flagship is a programming language created in 1986.
#1856on PLDB | 39Years Old |
** File: hello1.prg // your first program
? "Hello world!" // similar to printf("\nHello world!")
wait // wait for user prompt before closing the application
** File: hello2.prg // your second application
set color to "W+/B" // set color white on blue
@ 5,10 TO 9,30 // draw box
@ 7,12 SAY "hello world" // print text on given coordinates
key = inkey(5) // wait for key press within 5 seconds
** File: dbf1.prg // handles available/creates new database
#include "fspreset.fh" // converts all file names to lower case
PARAMETER par1 // accepts command-line parameters
dbname := IF(EMPTY(par1), "mydbf1", par1) // set default if required
IF .NOT. FILE(dbname + ".dbf") // database available?
DBCREATE(dbname, {{"Name", "C", 25, 0}, ; // not yet, so
{"Address", "C", 30, 0}, ; // create a new
{"Born", "D", 8, 0}, ; // database, here
{"Note", "M", 10, 0}} ) // with 4 fields
USE (dbname) SHARED // open the given database or mydbf1.dbf
IF !USED() // check the success
? "sorry, cannot open", dbname
QUIT // abort the execution
BROWSE () // browse/edit
QUIT // exit back to command line
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |