S-expressions is a data notation created in 1960.
#657on PLDB | 65Years Old |
In computing, s-expressions, sexprs or sexps (for "symbolic expression") are a notation for nested list (tree-structured) data, invented for and popularized by the programming language Lisp, which uses them for source code as well as data. In the usual parenthesized syntax of Lisp, an s-expression is classically defined as an atom, or an expression of the form (x . y) where x and y are s-expressions. Read more on Wikipedia...
(x . y)
def parse_sexp(string):
>>> parse_sexp("(+ 5 (+ 3 5))")
[['+', '5', ['+', '3', '5']]]
sexp = [[]]
word = ''
in_str = False
for char in string:
if char is '(' and not in_str:
elif char is ')' and not in_str:
if word:
word = ''
temp = sexp.pop()
elif char in (' ', '\n', '\t') and not in_str:
if word:
word = ''
elif char is '\"':
in_str = not in_str
word += char
return sexp[0]