'
when 'vip'
li -> a href: '/vip', -> 'Exclusive Stuff'
li -> a href: '/commoners', -> 'Just Stuff'
div '#myid.myclass.anotherclass', style: 'position: fixed', ->
p 'Divitis kills! Inline styling too.'
section ->
# A helper function you built and included.
breadcrumb separator: '>', clickable: yes
h2 "Let's count to 10:"
p i for i in [1..10]
# Another hypothetical helper.
form_to @post, ->
textbox '#title', label: 'Title:'
textbox '#author', label: 'Author:'
submit 'Save'
footer ->
# CoffeeScript comments. Not visible in the output document.
comment 'HTML comments.'
p 'Bye!'