xxl is a programming language created in 2016.
#1353on PLDB | 8Years Old |
git clone https://github.com/tlack/xxl
a minimal vector programming language
// enclose (c)urly(b)races, (s)quare(b)brackets, (q)uotes:
'ecb is {"{",x,"}"}; 'esb is {"[",x,"]"}; 'eq is {"\"",x,"\""};
'jc is {join ","}; 'jac is {each y jc}; // join x with commas; apply y to each of x then join with commas
'pair is {encode,":",(y encode)}; // key:val pair for dict
'dict is {key as 'k; x val as 'v; [k],v >: pair jc ecb}; // get keys/vals, pair merge, commas, braces
// wrap non-scalar values in appropriate way:
'many is {as 'el type case ('char, {el str eq}, 'dict, {el dict}, {el jac encode esb})};
'encode is {ravel[many,str]}; // ravel calls x y[0] for arrays (len > 1), x y[1] for scalars
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |