tht is a programming language created in 2017.
#1134on PLDB | 8Years Old |
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THT Programming Language
// Familiar variable and List syntax.
$colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];
// New JSON-style syntax for Maps
$colorHex = {
red: '#FF0000',
green: '#00FF00',
blue: '#0000FF',
// Built-in types have methods using
// the mainstream 'dot' syntax.
// Extra parens aren't needed.
if $colors.length() > 3 {
// The standard library is organized
// into modules.
title: 'Colors',
body: bodyHtml($colors),
// Template Functions let you organize
// your output (views) however you like.
// (e.g. by component, module, file, etc.)
template bodyHtml($colors) {
-- foreach $colors as $c {
<li>{{ $c.toUpperCaseFirst() }}</>
-- }
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |
title | date | score | comments |
Show HN: THT – a cleaner, safer language that compiles to PHP | 09/03/2017 | 3 | 0 |