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Line Comments

< >
Example from 206 languages: JavaScript, C, Java, PHP, Go, TypeScript, C#, Rust, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, Objective-C, Dart, Solidity, D, Reason, Haxe, Groovy, Pug, F#, Chapel, HCL, Protocol Buffers, JSON5, Yacc, Deno, OpenCL, odin, ANTLR, Delphi, Stata, Flow, V, Verilog, Ballerina, FLUX, Squirrel, Less, Wren, PEG.js, DOT, Lex, Zephir, Jsonnet, Vala, C3, Koka, QML, Bicep, Eve, Halide, Processing, Dafny, mlir, Hack, Taichi, POV-Ray SDL, Ceylon, SystemVerilog, Cue, PowerBuilder, ECL, Scilab, Click, idyll, JAI, Clean, eC, Bison, Ron, Nemerle, Felix, Observable, BCPL, CIL, AspectJ, SuperCollider, nomnoml, Dylan, Xojo, Scroll, SCSS, Flow9, SugarSS, xBase, Modelica, ATS, Veryl, Io, Fantom, Pike, mun-lang, PAWN, OpenSCAD, Lasso, Whiley, P4, Objective C++, JSON with Comments, Cg, Clipper, Angelscript, IGOR Pro, dlvm, Argdown, JADE, Ch, Logos, Objective-J, Harbour, Ligo, Alloy, Volt, CIL, Apex, MQL5, Mask, Croc, DAX, Cypher Query Language, Concise Encoding, Falcon, Spatial, Java Bytecode, OX, spiral, Script.NET, Linden Scripting Language, Not Quite C, DM, LPC, HuJSON, NetLinx, Jule, Game Maker Language, Vale, BETA, Strips, Sophia, Cycript, Slice, CIR, LoomScript, Nymph, Hocon, MiniD, Cell, CartoCSS, Type Language, gentee, Not eXactly C, Adventure Game Studio Script, Maya Embedded Language, KRL, ShaderLab, kai, Frink, tht, silk, Heron, OpenVera, JS++, XBase++, MVEL, NS Basic, Yoix, xxl, winxed, Rescript, Lite-C, neeilang, Language Server Index Format, Judoscript, Rust MIR, FutureBASIC, OEM, SIL, PowerQuery M, owen-lang, Q#, SimCode, Tuple space, Ion, Fable, Pnuts, hilvl, Action Code Script, beads-lang, fizz, flagship, JSL, Operational Control Language, epsilon, verifpal, holyc, OptimJ, Finite State Language, Soy, StruQL, Treelang, ctalk-lang, dslx, CFScript, ddfql, rbscript, sora
// A comment
# A comment
-- A comment
% A comment
; A comment
Example from 5 languages: SAS, ABAP, SNOBOL, Refal, ActiveVFP
* A comment
Example from 1 languages: COBOL
MOVE ABC to XYZ *> This is a comment.
' A comment
Example from 1 languages: Fortran
C A comment
Example from 1 languages: HAML
-# A comment
Example from 1 languages: Forth
\ A comment
Example from 1 languages: APL
⍝ A comment
Example from 1 languages: J
NB. A comment
Example from 2 languages: BASIC, Batchfile
REM A comment
Example from 1 languages: Slope
; I am a comment
Example from 1 languages: K
/ A comment
! A comment
Example from 1 languages: TLA
\* A comment
Example from 1 languages: Cyber
-- Counts iterations.
Example from 1 languages: popr
__ A comment
Example from 1 languages: High Level Assembly
// comment
Example from 1 languages: HOPE
--- A comment
Example from 1 languages: Mouse
~ A comment
Example from 1 languages: SAKO
K) A comment
Example from 1 languages: Uniform eXchange Format
#<A comment>
Example from 1 languages: Quaint
;; A comment
Example from 1 languages: Wax
; a comment
Example from 1 languages: Crap
// The same as c
Example from 1 languages: Lexon
COMMENT A comment
Example from 1 languages: T3X
DO END ! Do nothing
Example from 1 languages: GraphQL Schema Definition Language
“”” A comment

