chevrotain is an open source library created in 2015.
#613on PLDB | 10Years Old |
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Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript
"use strict"
* An Example of implementing a CSV Grammar with Chevrotain.
* Based on:
* Note that this is a pure grammar without any actions (either embedded or via a CST Visitor).
const { createToken, Lexer, Parser, EMPTY_ALT } = require("chevrotain")
// ----------------- lexer -----------------
const Text = createToken({ name: "Text", pattern: /[^,\n\r"]+/ })
const Comma = createToken({ name: "Comma", pattern: /,/ })
const NewLine = createToken({
name: "NewLine",
pattern: /\r?\n/
const String = createToken({ name: "String", pattern: /"(?:""|[^"])*"/ })
const allTokens = [Text, String, Comma, NewLine]
const CsvLexer = new Lexer(allTokens)
// Parser
class CsvParser extends Parser {
constructor() {
// not mandatory, using $ (or any other sign) to reduce verbosity
const $ = this
$.RULE("csvFile", () => {
$.AT_LEAST_ONE(() => {
$.RULE("hdr", () => {
$.RULE("row", () => {
$.MANY(() => {
$.RULE("field", () => {
{ ALT: () => $.CONSUME(Text) },
{ ALT: () => $.CONSUME(String) },
{ ALT: EMPTY_ALT("empty field") }
// very important to call this after all the rules have been defined.
// otherwise the parser may not work correctly as it will lack information
// derived during the self analysis phase.
// wrapping it all together
// reuse the same parser instance.
const parser = new CsvParser([])
module.exports = function(text) {
// 1. Tokenize the input.
const lexResult = CsvLexer.tokenize(text)
// 2. Set the Parser's input
parser.input = lexResult.tokens
// 3. invoke the desired parser rule
const cst = parser.csvFile()
return {
cst: cst,
lexResult: lexResult,
parseErrors: parser.errors