Fuzuli is a programming language created in 2012 by Mehmet Hakan Satman.
#2027on PLDB | 13Years Old |
git clone https://github.com/jbytecode/fuzuli/
Fuzuli has a syntax similar to Lisp but it is not intended to be an other Lisp clone. It has got several properties inhereted from Algol family and others. For example; syntax of while and foreach statements were directly derived from C++ and R, respectively. Some string manipulation functions share the same names and definitions from Visual Basic. Math and IO libraries are like C++ standard library and MySql library uses libmysql directly.
(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/math.nfl")
(function euclidean (params x y)
(def dist FLOAT)(let dist 0.0)
(def i INTEGER)
(for (let i 0) (< i (length x)) (inc i)
(let dist (+ dist (pow (- (nth x i) (nth y i)) 2)))
(return dist)
(def x LIST)
(def y LIST)
(let x (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(let y (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11))
(let dist (euclidean x y))
(print dist "\n")