Slashdown is a text markup language created in 2021 by Nick Noble.
#2263on PLDB | 4Years Old |
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For when MDX is too much, but Markdown is too little.
/ .h-full.p-4.prose
/header .flex.justify-between
/nav .space-x-2
/section #hero
# For when MDX is too much and Markdown is too little
*(Or you just don't like closing tags)*
## Slashdown is a superset of markdown.
Using indentation and some simple syntax, you can hand write markup with more customizability and *dare I say* OOOMPH!
It was designed for [HTMX](), [Tailwind](), and joy. In fact, this page has Tailwind's PlayCDN enabled – go to town experimenting!
## The basics
### Any line that starts with a `/` is a tag.
By default, it will render a div, but you can name it anything you want: `/section`, `/MyComponent`, `/x-thing`.
### Attributes can follow:
`/button hx-post="/clicked" hx-swap="outerHTML"`
#### Common shorthands for classes and IDs:
`/section #hero`
#### Stacking, for organization
### Text at the end
At the end of a tag, you can add ` = ` followed by anything except line breaks. This will be treated as innerText for that tag.
`/section #hero`