Languages with Line Comments include JavaScript, C, Python, Java, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Go, TypeScript, SQL, C#, R, Bash, PowerShell, Rust, Swift, Scala, Lua, MATLAB, Haskell, Kotlin, Clojure, Elixir, CoffeeScript, Objective-C, SAS, Julia, Prolog, Erlang, Dart, COBOL, Visual Basic, Ada, YAML, Solidity, Nim, TOML, Racket, Crystal, Fortran, PostgreSQL, Zig, D, Reason, Elm, MySQL, Scheme, WebAssembly, Haxe, GraphQL, Groovy, awk, Tex, Pug, F#, Chapel, LLVM IR, ClojureScript, HAML, HCL, PureScript, VHDL, Forth, Idris, Protocol Buffers, Ini, Visual Basic .NET, Make, JSON5, APL, Yacc, Deno, ARM, Embedded Crystal, OpenCL, LaTeX, J, Red, fish, Maple, odin, Lean, sed, ANTLR, Tcl, Delphi, Stata, Flow, V, ABAP, KaTeX, ActionScript, Dhall, Verilog, Pony, Fennel, starlark, Ballerina, BASIC, FLUX, AutoHotkey, Hy, Squirrel, PostScript, Less, Wren, Common Lisp, Eiffel, Smali, MUMPS, PEG.js, Cap'n Proto, MoonScript, DOT, API Blueprint, NetLogo, Lex, Zephir, VBScript, Jsonnet, Logo, Frege, Vala, Pig Latin, M4, PL/SQL, C3, Nginx, Batchfile, Koka, GNU Octave, QML, PRQL, carp, Terra, Nearley, Pandas, Bicep, Eve, Halide, Processing, Dafny, SPARQL, Agda, mlir, MIPS architecture, Futhark, VBA, Emacs Lisp, Hack, Taichi, AMPL, POV-Ray SDL, Hjson, Ceylon, Applescript, Expect, QBasic, SystemVerilog, NumPy, YASnippet, progsbase, mgmt, GAP, Cue, PowerBuilder, ECL, Scilab, Click, Cryptol, GLSL, idyll, Slope, HLSL, JAI, AutoIt, x86 Assembly, K, Simula, unison, Clean, Golo, wisp, Transact-SQL, eC, WDL, AGC, Bison, Ron, Sage, Nemerle, Boo, Felix, Mercury, CWL, Ring, Observable, datascript, BCPL, CIL, AspectJ, SuperCollider, Datalog, nomnoml, Logica, Dylan, Xojo, Scroll, Mu, SCSS, REBOL, TLA, Flow9, SugarSS, Oz, ArkScript, Raku, Nit, Gosu, JCL, xBase, Modelica, Shen, ATS, Fancy, Veryl, LiveScript, Io, CLIPS, Fantom, Pike, LFE, mun-lang, NSIS, NCAR Command Language, NewLisp, X10, SourcePawn, PAWN, PL/pgSQL, OpenSCAD, Reia, Turing, Lasso, Icon, Dockerfile, BlitzMax, LilyPond, Whiley, Csound, clay, E, P4, PureBasic, Nix, Java Properties, Objective C++, FoxPRO, lispyscript, Filebench WML, LiveCode, JSON with Comments, Cg, Clipper, Angelscript, IGOR Pro, dlvm, Argdown, JADE, Ch, GDScript, Monkey, Gherkin, Logos, Euphoria, SNOBOL, Guile, Praat Script, spry, BlitzBasic, Objective-J, Classroom Object Oriented Language, Harbour, Ragel, Ligo, Alloy, Volt, CIL, Pan, Apex, Ren'Py, MQL5, Mask, Croc, DAX, Cypher Query Language, Concise Encoding, neut, Falcon, Spatial, JSLT, dex, Java Bytecode, PicoLisp, OX, Gettext Catalog, Vigil, C shell, muPad, OCL, Tea, Seed7, spiral, Netwide Assembler, UNLAMBDA, Script.NET, Augmented Backus-Naur Form, Linden Scripting Language, Cyber, popr, Opal, High Level Assembly, Gentoo Ebuild, Not Quite C, DM, NestedText, LPC, HuJSON, NetLinx, Jule, Cwerg, Eclipse Command Language, FloScript, Jasmin, RELAX NG, S-PLUS, Game Maker Language, Gerbil Scheme, BitBake, ldpl, SETL, HOPE, Z, Vale, Dc, Spin, BETA, Strips, Sophia, Structured Query Reporter, Unicon, Cycript, SMT, Redcode, PIC, storyscript, Slice, CIR, HiveQL, LoomScript, Sather, Nymph, Hocon, MiniD, Rc, Sieve mail filtering language, Claro, Cell, Ezhil, CartoCSS, pointless, Grammatical Framework, LookML, PEG, Refal, SRecode Template, Type Language, gentee, Brightscript, Not eXactly C, Adventure Game Studio Script, Maya Embedded Language, Savi, KRL, GCC Machine Description, ShaderLab, Charity, BLISS, Parser 3, kai, Action!, Frink, QB64, Mouse, tht, SAKO, HXML, Aldor, manool, S-algol, Wart, Project Mentat, Uniform eXchange Format, silk, Heron, Recfiles, KiXtart, Yet Another Scripting Language, OpenVera, Alpine Abuild, JS++, XBase++, MVEL, PowerBASIC, parasail, NS Basic, Yoix, xxl, Mary, winxed, Rescript, EuLisp, Aardvark, Quaint, Easytrieve, Lite-C, carth, neeilang, Language Server Index Format, Rita, taf, Judoscript, Fjölnir, Bel, Rust MIR, Pawn, Wax, Crap, Amazon Redshift, Xbasic, Boron, FutureBASIC, PROMAL, OEM, SIL, PowerQuery M, VHDL-AMS, owen-lang, Q#, SimCode, Tuple space, BuddyScript, True BASIC, Ion, blz, Fable, Ren, ISETL, Pnuts, MACRO-10, omega, hilvl, Action Code Script, AmbientTalk, z80, ActiveVFP, Atomese, beads-lang, fizz, flagship, Guix Workflow Language, JSL, Operational Control Language, CLOS, Boogie, epsilon, Lexon, Plot, PromQL, rosette-lang, Spice, Zimpl, ThinBasic, boa, lain, stella, Sweet Expressions, T3X, verifpal, holyc, StarOffice Basic, FML, Caché Basic, OptimJ, Bla, luau, Finite State Language, Module Management System, Soy, XBLite, Parrot BASIC, ca65 Assembly, GraphQL Schema Definition Language, Literate Agda, rbs, Reactive Plan Language, WxBasic, Robots.txt, StruQL, SubX, Yedalog, Turbo Basic, Treelang, ctalk-lang, dslx, Portable Bit Map Format, Netpbm grayscale image format, ppm-format, PacmanConf, PkgConfig, USD, wescheme, CFScript, ddfql, turnstile, Creative Basic, tremor-query, Lighttpd configuration file, rbscript, sora, zephyr-asdl


Languages without Line Comments include HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, Mathematica, Markdown, Pascal, OCaml, SPSS, Smalltalk, SVG, Standard ML, XQuery, ML, Wolfram Language, Regular Expressions, Modula-2, Rexx, OWL, Modula-3, Object Pascal


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