ThinBasic is an open source programming language created in 2004.
#2046on PLDB | 21Years Old |
thinBasic is a BASIC-like computer programming language interpreter with a central core engine architecture surrounded by many specialized modules. Although originally designed mainly for computer automation, thanks to its modular structure it can be used for wide range of tasks.. Read more on Wikipedia...
' Specifies program will use functions from console module
uses "Console"
' TBMain represents main body of the program
function TBMain()
' Creates variable to hold user name
local UserName as string
' Asks user for the name
Console_Print("What is your name?: ")
' Stores it to variable
UserName = Console_ReadLine
' If length of username is 0 then no name is specified, else program will say hello
if len(UserName) = 0 then
Console_PrintLine("No user name specified...")
Console_PrintLine("Hello " + UserName + "!")
end if
' Waits for any key from user before program ends
end function
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | ' A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | ' A comment | ' |
Semantic Indentation | X |