unison is an open source programming language created in 2015.
#289on PLDB | 10Years Old |
git clone https://github.com/unisonweb/unison
A friendly programming language from the future
-- comments start with `--`
-- alice : Node, bob : Node
x = factorial 6
Remote.transfer alice
y = foo x -- happens on `alice` node
Remote.transfer bob
bar x y -- happens on `bob` node
use io
runProg: '{IO, Exception} a -> '{IO} ()
runProg f = 'let
printErr err = match err with
Failure _ errMsg _ -> handle putBytes (stdHandle StdErr) (toUtf8 errMsg) with cases
{raise _ -> _} -> ()
{_} -> ()
match catch f with
Left err -> printErr err
Right _ -> ()
main: '{IO} ()
main = runProg 'let
printLine "Hello, world!"
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | -- A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | -- A comment | -- |
Semantic Indentation | X |