Yoix is an open source programming language created in 2000 by Rich Drechsler and John Mocenigo.
#1376on PLDB | 25Years Old |
In computer programming, Yoix is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. The Yoix interpreter is implemented using standard Java technology without any add-on packages and requires only a Sun-compliant JVM to operate. Initially developed by AT&T Labs researchers for internal use, it has been available as free and open source software since late 2000.. Read more on Wikipedia...
import yoix.stdio.*;
printf("Hello World");
import yoix.*.*;
BuildYoixLogoImage(double height, Color color, int addshadow) {
// create the basic image, without shadow
GenImage(double height, Color color, Font imagefont, double scale) {
Image yoixlogo = {
int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
Color imgcolor = color;
double scale = scale;
Font imagefont = imagefont;
Font regfont = imagefont.scalefont(0.5, 0.5);
Graphics graphics = {
Font font = imagefont;
int textantialiasing = TRUE;
double ywd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "Y");
Dimension size = {
double height = height;
double width = ywd * 5.25;
double owd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "o");
double iwd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "i");
double xwd = stringWidth(graphics.font, "x");
ywd += iwd;
ywd /= 2.0;
paint(Rectangle r) {
double alpha = 1.0;
double alpha2 = 0.3333;
int limit = 12;
graphics {
erasedrawable(0.0); // for transparent PNG
setrgbcolor(imgcolor.red, imgcolor.green, imgcolor.blue);
translate(48 * this.scale, 44 * this.scale);
for(n=0; n<limit; n++) {
moveto(0.0, 0.0);
// "handmade" kerning
show("Y", alpha);
if (n == 0) {
moveto(ywd, 0.0);
show("o", alpha);
moveto(ywd + owd - 0.3 * iwd, 0.0);
show("i", alpha);
moveto(ywd + owd + 0.8 * iwd, 0.0);
show("x", alpha);
moveto(ywd + owd + 0.8 * iwd + xwd, -this.imagefont.height * 0.33);
show("\xAE", alpha);
alpha = alpha2;
alpha *= 0.75;
Font basefont = {
String name = "ClearviewATT-plain-48";
double scale = height / 90.0;
Font imagefont = basefont.scalefont(scale, scale);
if (addshadow) {
Image logo = GenImage(height, color, imagefont, scale);
image = new Image {
int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
Image source = logo;
Image img = logo;
// convolve image to make a (lightened) shadow
Image shadow = new Image {
int type = TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
Image source = img;
Array kernel = new Array[100];
Pointer ptr;
for(ptr in kernel) *ptr = 0.0055;
paint() {
// combine the image and shadow into one image
paint(Rectangle r) {
graphics {
moveto(0, 0);
moveto(this.img.size.height * 0.005, this.img.size.height * 0.02);
} else {
image = GenImage(height, color, imagefont, scale);
// rudimentary argument processing (getopt is also available)
// first argument is height of image
double sz = (argc > 1) ? atof(argv[1]) : 270;
int shdw = 1;
int print = 0;
// second argument: if 0/1 turn shadow off/on, otherwise
// assume it is a filename for printing.
if (argc > 2) {
if (argv[2] =~ "^[01]$") {
shdw = atoi(argv[2]);
} else {
print = 1;
Image yoixlogo = BuildYoixLogoImage(sz, Color.black, (sz >= 72) && shdw);
if (print) {
Stream output;
if ((output = open(argv[2], "w")) != NULL) {
encodeImage(yoixlogo, "png", output);
} else {
JFrame jf = {
int visible = TRUE;
Dimension size = NULL;
Array layout = {
new JPanel {
Dimension preferredsize = {
double width = yoixlogo.size.width;
double height = yoixlogo.size.height;
Color background = Color.white;
Image backgroundimage = yoixlogo;
int backgroundhints = SCALE_NONE;
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Strings | ✓ | "Hello world" | " |
Print() Debugging | ✓ | printf | |
Comments | ✓ | // A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | // A comment | // |
Semantic Indentation | X |