Alpaca is a programming language created in 2016 by Jeremy Pierre.
#481on PLDB | 9Years Old |
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Functional programming inspired by ML for the Erlang VM
module simple_example
-- a basic top-level function:
let add2 x = x + 2
let something_with_let_bindings x =
-- a function:
let adder a b = a + b in
-- a variable (immutable):
let x_plus_2 = adder x 2 in
add2 x
-- a polymorphic ADT:
type messages 'x = 'x | Fetch pid 'x
{- A function that can be spawned to receive `messages int`
messages, that increments its state by received integers
and can be queried for its state.
let will_be_a_process x = receive with
i -> will_be_a_process (x + i)
| Fetch sender ->
let sent = send x sender in
will_be_a_process x
let start_a_process init = spawn will_be_a_process init