Language Server Index Format, aka Language Server Index Format, is a json format created in 2019 by Dan Adler.
#1428on PLDB | 6Years Old |
git clone
// a vertex representing the document
{ id: 1, type: "vertex", label: "document", uri: "file:///Users/username/sample.ts", languageId: "typescript" }
// a vertex representing the range for the identifier bar
{ id: 4, type: "vertex", label: "range", start: { line: 0, character: 9}, end: { line: 0, character: 12 } }
// an edge saying that the document with id 1 contains the range with id 4
{ id: 5, type: "edge", label: "contains", outV: 1, inV: 4}
// a vertex representing the actual hover result
{ id: 6, type: "vertex", label: "hoverResult",
result: {
contents: [
{ language: "typescript", value: "function bar(): void" }
// an edge linking the hover result to the range.
{ id: 7, type: "edge", label: "textDocument/hover", outV: 4, inV: 6 }
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |