/* A comment
''' A comment.
=begin comment
This is all part of multiline comment.
You can use as many lines as you like
These comments will be ignored by the
compiler until the next =cut is encountered.
A comment.
<# A comment
A comment.
A comment.
(comment A comment
### A comment
A comment.
(* A comment
#[ A comment
/+ A comment
{- A comment
#| A comment
(* a comment *)
" A comment
{ A comment
Multiline comment
{# A comment
// A
multiline comment
text text text...
This is part of a large block
of text that has been
temporarily(?) commented out.
We can restore it simply by removing
the .ig request and the ".." at the
end of the block.
A multi line comment
(; A comment
''' A comment
#!/usr/bin/poke -L
A comment
Languages with MultiLine Comments include JavaScript, C, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Go, XML, TypeScript, SQL, C#, PowerShell, Rust, Swift, Scala, MATLAB, Lua, Kotlin, Haskell, Clojure, CoffeeScript, SAS, Prolog, Objective-C, Julia, Mathematica, Dart, CUDA, Solidity, WebAssembly, Nim, Pascal, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Reason, D, Elm, Haxe, Scheme, Chapel, Groovy, Coq, F#, OCaml, HCL, Smalltalk, PureScript, SVG, JSON5, Protocol Buffers, Yacc, OpenCL, ANTLR, Stata, Delphi, PostCSS, ActionScript, Pony, Verilog, Hy, C3, PostScript, Less, Wa-lang, PEG.js, DOT, Lex, Zephir, Jsonnet, Pig Latin, Frege, Bicep, QML, GNU Octave, Opa, Nextflow, Agda, MIPS architecture, PL/I, Processing, Jison, AMPL, DTrace, POV-Ray SDL, Hjson, Hack, Wolfram Language, Modula-2, Applescript, Ceylon, Rexx, Ron, SystemVerilog, Oberon, progsbase, Cryptol, Twig, ECL, HLSL, GLSL, TLA+, AutoIt, JAI, eC, Scroll, Transact-SQL, Bison, Boo, AspectJ, SCSS, Flow9, ooc, X10, Modula-3, EBNF, Closure Templates, xBase, Gosu, Maxima, B, Shen, JFlex, Veryl, ATS, Xtend, LiveScript, Io, SourcePawn, Isabelle, Fantom, groff, Object Pascal, PL/pgSQL, Argdown, BlitzMax, Whiley, Lasso, LilyPond, Nix, Objective C++, Csound, clay, P4, UrWeb, JSON with Comments, Angelscript, basic calculator, Monkey, XSLT, OpenEdge ABL, Croc, Classroom Object Oriented Language, Ligo, Alloy, Apex, Fortress, DAX, Mask, Jule, Cypher Query Language, PL/M, muPad, HuJSON, Mako, Linden Scripting Language, PARI/GP, DM, NetLinx, Eclipse Command Language, Bluespec, Game Maker Language, dedukti, Sophia, Cycript, Slice, LoomScript, COMPONENT PASCAL, MiniD, Sieve mail filtering language, WebIDL, CartoCSS, XS, RenderScript, Type Language, Edje Data Collection, Orc, CLIST, kai, HAGGIS, Aardvark, JS++, ARexx, Speedie, GNU Poke, Augeas, winxed, Plus, Simple Actor Language System and Architecture, TAL, Crap, Pawn, Boron, Amazon Redshift, Handel-C, PowerQuery M, Urbiscript, blockml, Ion, Pikchr, omega, Arden syntax, ProbeVue, AmbientTalk, JSL, Boogie, Spice, boa, SARL, FML, Fibonacci, Soy, bioscript, Manchester syntax, Smithy
Languages without MultiLine Comments include JSON, R, Bash, Elixir, Erlang, COBOL, Visual Basic, Ada, Fortran, Crystal, Tex, VHDL, Tcl, LaTeX, Eiffel, Janet, Nginx, Emacs Lisp, SAKO, GraphQL Schema Definition Language
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