XBLite is a programming language created in 2001 by David Szafranski.
#2205on PLDB | 24Years Old |
XBLite is a free Open Source BASIC programming language compiler and development system. It was started in 2001 by David Szafranski in order to provide a Windows exclusive version of the XBasic dialect. XBLite is released under the GNU GPL licensing scheme, Standard libraries are released under the GNU LGPL licensing scheme. Read more on Wikipedia...
PROGRAM "sayhello"
' interfaces to system DLLs
IMPORT "gdi32" ' importing interface to gdi32.dll
IMPORT "user32" ' importing interface to user32.dll
DECLARE FUNCTION Entry () ' declare function Entry()
FUNCTION Entry () ' define (instantiate) function Entry()
' display a message box and wait until the user clicks the 'OK!' button
MessageBoxA (0, &"Hello world!", &"Windows GUI Version", $$MB_OK)
Feature | Supported | Example | Token |
Comments | ✓ | ' A comment | |
Line Comments | ✓ | ' A comment | ' |
Semantic Indentation | X |