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ddfql is a query language created in 2016.

#2614on PLDB 9Years Old

Example from the web:
{ "select": { "key": ["geo", "year"], "value": [ "population", "life_expectancy", "gdp_per_cap", "gov_type" ] }, "from": "datapoints", "where": { "$or": [ { // implicit $and "geo": "$geo", "year": { "$eq": 2015 }, }, { "population": { "$gt": 100000 } }, { "gdp_per_cap": { "$gt": 1000 } }, { "$and": [ // explicit $and { "$and": [ { "geo": โ€œ$geoโ€ } ], // redundant and { "gdp_per_cap": { "$gt": 400, "$lt": 500 } }, { "life_expectancy": { "$gt": 30, "$lt": 70 } } ]} ] }, "order_by": ["life_expectancy", "population"], "join": { "$geo": { key: "geo", where: { "is--country": true, "latitude": { "$lte": 0 }, } } }, "language": "en" }

Language features

Feature Supported Example Token
Comments โœ“ // A comment
Line Comments โœ“ // A comment //
Semantic Indentation X

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